Why I don't want a weapon vendor to be added

No. That’s stupid right there. Can’t get any dumber. That’s rock bottom.
The ultimate “I want to feel special” cry.

Stop pushing for ridiculous fake timelocked prestige.
Stop pushing for RNG based rarity.

If you want rare stuff, make them tied to challenges, not luck, and stop limiting availability for pettiness.

Finally, some people don’t want everything. They just that ONE thing they can’t get due to RNG or some IRL issue.

This is not real life, this is a digital environment where copies are nigh-infinite.
There is no reason for timelocked items to exist if not by (bad) design.

You can already get your “I was there” T-shirt with the dates on the achievements.


People really ought to stop concerning themselves with what other people have, as that only has the relevance you give it. If the only reason you care about acquiring something is because not many people have it and you think having it somehow makes you special, you’re delusional. No one cares what cosmetics you’re wearing but you.

How many people do you cross paths with on an average day in WoW without any regard for their transmogs or rare achievements? I’d wager it’s probably most, and yet you don’t take the time to appreciate the time and energy they put into making their characters look the way they wanted.

Because you don’t really care. No one does.

The reason most people don’t use the Bronze Drake isn’t because it’s easy to acquire, it’s because it’s generic, bland, and there are cooler looking mounts out there. But I bet someone out there really likes it and uses it for some bronze-themed transmogs, because it isn’t about the rarity in the slightest - it’s about how they personally feel about it.


For years and years, ive ran mogushan for astral cloud serpent. The other day i bought it with bronze after about an hour of playtime. It went from my most coveted mount to just another number… that was the day i didnt give 2 sh its about wow anymore.

So who forced you to buy it with bronze if getting it randomly was so important to you?


OP: Poor obvious troll attempt. Would not bite. 2/10

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A weapon vendor and a pet vendor would be awesome.

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Oorrrrrrrrrrr hear me out, you can consider that you put in the time and effort over years, and more than earned the right to buy that mount if you wanted. You chose to end the grind. Congrats. Now you can find a new goal.


Please explain your thought process here.

Was it your most coveted because of how difficult (time consuming and random) it was to acquire, or because it’s a cool looking mount that you wanted to finally get your hands on?

If it’s the former, cry harder. You could have kept grinding for it like you had been. But you didn’t. You bought it with Bronze because ultimately, more than anything, you just wanted it. Simple as that. Coveting the method of acquisition is such a joke.

And I can probably one-up almost everyone here. I got the Feldrake from the TCG yeeaaars ago. I got it because I thought it was the perfect mount for my green fire Warlock. I chose to acquire it that way. I was 1 of like…3? on my server to have it. And then just before DF launched Blizzard gave it away as a Twitch drop. I was part of the 0.01% that got it “legitimately” and then Blizzard made it available to EVERYONE. For free.

And you know what? It’s still the perfect mount for my green fire Warlock. Other people having it means absolutely nothing to me.


That’s exactly how I felt about a couple of my purchases. Spawn of Horridon and the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn eluded me for the better part of a decade, so I wasn’t upset about being able to buy them. Though if I hadn’t passed Spawn to a friend ages ago, I wouldn’t have had to worry about it since, but I still feel like I made the right choice back then.


I didn’t even think twice about buying Ji-Kun, the only retail mount I didn’t have, as it saved me the trouble of having to run ToT and pray to the RNGods. I have enough -other- things to chase in the game, why not take the easy way when offered. :slight_smile:


Everything already means nothing. Cross-server killed that. The only thing that’s left now is the haves and have-nots between guild members, and maybe any sort of personal sense of pride over having been lucky enough to get something to drop. Before cross-server was a thing and you were seeing the same people in-game every day, people knew your name if you had something rare, or you were the first to do or achieve something. Obviously not everybody on the server, but those active enough and in the end-game tended to know things about other people.

I still remember the name of the guy that got Grand Marshal first on my original home server like 20 years ago… even down to what race and class they played and even their character’s beard and hairstyle. I remember the first person that got a cross-racial mount back when you needed to grind exalted with another faction’s city to be allowed to buy their mount… female human mage. I was the second on my server. I remember who opened the AQ gates on my server… male gnome warlock. That doesn’t really exist anymore because cross-server destroyed any sense of community that the game had. Now, nothing around you matters because you’re never playing with the same people or even seeing the same people so everybody else might as well be nameless and faceless. I mean people don’t even bother to call you by your character’s name. You’re a class now.


I want a threads for bronze vendor. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember grindpa in the EU. He won vanilla. 6 hour server rollback to undo his glorious moment of death. He kited kazzak to storm wind.

Sure, showing off is nice and all but most of the time I want things because I like the way they look, not because it’s hard to get. Some of my favorite mounts are store mounts. I wouldn’t care if everyone ran around with the same mount. Doesn’t make me love mine any less. If everyone having the same thing means nothing to you, then it wasn’t special to you to begin with. I got a little stuffed animal from a carnival that had dozens of them. It still means something to me because my mom won it for me.

I know it’s a very unpopular opinion but I think everyone should be able to get everything in a game. Just like I’d like to help get as many people as I can to get the mythic title for remix before the event ends.

You get a rare mount or a rare title and want to show it off to make yourself feel special. I get that. A lot of online games are like that. “Look what I have that you don’t. Aren’t you jealous?” However, this is a 20 year old game. If you need to show off some pixels to feel better about yourself, you’ve got a problem. A lot of people play games to have fun and take a break from real life. There are too many games, especially online ones, for people to sink their complete life into.

Remix has been a great mode for people to experience MoP without any real hassle and be able to get a lot of the rare items without dealing with RNG. I truly wish the main game was like this. Simply because just playing the game, you get stronger. There’s no relying on gear drops to get your gear upgraded, you upgrade it yourself, and you keep getting stronger from threads. Not only does it just make the overall game easier the longer you play, but you can also help other people and get stuff all the same. Help people level through heroics and you still get threads and bronze. Help people through raids and you still get threads and bronze. I like being able to help people.

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How sad for you. I got that mount from a drop a couple years ago and still love it even though you can get it with bronze right now. And I never got lucky with the sha mount after years and years of trying so I just bought that one with bronze and guess what? I love it too cause I just love the look. Imo if that’s all it takes for you to stop caring, then maybe you never wanted the mount to begin with :person_shrugging:


Who forced them to grind a mount they didn’t even want?

RNG isn’t Prestige, I just go after cosmetics I actually want and want to use.

Like the Garrosh Shoulders, I can easily get the bones and bronze but I’m not gonna go after it unless I’ve literally bought everything else. Cause I don’t want them. I don’t even farm them on Live.

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I feel sorry for your parents.