This is what people wanted.
Nah that was 100% personal loot.
This is what people wanted.
Nah that was 100% personal loot.
I’m not even sure what a Dance Studio would have been, or how it would have Made the Game Greater. Maybe someone can tell me.
Me, I still look back at the Wrath box and its ‘aerial combat’. A great idea whose time never came.
I disagree with a number of the OP’s statements, particularly as they refer to the deeply horrible state of the forum and its users. People make posts, other people add comments. Sometimes the posts descend into flung insult. And you know what - it happens. It happens here, it happens out there in the world. We see adults attacking other adults at kids’ football matches, behaving like children (except their kids behave better) because - they are humans, and humans behave like idiots everywhere.
To expect the forums to be any different, well, I don’t. And when it happens I take the options provided and Mute the posts and move on to more fun things. And you, OP, you have the right to move on from the game if it no longer pleases you. I hope you find more fun out there, wherever your journey leads you.
crests, IMO, is the BEST “system” they’ve put into the game. super easy to get from doing any kind of content, lol. the cap is SUPER high unlike valor.
eh, its just raid. m+ hasn’t changed.
in raid it isn’t bad if you’re in a guild. pugs/lfr? awful.
whats wrong with the trading post…? you get free rewards for playing the game lol.
rng is rng.
don’t use/read the forums, then?
aside from the vault, if you can even call it that, WoW doesn’t really have “loot boxes”?
i ain’t readin all that
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that happened
Other than the bag space, I find it an excellent system that makes it fairly simple to get a good ilvl
Yeah that’s why I never see fewer than two in my guild raids.
The phrase evolve or perish is lost on people like you and the OP who want a 2004 game in 2023. Go play classic.
Or, here’s a crazy idea, just don’t support practices you don’t agree with. Why do you want the government to treat you like a child? We absolutely do not need more government.
I got 99 problems and too little government ain’t one.
Yet, every time there’s “I am leaving” post some player needs to open the post then reply with this announcement.
Must have been important enough for you to reply.
unfortunately not enough investors take that point of view . I had a disussion with teh financial gurus at my company because of decisions being made that I didnt agree with ( shortcuts taken etc to get profit now over long term health of teh asset ) . They told me that over 80% of investors dont care about long term.
I was shocked by that because to me making teh maximum amount of money over teh lifecycle of something was far better than making short term gains . Apparently not to most investors , its all about teh now
The phrase evolve or perish is lost on people like you and the OP who want a 2004 game in 2023. Go play classic.
exactly , game is far better now than when launched. vanilla and BC were rubish , game started to get beter in LK onward
see you in 10.2, op.
im still playing the game, but i agree with almost everything you have said. the RNG is legitimately absurd and i no longer hard farm items because its just not worth the time. sad to say, but in SL i ran Theatre of Pain 48 times for a shield. in season 1 dragonflight i ran court of stars probably close to 100 times by the end of the season and never looted the wetstone or any trinket from that dungeon for that matter. that was the last straw for me. i dont gamble in RL and im not interested in making it a hobby in WoW anymore. i just play the game and take what i get.
on a side note, id like to add that i am completely disgusted with the amount of changes blizzard is making mid season. you pick a class to play and then another class gets massive changes and now your class is poop in the eyes of the meta-chasers and now you can either stick with what you have or spend roughly 40 hours rerolling into mediocre gear on a class youre not fully experienced with. sorry, i just dont have the time for that anymore and no full time working person with half a life does
Read OP’s third point
Then read the first sentence I wrote
I don’t know why I click on quit posts expecting something new or different, but here we are. Again.
Unfocused angry rant about everything, starting with how Blizzard is awful now? Check.
Mentioned how he supported the company since ‘insert pre WoW title’? Check.
Gave away all his gold? Check.
There are 3 things you can count on in life. Death, taxes, and these quit posts.
Good luck amigo. Maybe we’ll see you again. Maybe not. But you sound angry. And the angrier they sound, the more likely they’ll be back for the next expansion.
There are 3 things you can count on in life. Death, taxes, and these quit posts.
Not true. Someday wow will be gone, but death and taxes will continue.
And the angrier they sound, the more likely they’ll be back for the next expansion.
Link to your source. From the people I talked to in classic, who were glad to tell me when and why they left retail, the angrier they were when they left, the more likely that they never came back.
Sorry I already gave it to guildies.
Can I have your mounts then?
the RNG is legitimately absurd
RNG is RNG and has always been RNG. If the OP had raided back in vanilla like they said, they’d know getting geared out took months and months because of RNG. You know how long it took to get my leaf and sinew?
Gearing is way better now, full stop. The vault might not be the perfect solution for everyone, but it’s far better than what we had and just makes the OP look like old man yells at clouds posting.
Well since you are leaving can I have your teeth? I have Dredger friends in Revendreth that are always asking.
Still doesn’t change my point. There’s always someone who needs to chime in to tell the whole post that “no one cares”, yet they took enough of their time to reply back.
If you really didn’t care you do same as the thousands have before, and just skip over it.
I actually don’t know how to spell this out more
His third point was passive aggressive people on the forums so I specifically mentioned that, and was passive aggressive