When I was watching the ESO dev talk about their CP revamp, he mentioned one of their goals was to make the system modular. So if they want to add things to it in the future, they can, and it won’t break the system or computers with too many calculations. A common issue older mmos seem to be having.
It also struck me that is the main difference between some MMOs like WoW and ESO. ESO is modular. You always know that a new set will come with a style material. You know a new expansion will have 2-3 dailies that drop new motifs. You know there could be a new skill tree. WoW is not built with any systems to expand upon. The way crafting works in Legion is not like BC or BFA. Raid sizes, Tier Gear, Hit Rating. Currencies. Nothing is constant. Nothing is modular. Though this causes the opposite effect in the classes. A mage is a ranged dps class in WoW. A sorc could be a healer, melee, tank or ranged in ESO. WoW only changed a class archetype once? Survival hunter and that’s not gone so well.
Now I’m curious if MMOs could fall into a Modular or not category.
I won’t completely unsub, but I definitely hit a wall. So, I reupped my ff14 and swtor subs to play in the mean time. They’re both story heavy and I like that. I can play them casually. I play WoW for the content, not the story. So it balances out. Helps keep me entertained and sane during this times.
Outside of bring dialog story there is not much more you can do. I found that game so boring, i started to fall a sleep in front of pc fighting a mob. Lol
They have story, dungeon, raid and pvp. Same as wow, bit i find more stiff to do in wow then eso. Just my imo.
I can have a werewolf necromancer. I could get a set specifically for being a werewolf, then I can get a different set that’s entirely focused on single target ranged dps then another that’s for pure solo surviving.
In WoW I use XYZ talent for raid then ABC talent for mythic+.
This is actually WHY I want virtually all content to be relevant in WoW. The last four or five expansions have had ‘world ending’ events tied to them. Any previous endgame material should always have relevance, because the consequence to failing = all of Azeroth dies.
Maybe the heroic and raid aspects could be lessened, and endgame (I hate this term) areas could be designed around transmog farming in safer locales, but some areas and fights should always be a challenge that gives useful items.
Instead of getting the Diablo team flavoring WoW with their brand they should try to get some game designers from ESO because their philosophy is more in line with this MMORPG. They’d have a good chance at creating a system where much of the existing content can be relevant again and gear is meaningful and power progression is meaningful and not borrowed.
You can min max to solo old content in elder scrolls online as well but it isn’t like a level 60 killing boars in durotar. It takes skill to solo old group content
Never understood this. You aim at things, you use abilities. Light attack between every spell cast. Heavy to restore resources …?
I think WoW is stuck because of the choice to not limit keybinds. Every other MMO I’ve ever played limited you to a certain number of active spells. These were the “meaningful choices” WoW very deliberately removed this restriction as a choice back in Alpha. Back in Vanilla and BC, we had spell ranks, similar to EQ. Then they decided they didn’t like people downranking and got rid of it. But they can’t keep throwing in an unlimited amount of spells. Some people WOULD be able to use them. So they create limits. Cooldowns. GCDs. Pruning. Borrowed Power. Everything but limiting the number of active abilties, which IS what they are doing, effectively.
I’m not sure I know what you mean by limiting keybinds in other games. I play ff14 and SWTOR also, and don’t see this. Heck, FF14 has almost too many spells for a keyboard and mouse and it gets played on console also.