Why I Hate The Forsaken

Thanks for opening up, OP. It's started a cool discussion.
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10/26/2018 10:00 PMPosted by Darethy
Who knows? Maybe Sylvanas out of the picture will be a good thing. It seems most of the arguments against come down to what Sylvanas did, or what Sylvanas was thinking. I'm hoping they put Nathanos and his developing moral conscious in charge.


Or maybe they'll completely miss the point and do something stupid like have it be Calia.
I don't agree with Calia being the leader of the Forsaken either. If the stunt she pulled in BtS is any indication, it's that she's incredibly poor at making critical decisions and is idiotic to boot.

No, I want the next Forsaken leader to be just that. Another Forsaken. One that actually cares about the well being of his/her people, that cares about the future, that cares about setting things right, that cares about their identity and finding a place in a world that harshly rejects them and then doing everything in their power to challenge it. That is what I want.
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10/26/2018 10:06 PMPosted by Calixto
10/26/2018 10:00 PMPosted by Darethy
Who knows? Maybe Sylvanas out of the picture will be a good thing. It seems most of the arguments against come down to what Sylvanas did, or what Sylvanas was thinking. I'm hoping they put Nathanos and his developing moral conscious in charge.


Or maybe they'll completely miss the point and do something stupid like have it be Calia.
I don't agree with Calia being the leader of the Forsaken either. If the stunt she pulled in BtS is any indication, it's that she's incredibly poor at making critical decisions and is idiotic to boot.

No, I want the next Forsaken leader to be just that. Another Forsaken. One that actually cares about the well being of his/her people, that cares about the future, that cares about setting things right, that cares about their identity and finding a place in a world that harshly rejects them and then doing everything in their power to challenge it. That is what I want.

I do think that it will probably be blightcaller, though I am a bit less sure of it given his...emporer palpatine routine with Talanji at the funneral.
10/26/2018 10:06 PMPosted by Calixto
10/26/2018 10:00 PMPosted by Darethy
Who knows? Maybe Sylvanas out of the picture will be a good thing. It seems most of the arguments against come down to what Sylvanas did, or what Sylvanas was thinking. I'm hoping they put Nathanos and his developing moral conscious in charge.


Or maybe they'll completely miss the point and do something stupid like have it be Calia.
I don't agree with Calia being the leader of the Forsaken either. If the stunt she pulled in BtS is any indication, it's that she's incredibly poor at making critical decisions and is idiotic to boot.

No, I want the next Forsaken leader to be just that. Another Forsaken. One that actually cares about the well being of his/her people, that cares about the future, that cares about setting things right, that cares about their identity and finding a place in a world that harshly rejects them and then doing everything in their power to challenge it. That is what I want.

Which is why Nathanos is the perfect choice for me. He's only being held back by Sylvanas but he clearly cares about his people, he disagrees with their recent moral choices, he's a brilliant tactician and aggressive enough that I don't worry about him turning into a reactionary like Voss or Calia.

He's also a Lordanian Human , fancy that.
You know, I used to be against Lillian Voss as new Forsaken leader-which we've seen suggestions for since at least MoP, seemingly because she was one of the very few prominent Undead characters-but I've actually warmed up to the idea in BfA.

She's pragmatic and ruthless, but not a twisted monster, and actually does a decent job explaining the prejudice the Forsaken face. A good middle ground between Sylvanas and Calia.
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10/26/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Saiphas

I do think that it will probably be blightcaller, though I am a bit less sure of it given his...emporer palpatine routine with Talanji at the funneral.

Watch us all be wrong and this plotline is setting up Sylvanas returning as the Forsaken leader, with largely no discernible change, and saved by N'zoth or something wrecking both armies too heavily to fight.

That'd be the darkest timeline.
10/26/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Saiphas

I do think that it will probably be blightcaller, though I am a bit less sure of it given his...emporer palpatine routine with Talanji at the funneral.
I'm not even sure what to make of him, although the thought of him possibly becoming the next leader visibly sickens me. He's really not that much different than his girlfriend. The only difference being that while she is more subtle in her contempt for everything, he is annoyingly obnoxious with it.

I hate him too. The way he talks to the other Forsaken upsets me. Talking to them and viewing them as lesser than him. What a prick. His only concern is pleasing his mistress and sitting around wondering if she really cares about him or if he, ultimately just like everyone and everything else is yet another arrow in her quiver. He's had a few moments where he seemingly cares but it's immediately snuffed out by his fanatical loyalty to that undead elven wench.

Nathanos leading the Forsaken...hmph. The thought alone is laughable.
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10/26/2018 10:09 PMPosted by Saiphas

I do think that it will probably be blightcaller, though I am a bit less sure of it given his...emporer palpatine routine with Talanji at the funneral.
I'm not even sure what to make of him, although the thought of him possibly becoming the next leader visibly sickens me. He's really not that much different than his girlfriend. The only difference being that while she is more subtle in her contempt for everything, he is annoyingly obnoxious with it.

I hate him too. The way he talks to the other Forsaken upsets me. Talking them and viewing them as lesser than him. What a prick. His only concern is pleasing his mistress and sitting around wondering if she really cares about him or if he, ultimately just like everyone and everything else is yet another arrow in her quiver. He's had a few moments where he seemingly cares but it's immediately snuffed out by his fanatical loyalty to that undead elven wench.

Nathanos leading the Forsaken...hmph. The thought alone is laughable.

Forsaken players have a bit of a different take on him, in their questing they earn his respect. They also actually like the snark he gives. but its a YMMV situation
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Nah, Nathanos has always been that way. He treats others with sardonic contempt until they earn his respect, and that just makes those flashes of respect more meaningful. Further he clearly cares about his people, but is being held back by his love for Windrunner. As time goes on however, doubting her more and more, eventually that cognitive dissonance kicks in.

It's not even a contest for me. Voss is sympathetic, but not leadership material. Calia would vomit at the sight of a blight cannister, so who would be left? Farnell?

As cool as I think the RAS is, probably not.
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Ugh now that I say all that I can't get the image of Nathanos with a ugandan knuckles face screaming "mY QUeeN!!"
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10/26/2018 10:17 PMPosted by Saiphas

Forsaken players have a bit of a different take on him, in their questing they earn his respect. They also actually like the snark he gives. but its a YMMV situation
*disgruntled old woman noises*
MAYBE I'll warm up to him eventually, but right now he just comes off that way to me.
If at some point he finally grows the nads to tell Sylvannas off, then I will come to respect him more.
As it stands he's just an enormous tool to me.
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10/26/2018 07:00 PMPosted by Ariël
If saying this makes me a "horrible human being", so be it. But I think someone had to said it.

Apparently the Story Forums are some wankers diary now. Dont feel bad. I didnt get the memo.

People make nonsense threads and get all offended that someone disagrees.

No harm in telling the truth.

Some RP nut hates the Forsaken and cries about it in a public forum... I am glad you said your piece...I hope I get to ride a Construct made of Night Elf Children and slap Maiev with it when the Horde wins the Warfront.

Thats what these forums are for. To say our views.
10/26/2018 09:49 PMPosted by Kharinak
Sidenote-after all these deep life-stories and how it effected your choice of in-game race, I feel a bit boring for "OH COOL THESE GUYS RIDE DINOSAURS!"

At least your reason is pretty radical! I'm a big dweeb who plays Pandaren because I really love teddy bears. Stuffed, ceramic, as paintings, and now as my online avatar! Feels great annihilating evil as a big huggable drunken happy bear :)
10/26/2018 10:24 PMPosted by Hanashi
10/26/2018 09:49 PMPosted by Kharinak
Sidenote-after all these deep life-stories and how it effected your choice of in-game race, I feel a bit boring for "OH COOL THESE GUYS RIDE DINOSAURS!"

At least your reason is pretty radical! I'm a big dweeb who plays Pandaren because I really love teddy bears. Stuffed, ceramic, as paintings, and now as my online avatar! Feels great annihilating evil as a big huggable drunken happy bear :)

Hanashi, I don't know you too well, but thanks for always being a light of positivity here. :D
10/26/2018 10:21 PMPosted by Calixto
10/26/2018 10:17 PMPosted by Saiphas

Forsaken players have a bit of a different take on him, in their questing they earn his respect. They also actually like the snark he gives. but its a YMMV situation
*disgruntled old woman noises*
MAYBE I'll warm up to him eventually, but right now he just comes off that way to me.
If at some point he finally grows the nads to tell Sylvannas off, then I will come to respect him more.
As it stands he's just an enormous tool to me.

I mean the primary problem with your assertion about him not being much different from Windrunner is that in a lot of ways, Windrunner has the perfect mentality to lead the Forsaken. It's just hampered by three things.

1. Her questionable ways of expressing 'love' to her people, which comes off like an abusive relationship.

2. Her inability to balance pragmatism with morality, and overly aggressive attacks on the Alliance.

3. Her manipulative attitude towards her subjects in the sense she feels whatever is right for her view of the world, is right for all of them, and dragging them all along with it.

Nathanos has expressed doubt at pretty much all of these situations and frankly because the majority of his hostile actions have been directed at the Alliance, rather then his people, I don't have nearly as much of a negative response to his leadership.

10/26/2018 10:25 PMPosted by Saiphas
10/26/2018 10:24 PMPosted by Hanashi

At least your reason is pretty radical! I'm a big dweeb who plays Pandaren because I really love teddy bears. Stuffed, ceramic, as paintings, and now as my online avatar! Feels great annihilating evil as a big huggable drunken happy bear :)

Hanashi, I don't know you too well, but thanks for always being a light of positivity here. :D

Hanashi is basically the Story Forums world soul.
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Sorry Blizz sacrificed the Night Elves to Sylvanas so you could have a dramatic story and feel like a righteous victim. If you hate it, hate Blizzard, not Forsaken and Forsaken fans.
10/26/2018 09:49 PMPosted by Kharinak
Sidenote-after all these deep life-stories and how it effected your choice of in-game race, I feel a bit boring for "OH COOL THESE GUYS RIDE DINOSAURS!"

If it helps any, I didn't really have a lot of depth in mind when I made my main here. I joined the game thinking "What do you mean I have to choose between being able to do damage, tank, heal, or buff people? Screw that. I'll play this druid class that can do everything with one character. That's the cow men? Got it. Oh. Alliance? Purple elf? Eh... I'm gonna make a brown elf. Good enough."

I didn't really get attached to the Night Elves until Cataclysm, which was almost like six years after I made this character.
10/26/2018 10:25 PMPosted by Saiphas
Hanashi, I don't know you too well, but thanks for always being a light of positivity here. :D

Hey, right back at you, friend! Your posts have been some of my favorites to read -- knowledgeable, friendly, and well-spoken. You're a wonderful part of our little community :)
Also, thank you Calixto and Saiphas for taking the conversation in to a good place with Darethy. I always like seeing conversations take a turn for the better, so thank you again.

It's almost time for bed for me, but I'll be back tomorrow morning to respond to people I haven't had a chance to yet.

I like the conversation you all are having though, so thanks for having it.

I mean the primary problem with your assertion about him not being much different from Windrunner is that in a lot of ways, Windrunner has the perfect mentality to lead the Forsaken. It's just hampered by three things.

1. Her questionable ways of expressing 'love' to her people, which comes off like an abusive relationship.

2. Her inability to balance pragmatism with morality, and overly aggressive attacks on the Alliance.

3. Her manipulative attitude towards her subjects in the sense she feels whatever is right for her view of the world, is right for all of them, and dragging them all along with it.

Nathanos has expressed doubt at pretty much all of these situations and frankly because the majority of his hostile actions have been directed at the Alliance, rather then his people, I don't have nearly as much of a negative response to his leadership.
I mean you're essentially asking me to pick the lesser of two evils here. But you're right, I'd much rather have Nathanos in charge.
I'll still be here waiting for him to grow a pair though. He acts like such a rabid dog towards everyone else but them turns into a mewling kitten when Sylvannas so much as even looks in his direction. It would be insanely satisfying to watch him finally climb out of that hole Sylvannas has put him into.

Would also be much needed and wanted character development. I want to see how he's like when he isn't fawning over his homicidal Warchief.
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