Why I don't want a weapon vendor to be added

I rather them not be rng. Though ive gotten most of what I wanted. Its It’s annoying harder to get lfr and zone specific mogs since you cant trade them like normal, heroic,and mythic raid loot.

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I love this for you.

I still want a weapon vendor for me.

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But that doesn’t entitle collectors to them anymore than I am entitled to the rings and neck thru solo play because I am a solo player.

Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t care one way or another on this specific issue, I just care that people don’t seem to understand that people who feel the game should be changed just to fit their limited playstyle are being entitled.

So what? I’m not a completionist, but more power to those that are.

No more entitled than defending YOUR limited playstyle.

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OP is an example of the worst type of elitist. The type who only want things other people don’t/can’t have.

I can’t even imagine caring about something like this. The only thing that matters to me is what I have on my character, what you or anyone else has is entirely meaningless to be and not something I ever even think about unless its because of a post like this.


Sure, that’s fine. Just amusing to see so many posts acting like if they don’t get the green tint for the weapon on row 2 column 5 of page 53 of polearms that the game is over for them.

What do you mean by “Can Get”?

If you’re talking about after the event is over, the RNG weapon colors will be just as attainable as anything on a vendor. Meaning not at all.

Speaking of.

Every single person who gets anything from this event will have something that someone else doesn’t have.

Why do you value that stuff? There’s cool stuff that anyone can get at any time. But you don’t want that stuff. You want THIS stuff.

My argument is not that -I- want to have stuff no one else can get. My argument is that I want stuff to be locked to the time and place and WAY it was attainable, when it was.

I didn’t do the last event, Plunderstorm, at all. I do not deserve any of the rewards from that event, no matter how much they would just, be so great for my transmog. I didn’t do the work, so I don’t have access to the stuff.

I don’t have, and will likely not be getting the Infinite Armoredon. I think that’s a cool mount. But I don’t deserve it.

There’s TONS of stuff I don’t have. And that’s a good thing. I have the rewards I earned and they mean something. At least some of them do.

If bosses are “effortless” and just “fall over” then go get the stuff you want. Nothing is stopping you. There’s still over 2 months left of the event. Go get the things that you think are so important.

Yeah, if you only do ONE run of Mythic SoO, then you could say what you do or don’t get comes down to luck.

But when you go back, night after night, until you get what you want, it becomes determination, and not luck.

You’re acting like you can’t make alts. There’s no reason you can’t get anything outside of Mythic easily, and in Mythic, there are so few items, if you go enough times there’s no reason you can’t EARN what you want.

Also, nothing in this game mode falls under the “Artificial Scarcity” umbrella. That would be if only the first 5,000 people to kill mythic Garrosh got a special thing, then after all 5,000 were grabbed, the thing just went away.

There’s no countdowns on any of the items. You can get that sword you want no matter how many other people already have it.

If you really hate RNG so much than why the hell are you playing an RNG based game?

As someone who has the original Pandaren phoenix (check my mount collection) I think it’s fine if they bring it back. I liked being special with it in Remix. I already had that enjoyment. I will be very happy if others get it now.

I’m a fan of the wish system some games have for old items that’s sort of a compromise. You buy a long sub, you get one wish - one item that’s no longer available. Frankly in WoW people regularly buy 1-years so it’d probably have to be 2.


Okay……so what’s wrong with having a vendor that we can access during the event……cause once the event is over, the items are no longer accessible and therefore are locked the same as Plunderstorm?? I didn’t do that event so I don’t even know how it worked. But for this event so why shouldn’t they have access while it’s ongoing? Or rather why shouldn’t they have access in the same way nearly every other cosmetic/mog item is obtained during this event (via purchase through bronze from a vendor)…
Are you saying you don’t like the idea of them adding/changing things during the event (things like quality of life improvements) because it has to be exactly as it was the day the event went live? If so, too late. There’s already been buffs to rep and bronze so things that would have taken longer to obtain in the beginning don’t take as long now. Of course, adding a vendor is ultimately their choice. They may see why it’s desired.

If weapon vendors appear, and they require 50k bronze, and 10 Bones of Mannoroth each, then whatever. I suppose that’s fine.

I still think that getting this stuff AS drops is cool, but as long as people can’t just buy out the shop, then I don’t mind gaps being filled in.

But then there would be scores of people complaining that they’re too expensive and “no one has time to farm all that” and “It’s not possible to farm enough Bones to buy everything”.

I don’t think it’s in any way wrong for Blizzard to at least attempt to make SOME things in SOME way rare. It’s not bad that the weapons require a different path to get.

Personally I think the BEST solution, IF there even should be one implemented, would be to add duplicate protection to the drops. Like opening Hearthstone Legendaries. If you already got the purple axe, you can’t get it as a drop again until you have all the one handers you can learn from that content.

That would be pretty extreme and it would pretty much let everyone who at least slightly tried to get most of what they’re after.

But on the other hand. There’s value in rarity. Getting the drop feels good because it wasn’t a guaranteed thing. It’s NOT deterministic. At least not in that it’s 100% inevitable. And that’s OK.

Life will continue if you don’t get EVERY single cosmetic offered here.

And you simple can’t convince me that someone saying they want EVERY weapon color from the mode, but they want to be able to get it all THEIR way, isn’t at least in some way entitled.

It’s just as entitled for someone to say they want everyone to have everything for no effort, as it is for someone to say that they like that not everyone should just get everything, and there IS value in rarity. Even if it just comes down to getting a “lucky” drop or not.

Just because someone has a rare item, doesn’t mean it’s up to them to decide if it should remain rare. You want me to have the Pandarian Phoenix mounts. But I don’t deserve them because I didn’t do the content. So I should never have them.

I got a recolor because I leveled to 20 and earned it. And people who didn’t do that, won’t, and should never be able to have it.

There will be other stuff those people 65 days from now can get.

That’s the fun of a game that cares about time. It’s a living world. Things begin, and end.

You have to do the thing, to get the thing.

There’s nothing at all wrong with that. And yes, wanting something you don’t have to be handed to you, even if it’s in exchange for a (now plentiful) currency, is entitlement.

The amount of time and energy people spend arguing that other players shouldn’t be able to get stuff through enough time and effort is amazing.
(Where in this case, ‘time and effort’ = collecting the bronze already used as a currency for everything -else- in this limited time event)

“They’re entitled because…”
“They don’t deserve it because…”
“I did this and that so therefore other people…”

It feels like they just don’t want other players to have nice things.


I agree, the entitlement to believe this needs to be gatekept for no reason is astounding. Especially as someone who doesn’t give a hoot because I’ve never not used my legion artifact skins in the last 6 years. This doesn’t affect me at all, and I can see you’re on the wrong side of history by a country mile.


I enjoy writing and find it a relaxing way to pass the time. I like putting my time and energy into writing, every once in a while.

I think it’s a great misconception to assume that anyone who writes anything lengthy or intricate is in some way wasting their time. And it’s sort of an ad hominem attack to suggest as much.

Nothing is being kept from you.


Oh, you mean like EVERYTHING ELSE in Remix? So let’s see, what have you purchased with Bronze?

It’s really not this serious. It’s a 3 month event designed to level alts and collect mogs/toys/mounts.


This event will, hopefully, return at some point in the future. Meaning people will eventually have another chance at getting this stuff. Or they can put it on a gold vendor in-game after the event is over for all I care. I don’t have any emotional attachment that requires having stuff that other people don’t have in order to feel better about myself.

I’m guessing you just have no idea how RNG works at all. This is like telling someone to just go win the lottery.

No, it’s still luck.

Because it’s still fun in spite of the silly loot restrictions, many of which are going away in TWW.


As if there are any drops in this mode that are 0.000001

Comparing getting a drop in Remix to winning the lottery is a bit extreme.

The love rocket has a 0.03% drop rate and was added 14 years ago and is available for 2 weeks a year. That means a total of 28 weeks, or roughly 7 months of attempts, and many people still don’t have it.

Even something with a 1% drop rate could still take longer than this event has left to get it.

Oh, and let’s add on that if you do want a specific weapon, but it isn’t the right weapon type for the remix class you’re already playing, that means you need to level up and gear up a remix character just to hope to get that weapon.

Like if I want the remix-specific gun recolor, I’d have to level up and gear up a remix Hunter just to try and get that one item.


If you want a ranged weapon, just ask a hunter friend to trade you one.

In a few weeks, the Warband system will come online, and just possessing it will unlock it for you.

Just form your own transmog trading groups, and you’ll have everything in no time.

Or they can add a vendor. Seems to be much simpler.

Which only further reinforces how backwards remix is at handling weapons. Any other transmog I want, I can just go to a vendor and unlock it.