Lol the biggest of stretches gives ever seen. It’s not even in the same realm.
I assure you the vaccine doesn’t contain mind control serum my dude. Lizardmen don’t rule the world. You’ll be alright. The world isn’t out to get you. This was an extremely good fix.
Just because it has the word “bot” in it doesn’t mean it the way you think it does.
The user still pressed a button. Healbot downranked spells, which is allowed within the API. You can create macros that do the same thing. It wasn’t like Healbot made the player run around automatically healing without any interaction. Buttons still needed to be pressed. Poor example…
In fact, here is the macro/script from 1.0 to 1.12 that did the same thing Healbot did:
/script for i=1,40 do TargetNearestFriend();
if UnitHealth(“target”)/UnitHealthMax(“target”) < 0.7 then
if UnitIsPlayer(“target”) then CastSpellByName(“Lesser Healing Wave”) end end end; TargetLastEnemy();
Completely fine within the API… Again, bad example.
Go for it fam. Gotta lose those 300 dollars amirite.
Police is easy, dont keyclone or you get banned.
He was addressing mouse and keyboard functions and software not linked to keyclone.
“Note that while Blizzard says it is ok to do Multiboxing, their support article it implies that multiboxing assist tools, tools made to send keystrokes to multiple WoW instances, are now against terms of service.”
Just to help you.
You can have several tabs of wow on all you want.
But you cant automate them by any means ^^
they are only banning players who are using a certain type of software
they have given these players a time to remove it before it is actionable on their accounts
I should clarify, so forgive me. The very original iteration of Healbot, IIRC, was fully automated within the API (hence the name HealBOT). Because it was automated, Blizzard rightfully banned the addon until it was later rebuilt and re-released with the new version requiring player interaction.
But my memory is foggy and the long ago days can be lost to time.
The only thing I will say is that I support the change in rules, but doing so immediately before the most popular wow expansion since Lich King…might have wanted to give people more notice.
The relative few are the forum goers. I can with a very strong conviction say that the people on the forum are the minority.
Multiboxing is not an unfair advantage. It’s an advantage and disadvantage, but nothing about it is unfair. Unfair is being able to do things no one else can. Everything a multiboxer can do, a group can do, or a raid can do. We don’t get magical wizard powers when we pay for 5 times the sub/xpac costs. WE just get the luxury of not dealing with other players.
And honestly, I’d be fine with changes if Blizzard were more open about it. I get it. But let’s ne honest here, if the real target was botting, why does the solution have to be one that effects many legitmate players who don’t bot?
To me, this is a tacit admission on Blizzard’s part that Warden and, by default, Blizzard can no longer capably combat botting via Warden.
All one has to do, if you want evidence, is look to the proliferation of bots and various hackers on Classic servers.
The delusion is real. I wish I could make random stuff up and believe in it as hard as you do.
Facts derived from absence. I get my facts from the real world, from official sources. All you do is seem to pull random nothings out of your bumbum and call it fact.
Nah…they rule the Lizardmen Illumimati from the center of the Hollow Earth who have created the Flat Earth society as a means to distract us from the fact that Owlwomen from Pluto are coming to demasculinize house spiders.
Actually the next thing will be using the functionality he talked about in the OP.
Manually resize windows (unless ISBOXER comes up with a way to do this for Blizzard and they said they will). and use MOUSEOVER macros to active windows. In one of the other post on here there is a disability setting that will do this automatically for you and its part of Windows.
Then, once you have the window active, hit one of the or so keys you need to herb. Follow, interact with target, mount, jump and maybe assist and attack.