FFXIV is all about the story.
I do believe it is time to go back to ESO… I literally force myself to log on to WoW nowadays… Sad really, I’ve loved this game for so long… SLs had great potential… But, it has became a slog of unrewarding, boring gameplay… Earlier today I actually found myself missing BFA, LMAO, that’s when I knew it was time to roll out…
FF14 isn’t for everyone. It’s fun for me. I stay well away from the weird crowd though. I stick to just playing for the story, which is extremely good. Their endgame is shallow and the players in regards to endgame are more arrogant than WoW’s.
What’s killing it for me is the lack of “meaningful” progress. Spinning my wheels with no gear drops which is holding back progression through m+ and raiding. Their “meaning loot” is killing my “meaningful gameplay experience”.
The Library is closed due to the pandemic.
I haven’t played either of those. UO was limited to 800 skill points. Everquest, 12 spells active? DAoC 12 or 8? ESO limited to 12 (not including mouse skills such as sprint, dodge etc)
Haven’t played GW2. None of the above except ESO had synergies that other players could react to.
why do torghast if you don’t like it? outside of the legendary for your main spec?
And even that doesn’t take that long to get.
FF14 and SWTOR have multiple hotbars like WoW that you can add keybinds too. It’s not uncommon to have 3 hotbars full of stuff in FF14 and you can keybind them to whatever you want like WoW.
So do they keep adding more skills or do they revamp the old skills?
I have my 2 legendaries I need. Now I’m just saving up the ash for when they release the new teirs to them. Watch them do an Ash clear before the next tier. That’ll probably make some people mad.
All the zones are as relevant as you want them to be in both games. Doing other zones at max level in ESO is the same as doing them in WoW. You are there for atmosphere, story, gold, or mogs, because you aren’t getting any item progression in either game.
A weeb story
It’s a huge grind for alts.
I’m not entertained by simply killing trash for hours even if blizzard is giving bells and whistles.
They add new sets and new skill lines in eso
May be a “weeb” story, but it still a better story than WoW’s retconned 20 times crap that’s nothing more that a rehash and mashup of the same tropes for Tolkien and Lovecraft. WoW is fun, but it’s story is just trash.
I play ESO, I am playing right now. I think my question got confused because other people answered for me. Well meaning, but garbled. So I’ll try again.
Do FF14 and SWTOR, games that Entilza mentioned have no limit on active abilties, revamp old skills to limit the excess number of them. Or do they just keep adding more?
My opinion: WoW is using borrowed power as a means of limiting ability bloat, which is a consequence of unlimited keybinds. I am unsure if this is something mirrored in MMOs I have not played. Again, specifically these are FF, SWTOR, GW.
Hope that is more clear what is my opinion and experience vrs not.
Yup, it isn’t good. Not good at all.
Honestly ESO’s strategy of keeping content relevant is hands down best in the business.
Their combat just utterly sucks, at 300CP you become a literal god in overworld; aside from a few world bosses you can effectively solo everything.
At 600CP veteran dungeons are basically walks in the park, and solo’ing normal ones is pretty trivial.
At 800CP the only thing that is even remotely a challenge are vet trials.
It needs some love in terms of tuning and if they improved on combat animations and particle effects they would have something quite nice.
Oh and add a spear skill-line, needs to happen.
Wow story is enjoyable.
Don’t see how people can trash wow but praise weeabo anime story
Plus in the end out of the 3 mmorpg, elder scrolls online does story better than wow or ffxiv
Never played ESO, so can’t comment on the story. As for WoW’s, it’s just bad and has been full of tropes and retcons since day 1. A good story doesn’t need retcons. It has epic cinematic moments, but moments don’t make a story.
You also say weeb anime like it’s some kind of insult. You may not like it, it’s definitely not for everyone, but neither is anything else. I don’t really like country music or modern rap, but I don’t go around trashing it. Do you even know what the story is in FF14? Or the many side stories like the class stories? Or do you see FF and automatically assume just because it’s an FF or Japanese, that it’s anime weeb trash?
I’ve been dabbling in ESO as well, If they don’t announce TBC I think that’s where I’ll be spending most of my game time - on ESO.
Sadly, this is what keeps me from playing the game as well.
It’s a cool idea, making it control like the mainline Elder Scrolls titles with extra spells and abilities, buuuut the mainline Elder Scrolls games aren’t exactly famous for their combat, to put it bluntly. And considering how important DPS can be in an MMO, it leads to really broken-feeling stuff like animation-canceling being necessary to do even decent damage.
It’s a damn shame, 'cause the world, the quests, the writing, and even a lot of the dungeons are all brilliant, but they’re all totally brought down by the thing you’re consistently doing within them - fighting.
The rest of the game could be quite literally the best thing ever made, and I still wouldn’t play it if it had the combat it does.