Why I left Shadowlands for Elder Scrolls Online

Not just gear? The PVE players I see in ESO doing new raids get first shot and new set gear, new motif drops which go for high prices. Sometimes there are new furnishings, mounts and skins from the new raids. So, cosmetics, gear, titles, gold I guess are your answers.

In many cases the new content brings stronger sets. Or new skill lines or balance changes in general can shift a previously okay set to the new best set, etc. The gear progression is horizontal in level, but in strength. It’s not like GW2 where the best gear from 6 years ago is still the best gear now.

Yes, it is possible to “cap” on your gear in ESO for the remainder of a patch, but that can happen in any MMO. ESO at least has other things you can work on too.

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I still do dungeons while leveling so I really enjoy that. I still enjoy playing with other people, and I enjoy expansions as I feel like it is building my character. I also don’t mind rolling alts and redoing the levelling content.

What has started to burn me out is that once you see all the content instead of companies working harder to make more content (and I know they can), they find ways to slow people down but keep them subbed. This is usually boring monotonous chores.

Funnily enough ESO does a pretty good job here as they have made all their content relevant. I am going to do all the zones which will probably take me close to a year to do. So it is kind of ironic that you ask me that question in a thread about a game that is 90% casual and caters exactly to what you are asking about.

Wow for example blasts you through content to get to the end game. They have so many wasted zones now and none of it feels rewarding at all. They have also made the entire game about the endgame. MMOS never did this before WoW. So again you ask the question when almost all mmos before WoW were about the levelling mostly.

TESO is a terrible option. Is ok to trash Blizzard but have some self-respect.

Dude, same. I’m thinking about reinstalling and buying the new xpac and going hard again. I never really got super into trials. Perhaps they’re worth trying again. Anything is better than the wow raids.

While pvp in wow is definitely pretty fun right now, eso pvp bgs are absolutely incredible. their pvp when it’s working right is better than anything.

The only thing it’s missing, and it’s a huge deal for me, is mythic+

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Just curious, did you post on ESO’s forum “I left WoW and now I’m here”?

Honestly considering the same but for different reasons being:

  1. The lag on Oceanic servers makes the game almost unplayable at times

  2. Still no necromancer class for some reason

  3. dungeons being the content I used to run for fun are now getting a lot more complex which just leads to it being more stressful for me with stress being the reason why I quit raiding in other games

  4. Torghast is just boring 1 hour for some soul dust is just terrible just feels like a chore

  5. I hate navigating these zones I need flying because I keep on getting lost or just running into dead ends

ESO is hot garbage.

What’s all this fuss, Rhoda?

The scaling content system in ESO really interests me.
Having the entire world be relevant pretty much means that any content that is introduced will retain true content investment.

If there’s every one thing they get inspired by ESO on, it’s that.

It’s not even hyperbole to say that 90% of WoW’s content is utterly irrelevant now. There is no charm or feel of exploration and fun one-shotting every mob in sight, running through old raids solo and killing bosses in a single GCD. It’s boring and mind numbing.
I legitimately hoped that Timewalking would be an optional fix for these issues, providing gear/mount/pet recolours for those who turned it on, giving thousands of hours of group and solo content for people to do but…

What good is going and doing Firelands scaled to my group’s level when none of us get anything out of it? Most of us had already done it back in the day, and have no need to outside nostalgia - making it harder for actual new players to go and do it when it rolls around. (And thus, leaving them to solo the raid and not actually pick up any immersion from doing it.)

Quests also feel weird.
Working on getting some of the quest sets right now for mail on my hunter, and it’s… just running around one shotting every mob.
At least let me turn Chromie Time on to do the quest and unlock a secondary recolour, or at least turn it on so stuff’s less boring - and potentially buggy in the few cases one shotting a mob is a bad thing.

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I go on WoW binges once in awhile but ESO is my favorite MMO. The battlegrounds are pretty bad in ESO though, even more unbalanced than WoW. I play ESO mostly for the immersive questing and world. I play WoW for the PvP.

Keep an eye out, they have several free trials through out the year

I’ve been fixin’ to play some eso lately. Maybe I will. I’m with you. Shadowblands amirite?

We’re sitting here playing a game limited almost entirely to the most standard of tropes and where giant demon men stab planets with zone-sized swords, and the game that actually gives more than a modicum of thought to geopolitical storylines is… “too weeb”?

…Is it because it has cat people instead of goat/wolf/fox people?

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It goes on sale on steam for like $5… but also if you do buy anything on steam you can refund anything if you return it before 2 hours played.

I actually did, go check eso GD

Animation canceling is what keeps me from going back as well. In fact every time I think to myself “maybe ill try ESO again” i remember animation canceling and become more hesitant.

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Its fun to play in what feels like a living breathing world around you. Even if you play solo which is what I do. ( i know you didn’t ask me but thought I’d chime in).

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any input is welcome, I wasnt trying to be nasty or anything I just didn’t understand why.

you mean like how zones will change and the story will progress over time and whatnot? like wow has been a non stop flow events since vanila and I guess in that regard it does feel alive in comparison to a SP game where after one play through you more or less have seen everything

Yeah things like that. Story changes, world changes and even just seeing other players roaming around doing their thing. Sometimes ill just wave or say hi. You can’t get that from a sp game although I still do like many sp games.

In ESO I stopped playing the moment I found out every class requires you to switch to an all stamina build to perform well. That killed the game for me and I uninstalled even though I was enjoying it. Every player in that game is forced to build the exact same. No thank you. Unless It’s changed? If so someone please tell me