I’ll obviously return in patch 9.1 but I’d like to list some things about shadowlands I didn’t like but things i am enjoying in ESO.
Why tell us?
Whenever you unsubscribe blizzard ask anyways, so I wanted to see if other had the same resentment
What is the bad about shadowlands Torghast, end thread
I think the biggest factor is that I feel like I’ve done everything, literally no reason to play other than to push my ilevel at this point I’ve seen “all” the content shadowlands has to offer.
How this differs from elder scrolls online?
It’s kind of impossible for me to do all the content since all of the game is relevant… all set bonuses ever made still work to this day and this lets players build in such variety ways.
A Sorcerer in eso could be running a completely different set from another Sorcerer changing their playstyle where all mages in shadowlands are pushing to the same BIS.
Old content never fades
Even old questing zones, I can go playthrough ORsinum zone in eso get relevant gear and my CP will climb where in WoW if I go play mist of pandaria i get absolutely nothing.
TL;DR: Eso system of keeping all content “relevant” makes me feel like I didn’t finish… where in wow I’ve beaten Sire therefore beating this patches content. My bis items are on me, the only thing to push is higher ilevel version of my already existing set
If set bonus exist maybe I’d still play to get my set
BIG CON: I also understand everyone hates eso mounts are all in the shop but me personally I never fed into the mount hype and don’t care about them in either game.
The quests are top notch - everything is voice acted at a high level…the Dark Brotherhood quests = man the first time I did those it blew me away.
I also like aspects of ESOs tmog system = like being able to change colors of indivual pieces and that you tmog the equipment slot - not the actual armor piece (so equipping a new shoulder upgrade for example doesn’t change the look of your outfit).
I like WoW too and have played it since Jan 2005…but ESO is a nice game to play on WoW “breaks”.
That said - I really hate coming back to WoW and not having the double tap direction arrow dodge / roll ability…I miss that one every time.
ESO gear sounds like GW2 loot, in which it’s very static as once you get the best gear you never can look forward to the future. No xpac to give you something to work towards, you over gear content as it just comes out. Sure you try a new build but you just feel weaker so you just end up switching back to what works.
It can be like that if you don’t change your playstyle. But if you want to switch from melee to range, you will probably need to have some extra gear in your bags.
Also, eso’s classes can play any trinity role. But each has strengths that lend itself to certain roles.
So I really am starting to enjoy torghast. It’s a chill activity that has an element of randomness.
I really dislike the idea of all content being relevant. It’s a mess right now in bfa when we should be able to go back and solo a bunch of it. Heck even legion there are areas too strong.
I think people complained a long time ago of items being relevant in a longer span. I do think they should of done something with older instanced content and have that hold SOME relevancy.
Overall two very different games, and this expansion has it’s flaws… I’m seeing much more actually just move on when compared even to BFA or could just be wrong.
Anyways fair points OP, go enjoy yourself in ESO, looks like a nice game. Here’s hoping 9.1 brings some interesting and nice changes/additions.