Why I don't want a weapon vendor to be added

And tell me again how you’re not being entitled?

Sir and/or Madame and/or Other –

Congratulations, you have just described the entirety of economics. Apparently, buying stuff is entitlement.
Who know.


Try that again while countering what I actually said instead of just being condescending and dismissive.

Because it’s pretty clear you’ve got nothing if you’re just going to resort to “entitled” as your argument.

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This mode is already pushing raiding absurdly hard by making heroic and mythic way more rewarding than the rest of the mode.

This is absurd already because even people doing heroic and mythic are essentially being carried through the content by overpowering it.

It isn’t meaningfully more difficult like raid difficulties in the normal game. You don’t need special unique rewards for overpowering raid content that you pretend is harder content.

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(Yes this is a sentance)

Maybe there could be a middle ground like, say, requiring completion of the difficulty that drops the weapons you want before they are unlocked on a vendor somewhere. And then make them cost about the same as the heirlooms or something or perhaps slightly more. I don’t think it’s a bad idea either way to have them available on a vendor.

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Are these RNG weapons recolours of the trading post class weapons or just recolours of old MOP weapons?

Recolors of MoP weapons, mostly, but there are a couple unique models in the mix.

I’ll have to have a squiz, see if there’s any I like/want.

Here’s a list if you’re interested.

Weapon Transmogs Exclusive to MoP Remix - Farming Guide and Zone Drops - Wowhead

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Damn, there’s a couple on there that I want. Guess I know what I’m doing now. Lol

And mailed to me of course.

If bliz put in writing that the models currently only obtainable as raid drops in WoW remix are coming to the main game afterwards, we don’t need a weapon vendor but I’d still appreciate it.

If these items disappear when remix is over? Then we need a vendor.

It would be great if blizzard would make any sort of statement in regards to this. Either tell us a vendor is coming so we know to save up bronze and can stop arguing about this, or tell us a vendor isn’t coming so we know to start working on alts for the appearances we want and, again, can stop arguing about this

I would either start working on alts, or better yet, a trading group.

A few trades here and there can turn dupe items into new stuff for lots of people.

I already have alts in the works just in case. It just takes a little bit of time to get an alt up to mythic soo ilvl

No it isn’t.

Wanting something is not entitlement
Asking for something is not entitlement
Expecting something is entitlement

Most of what I’ve seen is people asking for or hoping for vendors.


I agree to a point, but not on everything. The Corehound mount that came with the Molten Core event a few years back. Here, i agree. I missed the event, I would LOVE to have that mount… but, Im good with not having it.

HOWEVER, exclusivity can be taken too far. Certain mounts/gear/weapons/etc that are available day in and day out… some of those drop rates are ridiculous. Some people have been farming those items for YEARS (insert Headless Horseman’s Mount here). I’m sorry but 10+ years and no luck… that is just egg-sucking misery for no reason whatsoever. Personally, I got the HH Mount back in 2009ish… but my wife still hasn’t gotten it and farms it every year and she’s been playing and PAYING consistently since late BC. Sorry, but she and people like her have more than paid their dues to get this mount.

There comes a point where situations like this become a point of misery and frustration. Do you really think pissing off your loyal subscribers is a decent business model? WoW is supposed to be fun and rewarding… there is nothing fun and rewarding about getting stiffed for more than a dozen years.

So, SOME exclusivity is fine, but it isn’t realistic beyond reasonable limits. And when over 50% of the server has an EXCLUSIVE item… guess what… 50% is no longer exclusive, so why does the drop rate remain rock bottom using that excuse?


RNG is not prestige


I have things from classic you can’t get anymore. I want everyone to be able to get everything because this is a video game and video games are supposed to be about having fun.

Buddy, you’re not special because you have some colorful polygons. You never were, and you getting those polygons and acting like you’re better than other people because you played the game at a particular time they didn’t is the definition of pathetic.