Why I am quitting

This isn’t about Horde or Alliance. Nothing in this expansion is.

Also: mass genocide of Nelfs, dead Malfurion, missing PTSD king, etc.

But why does it matter? Why does there need to be some weird contest that doesn’t make sense?

Harken, Kota, Tam are all still alive, along with all of the others. It’s a nomadic tribe. There’s a bunch of them at the end of the questline and there will be more— or did you ignore the baby?

It’s a questline of hope and moving forward and living again.

One dude dies and you’re up in arms?

Mal died to stupidly take the place of a useless dragon and we’re left with bat crazy dumb Tyrande who can’t lead worth anything. You don’t see me rage quitting.

Take a step back, get some perspective. Stop trying to create some nonsensical contest and understand what that storyline was all about.

He hasn’t been in the Warcraft story telling since WC3… 2003. We might have a different view on what is or isn’t minor.

Mostly yeah but not because of the story. Hasn’t been because of the story for some time. There are far more issues with Warcraft’s story than killing off characters who were underused.

But hey, good luck out there looking for a new story to dive into.

Temporary unavailable. He will be back and switch back with Ysera.

Nameless NPCs are not important.

Still part of the alliance and not dead.

Because the Horde lost everything and the Alliance lost nothing.

Bovan is dead. That is all what matters. No Horde characters is ever allowed to grow Blizzard just kills them since the whole Horde story is just an afterthought and not the main plot.

There is no Horde. Dragonflight barley started and we have 3 dead Horde characters already.

Yes because when the Alliance does something they all make it out alive. Even worse Sunband sacrificed himself to make sure that stupid HUMAN explorer survives.

again. Not dead. He is only there until Ysera is done preparing her daughter to be the new leader of the green dragons.

I did. I gave Blizzard a chance to do better. But they blew it. Now I unsub and won’t return any time soon. I will play something better. Like ESO and SMITE.

It is a contest. Totally. Dozens of Horde characters died while hundreds of alliance ones are alive.

That’s where I stopped reading. You’re just going to keep moving goalposts and twisting things just to stay mad. Whatever. Stop posting then if you quit. Goodbye.

Teldrassil was done for shock value. Your army was intact and your six leaders all came out unharmed. You kicked the Horde out of Darkshore with ease and are even attacking core Horde zones as we speak. The Night elves lost nothing. The Horde however is short on leaders now since Bfa totally wrecked our whole cast so we are stuck with one time questgivers as the Orc heritage questline showed us.

OH NO… anyways

Nobody genuinely cares you’re leaving. You’re not some paragon of the community, you’re not a guide maker, and you’re not a dev.

There’s the door, quietly go through it.

Dont watch game of thrones. Like, ever.

What? Have we switched from the horde favoritism whines again?

More like Novan, cuz he dead

It never stopped. Tyrande and Malfurion celebrate a huge success with their new tree meanwhile Bovan is dead and the Windtotem tribe are leaderless. Once again Blizzard craps on the Horde story.

I’m glad that as we’ve come together to mourn the loss of our beloved Bovan, the community can pause and reflect on what’s really important.

Crapping on Baine.


I am glad we can agree here.

They really named a bovine Bovan? And you’re upset that character is gone?

I understand being confident people werent in the past…but in recent years its definitely believable lol



FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!FIX BUG!!!, or add it to all other classes or just make everyone play arcane mage, mage will one shot any BfA bosses with touch of magi 10x damage!!!

Who wants some free popcorn?

Did I have a stroke or did you?

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Does it come with a movie?

I literally have no idea who this is and I’ve done every quest multiple times. Seems like you’re just looking for any reason to quit honestly lol