Why I am quitting

And that is your prerogative, if that is how you feel about it and need to do, then do it.

It doesn’t change however that it is on the going overboard side, as it is basically the equivalent of ‘random tauren seer in Mulgore was killed by a centaur, I’m quitting WoW.’


Hi Chases!

And this here is why the OPs reaction to quitting over it is absolutely hilariously rediculious a reason.

It’s a literal nothing issue, pretty sure OP is trolling tbh.

A fan of comic books I see.

Not trolling. Just tired of Blizzard’s killing of every character they can find.

I wasn’t either, mostly just a playful joke. Comics are still writing stories mostly about character created well before many of the fans now were born. I often wonder how many new characters we’ve missed out on because they weren’t Batman, Superman, and Spiderman among many others.

I understand that when a story ends for characters people enjoy it can be annoying, especially if it ends in what some might not find fitting but for me I’d rather an end come then what happened to Thrall or Sylvanas.

The problem with the Horde is that it happened too many times already. And no I don’t care about new characters who are at best one time quest givers and won’t show up anymore in any other new story again. The Legends of the past I grew up with are all dead. And there is nothing Blizzard can do to draw me back in. I gave them chances. Alot. And it blew. So my money stays with me. Sorry dear Blizzard you just lost a once loyal customer.

Can I have your gold then.

No. /10characters

Like I said, fan of comic books I see. haha

Look I’m not trying to convince you to stay. If a rather minor character’s death in the terms of characters WoW has/had to offer in the jumbled retcon filled lore is the final straw for you then by all means hit that ol dusty trail.

The problem isn’t that he is minor. The problem is there is a long line of others who came before him. Blizzard isn’t even taking time to develop the newcomers in any meaningful way. The two blood elves in Azure span are also dead. I decided the water boiled over already and now I decided Blizzard won’t pull my strings no more. If you still have fun, good for you. But I have no benefit of doubt left in me to fight.

Well that was a lie.


Uh… what? How did you lose? Tauren got an entire questline to establish good relations with the Centaur and probably establish an entire town. The whole questline was about the future and moving forward.

You also got an entire story online about the wedding.

This expansion isn’t even about factions. It’s just… stories.

does anyone read these threads? (I didnt read the post) if you’re that unhappy, go play ffxiv. it has an AMAZING story

When the alliance gets new story their characters survive. Nobody ever dies. I want a victory without losing something important first. The Windtotem tribe is dead and this game is too.

Imagine playing a game with Warcraft in the title and being shocked when characters die…


Not with the alliance. Your only loss was Varian.

game isn’t dead - my server as well as 2 dozen others are full to capacity - assuming a game is dead because one element you don’t like is making you rage quit doesn’t mean anything.
rage quit does NOT equal dead game

It’d be great if more blood elves quit, too.

Yea, all those NPCs in my entire starting zone were just cannon fodder. And why did they die? Because a crazy horde banshee tried to kill hope, in someone that was dead already…
I for one would still choke her out if she ever escaped the maw.