Why I am quitting

And Ogres were not made playable :frowning:

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Horde characters exist to be killed. I won’t give Blizzard money to further abuse my faction.

The leader of the Windtotem tribe. He saved Baine from centaurs when he was a child.

Please point out where they care about the Alliance story.

The last Alliance story we had they genocided the Night Elves and made our leader go off on his own over doing… nothing. That’s it. I could understand him going off on his own because, for instance, he killed one of his confidants or something, but no. All anduin did was stab Kyrestia and dominate Dausgene. He did nothing of consequence while dominated. But somehow he developed such severe PTSD he can’t stand to be around anyone except the woman who genocided his allies and help her with her atonement.

And just to point out the last topic you posted about this, that Akston so kindly quoted:

You realize the only lore characters Alliance have had that appeared in Dragonflight are Tyrande and Malfurion, and the story they had was literally Malfurion having to stay in the Shadowlands in place of Ysera, presumably permanently. (Yes, the devs said they will switch places occasionally, but for all intents and purposes, Malfurion is to be treated as dead, Tyrande is mourning him, as do other Night Elves.)

Which is essentially killing him off because he’s literally in the place where people go when they die.

Your logic makes zero sense. The victim complex you developed is astounding. They literally killed off an Alliance LEADER, whereas the Horde lost a minor character you haven’t heard of in 2-3 decades. They aren’t equal. Yet you somehow think the minor character is more important than an actual leader.

You might have a case if Baine or Mayla themselves had been the one to die, but it was a minor character. The Alliance literally lost a leader, the Horde lost a minor lore character. The Horde are not the ones down a leader this expansion - the Alliance are.

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Alliance characters stay alive and get developed. Horde ones get killed. That is a fact. It’s not a victim complex it IS calling out Blizzard on their incompetence.

Malfurion. Is. Dead. He is quite literally in the Shadowlands.

Do you not comprehend that?

He is there for a temporary trade. He will be back once Ysera is done with her job to help her daughter being a good leader.

Yeah…but shadowlands isn’t dead dead.

K, see you next week.

So? It’s sad sure but tragedy is story telling. Going to quit over a lore character that’s a back seat barely any know about isn’t really a reason to quit.

It’s silly honestly. Lol

Not for me. I stayed calm since cairne died in wotlk. Enough is enough. Alliance gets wins Horde gets tragedy. That is not fair. And my money shall not support Blizzard in any of this.

Yeah… Because Varien wast the most tragic CGI cinematic ever and theramore didn’t happen and alliance totally doesn’t have their boy king missing…

So much win.

Horde had their leaders good or bad, become center of attention twice. This current death is hardly a blip in wow tragedy. Im a full tauren fan player all classes that can be tauren and while it was saddening to see… To quit the game?

Lol that’s all it takes. Again it’s a silly reason. But you do what you will with your money I just find with all the issues of wow that’s your reason made me LoL irl.

The Horde are willing to die for their faction, its an honor. You should be grateful not bitter.

Never heard of him.

takes a big bite of a burger

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Not just one. Bovan is harldy our first death.

Few would, even those that played WC3 and the Rexxar campaign multiple times often would as it was a very small bit part in one campaign in WC3.
The summary is:

Basically Rexxar, Rokhan and Chen were sent to him to get some help, he cast some magic to find Baine, and helped Rexxar and Co rescue Baine (he did not ‘rescue Bain all by himself’ as the posts above read like, he helped Rexxar and Co)

So he played a very small part casting a spell to find Baine and then helping Rexxar and Co do so, and that’s it, that is his entire existence in Warcraft lore prior to the recent Dragonflight questline where he is killed.


Nobody knows Bovan, he means Bolvar, who was killed in WLK.

Baine owes a debt. And He failed.

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Sure, the same one he owes Rexxar, Rokhan and Chen who were the ones sent to rescue him in the first place, that Bovar cast a spell to find and then joined them in rescuing him.

And Baine tried, but was not fast enough. Either way though, that doesn’t change Bovar was an extremely small bit character, that could potentially have been switched with any other tauren seer able to cast a farsee spell to join Rexxar and Co afterwords.


Ummm ok I guess.

Point is all Horde characters no matter the importance get killed. They are all disposable for Blizzard. And for as long as this cycle continues they don’t get my money any longer.