Why I don't want a weapon vendor to be added

There are a lot of things you can buy with bronze. Mounts, Toys, LOTS of armor.

The weapons, are gotten in a completely different way. Yeah, there’s RNG to it. But it’s pretty generous. You can do the Mythic raid over 60 more times as I write this.

And yes, some day it will be 30 more chances, then 10, then 5. Then it will be the last day.

And you know what we’ll all have when this event is over? All the loot we got. Just like always.

There are a lot of people who have stuff that you can’t get anymore. And that’s a good thing.

If every single person in the game, had access to every single vanity item, nothing would mean anything. All mounts would be the bronze drake. The free mount you go and get so at least you’re not on the basic Gryphon or Wyvern.

I decided that I wanted those golden weapons. I wanted that vibrant purple axe, and the deep blue sword.

I got some, and not others.

Maybe the event will end, and I won’t get everything I want. That’s ok, because there will be people out there that DID get that stuff, and I bet there’s stuff I’ll have gotten that they didn’t.

If there was a button, that would give -EVERY- WoW account, every single cosmetic item from Remix, whether they even played it or not, would you push it?

I would not.

It’s ok that I don’t have stuff that I didn’t earn. I never got the Friendship Moose. I missed the chance. I don’t want it to ever be available again. It’s a special thing that people who were there at that time have. I don’t want the orange core hound mount to ever be available again either. That was a reward for a specific thing, and I know that anyone riding around on that mount, did that thing. And that’s cool.

So grab all the treasure you can while the sun shines. I know, some people are busy. Not everyone will get all the stuff they want. Try to appreciate what you did get though, because, if this event never comes back, then you’ll have some special, rare stuff.

Don’t burn yourself out with desire. It’s ok that other people have things that you don’t.

And, as I write this, there’s still time. My advice would be to look at all the stuff , and write down what it is you want. Then go for it. And if the event ends and you for whatever reason didn’t get it, it’s ok. Don’t stress over it. Appreciate what you DID get, because trust me, there will be a lot of people out there that didn’t get all that stuff.

There will be people playing in War Within, who didn’t get ANY of the Remix exclusive mounts.

There will be people jealous of the mount you got for reaching level 20. That will be something that you have, that they don’t.

So feel good about that.


I read your opinion, and mine is completely different.

I would like access to everything.


What if I told you that at this moment, you DO have access to everything?

Go get it.


Artificial scarcity to promote fake prestige is never a good thing.
You should let others be able to choose their pixels too.

At the end of the day, most players stick to 1-10 mounts/appearance sets, even if there is hundreds in the game.

Like you, back in the original MoP, I decided I wanted the phoenix, so I worked to get it on the challenge modes, and did it.

I don’t mind if new players have a chance to get it, on the contrary, I’d be happier for them.

The cosmetics are not the main reason to enjoy remix, the gameplay silliness and faster leveling is. They are a bonus.

Imagine locking hair colors behind some missable activity. That’s what you’re proposing.

What I don’t think is fine is to give out challenging cosmetics (mythic only/gladiator mounts) with no player engagement.

They should never be removed however: Blizzard should just make the current hard modes drop a currency so you could pick your preferred reward after the challenge.

Remix has no challenge, it’s a grind for the cosmetics.


The entitlement people have is fascinating.

To disregard the entire mode as being devoid of challenge, is an interesting little addendum you popped onto the end. You’re dismissing the effort that people are putting into getting the stuff, saying it should all just be handed out for free, and would likely chastise people who would get upset over that.

If, the day after Remix ended, Blizzard made a post that said every single WoW account would just get all the Remix stuff, whether they even played it or not, and that would be a perpetual thing, then people would justifiably lose their composure.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, people ARE putting time and effort into getting this stuff.

People are acting like this is the first time WoW has had a limited time event. They happen all the time, and that’s a good thing.

SOME things can be gotten at any time. But you don’t want THOSE things. Why not?


They already got their stuff earlier. That’s their prize.

Some people (the real “entitled” ones) would likely moan about it. It’s their selfishness issue to solve. The game is Blizzard’s after all.

The events being limited is a good thing, given their nature. The rewards, those are not.

Even if it was challenging, the correct answer was to offer the rewards in a similarly challenging environment, not their outright removal.

Scarcity has no place in a digital environment.

I know some people feel the need to be special or better than others, but this is no the way to go about it. Go knock out some CE or Gladiator achievements for your boasting.

Implying I/others did not already get most/all of those.


They’re just pixels. Put 'em on a vendor.


You’re the one wanting to be super special with your fancy pixels that nobody else has. That’s pure entitlement right there.

And this is like saying slot machines take effort.


I’d like it somewhere in the middle. Add a vendor but make each appearance like 50k bronze to unlock.

Means if I don’t want to play a warrior I can still unlock the weapons. Or if the one appearance just won’t drop then I know I can eventually get it with some effort.

The fact that I’ve both maxed my gear and as of last night finished buying all the items from each vendor yet I’m still missing green appearances from raids and dungeons is frustrating.

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There’s a couple hundred of them.

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Isn’t it though? I mean, imagine thinking your opinion is the only one that matters.

Imagine thinking there can only be ONE way to obtain items in Remix.

I’d LOVE this. Sure, we can farm them the old fashioned way too if we wanted, but I’ll take the vendor option, please and thank you very much.


If they want me to come back and play some more, they need to add them to the vendors.

Also not sure how winning the RNG lottery is supposed to demonstrate some high level of commitment while requiring players to put in the effort and time to gain the currency is somehow wanting everything for free.

Did they not teach basic reasoning and critical thinking at your school?


Other people having the pixels they want brings far more happiness than me having something “exclusive” that I am never going to wear/ride/play with. It’s not like they’re from current content.


It feels like a bit of a tease for remix to have this announced “play as you like, deterministically collect with bronze” philosophy up front then a whole unannounced “well actually you really have to do these specific tasks on specific characters with RNG drops” layer lurking in the background.


If I’m playing the mode and earning the currency how would buying them be free? Also I don’t want everything, just a few pieces I like the look of but RNG can be cruel. I played MoP when it was current and feel like I’ve paid enough dues to earn some pixels for a silly two handed sword that I already have all the other recolors of on retail.


I don’t think you understand what entitlement is.

Entitlement is when a person feels they deserve something they do not.

A person who has put in the time, effort and/or energy into earning specific rewards deserves them, therefore they are not being entitled.

A person who has not put the time, effort and/or energy into earning specific rewards and still feels they deserve that reward are the ones suffering from a feeling of entitlement.

There is a huge difference in playing WoW and pressing one button on a slot machine.

The learning curve alone separates the two.


And Smashico feels that they deserve to have special pixels instead of letting everyone have easier access to them.

There’s very little difference between the two in Remix with how fast bosses fall over.


Now be sure to run each raid multiple times a day, as well as doing the dailies in each zone on multiple different characters to be able to get all the different weapons types since no singular class can get them all

Now it’s taking 5-6 hours a day to fight with low chance RNG considering how massive each drop table is

Never did he say he wanted to be special. Its often the people who don’t have an item who make false claims about those who do and resort to name calling not the other way around.

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It takes 3 characters to get all weapons and not even remotely that long. 2 of the 3 are only for 4 weapon types. 1 of the 3 is the only class that can use 2 of the 4 weapon types(guns and bows).

I started a warrior Wednesday and already have nearly every weapon he can use which is everything but guns, bows, wands and held in offhand. Only played a couple hours after work daily.

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