Why I am quitting

After the death of Bovan it once again becomes clear that Blizzard doesn’t care for the Horde story at all. All our characters are disposable for them and we will never see better days because the only way Blizzard can write our stories is to kill our dudes. I am done with this franchise for good. Erevien out. Won’t come back any time soon until Blizzard resurrects every lore character they wrongfully killed when going full Game of Thrones on the Horde.


who is bovan?


Complains about blizz not caring about the Horde, plays a Belf lol

Surprised Bovan was the last straw and not SL.



Didnt Bovan die a while ago

Bovan Windotem. Leader of the Tauren tribe of the Windtotem and responsible for Baine being saved from centaurs.


So ideally, Bovan should have died a long time ago. Then we wouldnt have Baine.


Baine failed to save the guy who saved him in return. He is a failure just like the whole Horde lore. I am done now and won’t come back.

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Its unfortunate he saved Baine to begin with.

I didnt realize that you made a thread about this topic before.

Bovan was a minor character at best. Just like everyone told you before.

But I am surprised that this issue took so long to make you quit.


“Erevian out”

Spoken like a true self-important no-name. Nobody knows who you are. Nobody cares. The World of Warcraft keeps spinning. Lol


He is a named lore character. Not some no name NPC. Nobody cares when random soldiers get killed. But he is from the RTS and made a place in my heart. But I am done now. Blizzard keep crapping on my faction and I will not give them any more money for the further abuse of what I used to love.


i thought the rts wasn’t canon?

Still an extremely minor character.

Does your heart run on Internet Explorer? Because the delay in complaining about this, changing to “this is so important I am quitting” makes me question motives.

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He’s never been an NPC in WoW until his corpse showed up in DF.

Either you pick the weirdest hills to die on or this is a very poor troll thread.


I had the same feeling before. Back in TBC when blood elves were introduced but one patch later they killed Kael’thas too. But I ´gave Blizzard a chance of improvement which now proofs to be futile. The game is dead. And I deeply hope it will burst in flames when it goes down fully.

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LOL. ya its time to take abreak for sure. LOL

Why you ever came to that conclusion I don’t know, but no, the RTS ist most certainly cannon.

Everything from WoW to Wrath was a direct pull from it, be it the orcs coming to Azeroth from WC1, the Alliance being formed between there and WC2, and a huge smorgousboard of things from WC3:

  • Arthas and his whole fall into becoming the Lich King
  • Scourge assault on Silvermoon and the forming of the scar there, Death and Raising of Sylvannas as a Banshee, her breaking off from Arthas and forming the Forsaken (preludes to Wrath)
  • Subsequent high elves of Quel’Thalas renaming their race as Blood Elves in rememberance of the above, and their being ostracized by the Alliance (one commander of anyway) to the point of being put up for Execution, and thus leaving the Alliance, and Kael’Thas going to Outland with Vashj to save Illidan (prelude to BC)
  • Jaina’s fathers death at the hands of the Horde (prelude to BFA)
  • Chen Stormstout helping found Orgrimar, helping with various events in Durotar, and the death of Jaina’s father (Rexxar campaign, which is referenced in vanilla WoW quests as having happened (https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=819/chens-empty-keg)

List could go on and on from there, but to the point, WoW is primarily based on the RTS until they moved on to non-RTS things in later expansions, it most certainly is canon.

That said, getting this upset over a small side character in the Rexxar campaign of WC3, who wasn’t even that big of a role in that, is silly.


uhm because wowpedia and wowwiki say so? dunno why your getting so upset about it.

If alliance gets to be upset about a spy from the SI:7 I will be upset over a Tauren seer who is responsible for the worst character still being alive(Baine).