Why I hate pvp in this game

Rated geared players wailing on unrated geared players in Random Battlegrounds is at a much higher threshold of power indifferences.
The math is unarguably on a much larger scale.

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Although I don’t do rated content myself, it’s not like those players have access to anything the rest of us don’t have access to…

Difference is that those players can get the same gear as well since they are no longer leveling.

Haha so when players are leveling that means turning off gear progression.
Do 100 games (or less if you know the right people) and then return to wail on the randoms.
They didn’t like Rated either.

Thing is you can do Rated, people who twink are fighting players leveling cause they can’t handle level 60 PvP.

There is lots that disregards that comment.
Lets leave it as naivety.
Where do they get those Glad mounts and Elite Mogs/Tabards that we keep seeing in the Twink brackets?

I have never seen a twink sport a glad mount.

This is coming from the same person who has not seen toxicity in the RBG ladders.
Enough said. :upside_down_face:

I haven’t, played over 150 games last season at 2k, went against glad team etc.

The gear gap is much tighter in the lower brackets, period.
Back on subject, a good number of players who are disregarding the gear differences at end game usually just queue enough rated to get the ilvl then return to randoms vs a much lower ilvl group of players.
That is the game we are playing.

Pretty much why the majority around here+ would like to see some compromise to power levels.

even tho you think its bad and to some extent it is pretty bad wow pvp is still better then most mmos out

I hate PVP, especially with random BGs and toxic Tichbois that love to tell me I suck.

I know I suck; I don’t need some douchey R-Tard telling me that.

And the lead dev claims you can do the content you want because it drops the gear you need… ACCEPT in randoms. You cant because Rated gear is allowed there

right now is the closest rated vs non rated is going to be. if you’re having trouble now its not a gear issue.

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About 1 - 2 more weeks to actually enjoy unrated PVP.

maxed out it will be 288(unrated conq) vs 311(max rated conq) sounds good on paper.
right? just 23 ilvls.

I think that’s only 3 ilvl better than season 3 isn’t it?

Gear was never worse than s3 shadowlands high roll tier gear early season resolve broken and honor gear being a steaming pile of well you know, sadness.

S4 while better with no higher leggos and rep grind still will destroy casual players with a 20-30 percent damage buff on duelist players to full geared casuals.

There should only be one I level gear with customizable stats that scale up. Also revert shield nerfs hpals and shamans should have more damage reduction to physical than clothies that’s a joke.

And elite players get the best gear with the best stats even better than duelist. So they can carry people and make irl money. Im glad they listened to those people and complained about scaling and templates. Wierd how other mmo pvp ques pop 100 times faster than wow.

So you want to put in minimal effort but still be able to compete with those who have invested a lot of time and energy into gearing?