Why I don't want a weapon vendor to be added

I mean that’s how RNG works

I’ve gotten every single bronze item and achievement, and I got another new weapon variant yesterday

I got tall the weapons too but id love a vendor added for people who have bad RNG


That’s his entire argument. He wants to have things that nobody else can get.


Why does this matter to you? People place value in items, some more than others, and that is okay.

This sounds like an antithesis to your other statement of:

This is meant to be a “fun” event to, in a way, close the chapter on Mists of Pandaria and allowing players to get coveted mounts, unreleased armor sets, etc. No reason for them to continue to hold back the reigns on this event for just a few players that want to feel special with pixels – even more so with elite and challenge sets.


This is a business transaction and not really a matter of entitlement.

Blizzard offers what they want to give us and we decide if the cost (in labor or money) is worth it. If we feel it is not, we try to “haggle” somewhat, by stating what we would like.

Blizzard is free to agree or not, just as the customer is.


Going to laugh when they do add a weapon vendor near the end of the event, also going to laugh even more when they do Remix for all expansions and when Wrath is up they but invincible on the vendor for everyone to buy, i farmed it and got it but I still wont be mad when they do


Could compromise and tie the arsenals to certain achievements. Like, to buy the mythic SoO appearances, you need to clear mythic SoO on a character first. That way you still get your sense of accomplishment, but you don’t have to do it again on multiple characters.

Personally, I’m fine with them just adding them to a vendor. With m+ and raid on retail, there is plenty to actually earn in wow as is. We dont need another arbitrary grind that needs to be repeated multiple times when blizzard say from day one that a single character can unlock everything.

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I spent eight hours on the Timeless Isle yesterday killing rares to try and get certain drops which never fell, and in the process got several weapon mogs I didn’t have yet… and I know there are still more which drop on the Timeless Isle. That’s one day in one zone, and not even taking into account all the other zones, dungeons, raids, scenarios where weapon mogs can be found.

Thank you, I’d like to be able to buy weapon transmogs with the bronze I’m earning trying to make them drop through RNG, and not devote my life to Remix.


That’s my feelings on it, too. The fact that there are so many unique appearances, this event is time limited, and you need three characters at a bare minimum to be able to attempt to collect everything, makes it feel really bad for anyone who can’t effectively play remix like its their day job.

Even if you put in all the work required, you aren’t even assured you will get the appearances. The gambling metaphors people are using are very apt, because that is effectively what you have to do for 200+ appearances

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This is the healthy attitude, I think.


i mean i farmed all the weapons too but would love a weapon vendor for people with bad RNG


Because he earned them, fair and square.

That is not entitlement.

Expecting others to have to also earn the same, fair and square, is also not entitlement.

That is called equity or fairness.

And anyone with any integrity would not expect any different.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of lazy and/or greedy people around who do expect different because, if they want something, they feel they are entitled to it, period.

And those are the people with entitlement issues.


Because you still have to work your way to that point.

I know, I am doing that right now.


Hey guys, I know the secret to being rich. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and have rich family with rich/powerful connections.


Earned them? You mean got lucky to see them drop. Meanwhile someone else doing the exact same thing doesn’t get them to drop, but they haven’t "earned"them by your ridiculous standard. Really? That’s your argument? That he “earned” them by being lucky? That’s all you’ve got? Get out of here with that nonsense.


Not everyone enjoys gambling like you do. Many people enjoy being able to work toward obtainable goals, and there’s no reason that everything in this game can’t be obtainable through a currency exchange.

People hate the comparison to work, but here it is, try not to take it too literally (it’s about time investment). But I can’t imagine very many people enjoy working for a pull of a slot machine lever and hoping that it doesn’t land on zero, which happens to be the highest chance outcome.

You call it entitlement to want all goals to be a definite path, I call your style of play masochism.

Some would, some wouldn’t. That’s not even what’s being discussed.


Very much this.

Since learning weapons and tints are locked specifically behind modes, I’ve been religiously doing LFRs which take legit MORE time to get through them all than it did heroic raid tours for bronze (give me a solo queue option for them Blizz plz…)

Throne still has like I think 10 caster weapons JUST on a druid I don’t have and I’ve even added a priest and holy/prot paladin to the mix I’ve gone 3 days now and legit got 1 thing.

I don’t feel I’m “entitled” for expecting there to be a deterministic option. I’ve CERTAINLY “put in the time”.


Most of these weapon skin colors will never get used by the people who get them anyways. No one’s going to use these hideous swords with shiny new higher-def stuff dropping in a couple months.

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Remix is a limited time event.
In Remix, you can buy almost everything with enough bronze. Mounts, armor transmogs, toys, even gems and tinkers (albeit with a little rng).
About the only things you can’t buy are armor pieces with specific stats, but those are easy enough to work for if you really want mastery over avoidance, or crit over haste or whatever.

Heck, even weapons are basically one size fits all – there’s literally no different in stats between a staff, an axe, a polearm, a sword… it comes down to personal preference/ilvl/playstyle what you use.

You want the heirlooms or Tusks? Cool, run enough raids and you can buy them with currency.

So why is it that in all of Remix, about the only things subject to the ridiculous RNG and class-specificity of the Retail game are weapon transmogs? Why are they just about the only things we can’t buy with enough bronze?

Again, this is an event with 2 months left, not a perpetual feature where we can chase items for the next decade. I don’t think it’s entitlement when 98% of the mode is aimed at buying stuff from vendors and 2% is “lol, guess you have to run this raid every day for the next two months in the hopes of getting this one specific tint on your sword, good luck!”

And anyone saying “but you don’t -need- these transmogs” still doesn’t understand that for collectors, this -is- the point, playing to obtain cosmetics and trying to complete a set. This is their version of the game, as opposed to the ones playing Remix to set new land speed records on clearing 12-year-old raids… :slight_smile:


Our discussion is not on how rewards are earned any more than it is on real life slot machines (and trying to cloud the issue with these distractions does not change it).

Our discussion is on what ‘entitlement’ means, as you used it incorrectly in the first post you made in the thread.

A person who earns rewards, fair and square, deserves them and is, therefore, not displaying a feeling of entitlement.

A person who expects the same rewards to also be earned, fair and square, is displaying an expectation of fairness/equity, not feelings of entitlement.

But a person who expects to receive rewards without having to meet the requirements is displaying feelings of entitlement as they feel they are entitled to things they haven’t earned, fair and square, and therefore don’t deserve.

I don’t know why this is so difficult for you to grasp but I have now put it in as simple terms as I can. If you still can’t grasp it now, I don’t know what more I can say to explain the difference it to you.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: !

Nah. You’re just playing semantics by saying that someone has “earned” something by being lucky. That they are entitled to that thing they acquired through sheer luck and that other people are wrong and bad for wanting to change things.

So, once again, get out of here with that nonsense.