Why I hate pvp in this game

Nope. I exclusively play 51-59 or my lvl 20 veteran account for pvp. The amount of garbage you have to do at level 60…lol PASS

The only max level pvp I’ll consider is classic wrath. No BS systems in wrath.


Wrath was the only time I raided in this game… while doing a little PvP on the side. What’s the point of this jaunt down memory lane: I never did get a Deathbringer’s Will :frowning:

Well there’s going to be a round 2 and I believe in you!

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It won’t be a genuine experience if they nerf 100% ArmP gemming on shadowmourne warriors. Other than that, I’m ready for ret/dk season 5 baby, bring on the degeneracy!

Rehashed content is meaningless.

Crusader enchant lay on hands heal got nerfed (as it should). Thanks blizz, sometimes you’re ok.

Now just nerf hunters lvl 10-59 in pvp and we can be friends.


random pvp is the only part of the game that doesnt give gear for the thing youre doing.

Imagine if you had to do a normal raid and the bosses were tuned to mythic levels.
Thats random pvp with this current gearing system


This is one of the most fried threads I’ve seen in awhile.

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Weird, other MMO’s dont have “gear progression” that you have to climb a ranked combat system against other max geared players from ZERO rating to higher up, and they’re doing pretty well.


The game could have a slight gear progression like it use to and not feel bad. They have ways to do it. But they seemingly like going in the complete opposite direction.

yeah, a couple of pieces of gear and the gear progression wouldnt be so bad. A literally entire tier set behind because of a rating is absurd as we agree on

The adjustment was very well done, quite happy to see the blue notes too.
Other legacy/classic items were also recently refurbished in working order, cool stuff.
Thank you!

Now. We can hope to see some minor power adjustments to low level hunters, and lets get that Venomstrike working again too. :smiley:

Next expansion doesn’t return MoP/WoD PvP gear I’m not purchasing WoW expansions anymore. I also won’t know when to buy the expansion that does return MoP/WoD PvP gear if it isn’t the next one either because I will not be looking or consuming any latest news on WoW.


Yup. I popped in fro a bit to level my toons to 60 then im out again till next expac and if its the same ole crap in pvp im not coming back


Literally everyone wants this, except people abusing hunters. And probably the blizz employees playing hunter twinks.

Microsoft come save us from this 10+ years of hunter madness!

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Haha come home from a hard day at work and wail on some bodies from a distance.
Hard to blame anyone for this.
Looks like a such a simple thing to fix, from the outside looking in for sure.

The lower brackets could arguably be more balanced than end game right now. :upside_down_face:

It is. Give raptor strike 2 ranks. The 2nd rank is learned at lvl 40-50 that brings it’s damage back to normal. The first rank is a nerfed version. Do the same thing for arcane or aimed shot and kill command. Ez. If some of those abilities already have 2 ranks then make 3.

Look I just did the work for you blizz.


I don’t invest that much into arena. I do it to reach vault requirements and farm Conq but That’s it. Random bgs zereth Mortis stuff is good! And the new solo shuffle is decent. Arena is a pain in my bum imo. Can’t take it serious at all lol

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What are you even saying here, where are those numbers coming from?

But it isn’t being lazy, these are people who are leveling and just trying to get to 60. Sorry, but I can’t stand twinks, like Nowk said it is an excuse to smash players with less gear.