I actually enjoy anime but to an extent before it just goes overboard with tropes.
Honestly the combat grew onto me, after you understand the dance and not just spam one ability it feels pretty solid
I actually enjoy anime but to an extent before it just goes overboard with tropes.
Honestly the combat grew onto me, after you understand the dance and not just spam one ability it feels pretty solid
FF14’s story doesn’t go over the edge like DBZ or something like that though. It’s pretty grounded… for a fantasy rpg. The story and world building have some of the jrpg tropes, but it’s definitely a thorough thought out story.
As opposed to WoW’s orcs vs humans trope, let’s rip off lovecraft names and just change 1 or 2 letters and maybe no will notice, to cosmic forces straight ripping off mythology. Oh and WoW has tons more tentacles than FF14. Ok that last one is a bit of a joke. True, but a joke.
Maybe it’s just a me thing, but the dance is kind of what ruins it for me. It makes combat feel like a rhythm game that I’m playing with my left mouse button (which is probably up there on the list of Things I’d Much Rather Not Play a Rhythm Game With) - I can see why it might hook someone, but for me, it just causes an unbearable amount of fatigue after a couple hours of doing it.
That said, the parts of the game where weaving is less of a necessity (questing, etc.) I really enjoyed.
Sounds gross to me. I played those expacs for years. The last thing I’d want to do is grind them out as if they were still current.
Eso is a good game but, as I have said before, it’s got some major flaws that keep it from being my go-to mmo.
One is combat. As others have said its combat is terrible. The light/heavy attack weaving is (imo) a bad mechanic in and of itself, but it’s the animation canceling that really highlights the problem. In order to preform the “optimal” rotation you have to perfectly execute your light attacks in between your skill abilities while clipping the animations so that the hit registers but the animation doesn’t flish as this delay causes a dps loss. Those who can do it well pull significantly higher numbers on fights and in a game with a soft trinity system higher dps is always better.
That’s one of the problems.
Another problem is build diversity. Even if you play a bunch of different classes most optimal builds use a very specific set of active weapon abilities that are the exact same across all classes. So yeah while any class can wear any armor use any weapon, your build will still be generally the same core weapon abilities as everyone else with a few small unique class flavored ones thrown in.
Another of my personal peeves is the lack of a central auction house. In order for players to see their goods they have to be in a guild. That guild then has to bid weekly on a location in the game world to rent that vendor for the week. These locations are spread out all over the game world and can make hunting down the best offer for what you want problematic. It also means the best “local” merchant locations can go for millions and millions of gold and if you’re not in the very best trade guild well you’re just out of luck.
It’s a bad system to me. There are some good aspects but imo the cons far out weigh the pros.
These are just my issue with ESO. It’s still a fun game and worth playing, I just can’t devote my full time to it the way I can with wow.
I agree. I also like the music more overall…most of the time I feel like it does a very good job of making the game feel more expansive.
Warcraft’s bombast gets old quickly.
Note: Wow still has good stand out music. I meant from an ambience standpoint.
Strangely this is where I am too now. I am really liking ESO. I love the atmosphere, I love the UI (lots don’t but I love that there is no clutter with 65 buttons) and I often go from 3rd person to 1st person when not in combat at the scroll of a mouse wheel. Maye its the EQ in me but I LOVE first person. It is so immersive to me. Yes its bad for combat, but luckily in ESO you can zoom out pretty much instantly.
I am just loving the immersive experience so far. For me it is the only mmo currently where I feel apart of the world. The rest I can barely see the world thanks to 75 buttons and flashies everywhere.
Having said that, I would not say I have left WoW for ESO. I will definitely not be playing Shadowlands (sub runs out early March I think), but Blizzard can always release a non Legion designed expac and I may be back.
I also have no desire to do ESO hardcore or even end game ESO. I will play the game until I run out of adventure and quests, and then I will move onto the next game.
I see myself mmo hopping a lot in the next 5 years. I have grown to accept I enjoy the levelling experience and adventuring in an mmo, but I hate end game in mmo where the grind starts.
I am just not paying companies to be on hamster wheels anymore. They can release more content if they want me to stay playing, period.
ESO is boring after a few weeks of leveling and has no good endgame unless you only like to pvp.
The worst part for me is the character voices. They decided to mix and match different voice actors into each individual voice, which gives them a very schizophrenic quality. That’s something that irritates me to no end, and it only got worse with time not better.
i liked eso when i played it a few years ago, but alot of the variety is an illusion IMO, still, it was fun for a time - enjoy it
You know, this is one of the biggest complaints people have about WoW - scaling. For every person who feels like this, there are bunches of others saying “I don’t feel like I’m getting more powerful” or “I can’t solo old instances for gear”.
It’s totally a no-win situation, but I’ll also add that you seem to be in the minority on this one.
It is but you will have to put in a little work for it to be as good as your main which is fair?
Shame I hate ESOs combat but aside from the horrible mess that is the game is really cool
I would say it has surpassed WoW on many fronts
my I ask why do you even play MMO’s then? I mean if you are hopping so much you probably going into alone, would it be better to just player SP games? why MMO? I’m just curious
Thing is; someone already pointed out you can push back to make this content trivial but even then questing in these areas gives you CP at the end of the day where questing in MOP or Cata zones after max level gets you nothing.
ESO has the jankiest animation I’ve ever seen. It’s even worse than vanilla WoW level. When your characters do high APM you move like you’re having a seizure.
Funny thing is I just came from ESO to play Shadowlands. ESO is a grindfest to me and I have to step away from it after a while.
I’ve been saying for the last couple years that one of the main issues with WoW is just to many buttons. Unpruning is a mistake. Either prune further or like you said limit key binds.
I wish ESO had a trial version. I really want to try it but I dont want to pay $25 just to find out I dont like it. I havent really liked any other MMO I’ve tried besides WoW so I’m not sure what to expect
That’s not what I meant. Once you get that set you are done, yes you can get another set for something else but once you have your werewolf necromancer set its stone. When a new patch comes out what is the driving point for reward?
Again on how you described the gear it’s like GW2, I made a warbow crit/DoT armor set, now whenever a new raid or expac comes out I just wear that same armor set, I don’t upgrade, I don’t get new gear, and everything feels way easier because I’m wearing legendaries and max exotics.
Again I understand you can make different builds but once you have everything, what becomes your reward drive?
I enjoy ESO and have been bopping between it and WoW. However, just be aware that if you want to do endgame content, there are very specific sets, skills, and rotations that people are going to expect you to use. There is a meta there and it narrows down what feels like a lot of choice quite a bit. If you’re gonna play casually though- Hell yeah go ham make some weird stuff!