Why I quit World of Warcraft

I just wanted to share why I was leaving WoW. Blizzard is not the same company of old (we all know that), I just cannot stand behind their crappy game decisions anymore. Let me make one thing clear….The only thing Blizzard aka Activision cares about…is how to make as much money off a customer with as little effort as possible.

  1. Lies and Recycled Content. The constant lies. “We will have no new systems”. Then Introduces the worst loot system I have ever seen, crests and more crests and different tiers of items. And I thought Domination shards was the worst, way to top it. Group loot is also one of the worst things about this game right now. So now we have horrible ways to obtain loot in both Mythic + and Raiding. The recycled content, aka dungeons, adding the smallest crappiest zones, with hardly any effort put into them, with random rares thrown about. This is what we get??? You then proceed to introduce constant cash shop items, introduce a Trading post, introduce a Wow token in classic, lie about Overwatch 2 content, and more. Is this what we are to expect? I am no longer being a part of this half effort crap. You couldn’t even bother to balance your game for 4 years and then now constantly do it every other day, always ruining whatever you are nerfing to the ground. I watched Warlocks get nerfed everyday for 16 days … And do not even get me started on Paladins…

PS: I also think the new class was executed very badly, is ugly and kind of sucks. And that’s why NO ONE PLAYS THEM.

This game was an RPG. The RPG has been replaced with RNG.

  1. Your Great Vault looks like a Slot Machine from Las Vegas. It is 100% identical to one, minus the lever to pull down. It even randoms everything for you, just like a slot machine. You have to pay monthly money, then put in 8 to 10 hours on Mythic + and then another 4 to 6 hours on Raiding if you want to fill it out and have a chance at decent loot. But it’s all random. Blizzard does not care about the time you put in. That is almost 15 hours of work each week …just to have Blizzard random your chances. This was the last straw for myself.

As a paying customer, I think Blizzard you have blurred the lines of gaming and gambling. I will no longer pay you money, then put in over 15 hours of work each week, just so you can RNG me.

  1. The Forums. The amount of Passive Aggressive trolls and kids that you let attack every forum user, is utter crap. You run these forums like crap and I cannot stomach this place anymore. There isn’t even gamers on anymore…it’s just miserable people, with the one guy selling gold runs, that passively attack and chase away any potential customers or players you have Blizzard. You have created a cesspool on these forums. You have a billion rules…but nothing for all the passive aggressive trolls you have, that come in to start arguments and the constant people who flag threads is unreal. You have people that pay you monthly and then spend all their time in the forums, seeing how many people they can attack and not get along with. Please get a life and go be happy people. And Blizzard, do your job.

A little about myself;
I “have” been a longtime fan…i played Warcraft 1 on floppy disk.
In 2004 to 2010, was in a top 50 world raiding guild. When we had killed Cthun, we were ranked 7th in NA. I was the top healing Priest on Perenolde. Night Elf Priest. Our guild was called Fraternity and then Phase Two.
And as people got older and had kids or married or moved, our guild slowly died over the years.
I then quit for 8 years to focus on real life, bought a house, got married myself ect.
Then came back and played for a few years, played BFA and Shadowlands.
I just cannot stomach this version of wow.
I wish you all the best. Take care. I am letting this game go for good.

As a Veteran Gamer…I plead with the community to stop buying these cash shop items and supporting the worst part of gaming history. Save your money, buy something worth it.

As an Artist it makes me sick…that Blizzard pulls every inkling of creativity out of them for cash shop items, then hires and fires and repeats with the next Artist. They are not even artist anymore…just line workers, making the next item, skin or cash shop item to drain money from the consumer while giving no real content or art.

I honestly think most of Activision’s and Blizzard’s CEO’s should be charged as child predators. They have some of the most predatory methods in gaming history. They don’t make games…they make cash shops and make their games suck, so you have to go through their cash shop. They put out a base game …then 80% off all resources go into how to monetize their customers. And 20% goes into said base game. The amount of lazy design that is passed off as effort is astonishing.

I will copy and save this to the Reddit forums as well. The only place you can actually post, since Blizzard forums are ran pretty bad these days.

Maybe one day Congress or the Senate will pass a law making most of what Blizzard does illegal. 8 Countries now have laws against loot boxes, certain battle passes or “bought content to make the game better” and heavy handed gaming monetization. I think the USA needs to get on board.

I did not have much gold, but gave my 1.5 million to my guildies, I hope they have fun. Take care to all the good people out there. I wish you the best.


Sorry I already gave it to guildies.

“I did not have much gold, but gave my 1.5 million to my guildies, I hope they have fun. Take care to all the good people out there. I wish you the best.”


Drat, oh well, I tried!


I mean thats like every company out there lol


She’s not on your realm, so there’s no way you could have given her gold. It’s just a middle school insult that they think makes them sound clever the 1500th time they have used it. She knew you had said you had given away your gold, but spewed it anyway.


i still cling bitterly to the Dance Studio lie.


exactly , its called being a successful business . Why do WoW players think they are special and deserve special treatment froma business . Dont like capitalism then go live in Russia or china and see how you go.

This is not teh 80s where a lot of game makers were in a garage with mates knocking out games . Games are now a major industry , owned by huge companies . These companies have a moral and in some countries a legal obligation to make as much money for their shareholders as possibly.

Blizzard produces a commodity , its up teh buyer to decide if they want to pay for it , choice is ours .


Blizzard reminds me of that car guy determined to fix the Camaro. The Camaro that’s been in the garage for 30 years in the constant state of “we will get to it” and “as soon as we do, it will be epic”.

The phrase “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is lost upon them.

This is the first expac I did not buy. I waited until it was on sale and had my hubby buy it for me as a b-day gift. Currently I miss the old style of flying very badly and I’m yelling at the map cause it tells me about a lovely quest I can do and when I get there it doesn’t exist. I now consider Transmog my end game.


Its funny that wow players think that blizzard is their friend, but its not


in short. You hate people in general. got it.


Not just WoW, but many games that operate on a live-service-model are seemingly stagnating. It’s all gotten so formulaic and the players have taken notice.

People want something new, not a rehash.

Maybe Live Service needs to die, so that it may rise again like a phoenix or something.

Wouldn’t be the first renaissance gaming has had after it ‘died’.

Several landfills out there are still full of Atari’s ET cartridges from the last time there was an awful gaming crash, and games were made no one wanted to buy, so they had to bury 'em.

I am very sure that sort of thing will happen again, lol.


You’re not wrong, regardless of what others will say…


Let’s be honest. If you trap people in a mad max thunderdome and force them to fight for food just to stay alive. At a certain point it’s not a humanity issue it’s a dumb system issue.

Let us not fool ourselves, Blizzard has a dumb system issue and is already working with people pre-damaged. If Blizzard paid attention to it’s systems, it could un-do a lot of the damage. Not all…But a lot.


personally I stay away from people because I lost faith in humanity, So your not wrong at all. People are the ones who make the dumb systems in place. Business 101- how to take advantage of someone and make them like it. Its human nature to take things for granted as its partially a survival mechanism people have to achieve resources, even if they dont need that resource. I cant reallly blame people, I dont like people, So I stay away from people. :confused: sorry I kinda ranted there.


The thing is, players want multi-million dollar games without paying millions of dollars for them…and that’s just not how things work.

Sure, you have some indy games that do ok. But until the prices of games go up a lot we should expect cut corners and monetization.

For example, estimates say GTA6 has more than a billion-dollar budget. We can expect rockstar to implement systems to get all of that back with profit.


Humans are pretty simple, if theres something in for them they will do it, if not they wont


NP man, Been there.

The main problem is humanity has stopped thinking in the long term and has set every system for short term max profit. It sadly works, But it is slowly going to kill us in a diabetic like fashion. You can see it now…people have gained a advertising insulin immunity.


Lol yeah, idk how this gaming thing is gonna sustain itself, imo it hasn’t been. Which is why we’ve seen greedier and greedier practices. The games are a gamble to make, and they just aren’t paying off.

I’ve noticed I’m paying more attention to my indie titles because they put players before profit- maybe it’s because they are more free as devlopers. I’m not sure how long it’ll last, but goodwill matters to me, and I feel good supporting a product that has me in mind.

WoW hasn’t thought of me as a consumer, at all- aside from trying out DF, I really should not be here. PvP is a beaten dead horse.

Vote with your wallet, etc.

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You could argue that it isn’t new, just a significant re-work and upgrade to the valor system that was added last expansion.


Just shut up and hand over your gold. Thanks.