Why I am quitting

if this were true, you would be celebrating his death

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Do please give any reference anywhere on that site that the RTS is non-cannon, and not the RPG (the latter of which is non-cannon), which are two entirely different things

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Characters who aren’t Baine are given a chance to be better then him. I would celebrate the fact if Tauren would rebel against his rule because they are sick and tired of rolling over the minute the alliance to show up and slaughter them. But that is not the case sadly.

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RTS. Not RPG. Big difference.


The old RPG that people still bring up isn’t canon, so maybe that’s what they meant wasn’t canon idk

That is why I asked to clarify for any link to anything saying the RTS and not the RPG is not canon, since per their listed source:

best thing about SL…there was all that old content to keep my occupied for two years

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SL was good. Only criticism would be that Blizzard didn’t take the chance to break death fully and resurrect some fan favorites.

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I’m not reading your post. Its a guessing game! Why you are quitting. Hmmmm. Because you got a job overseas and it’s remote with no internet access? Probably not. Hmmm… Because your cat ate your computer? Could be. Final guess. Because you don’t like something so youre leaving

Another cool character died and it was the final straw for me.

Can I have your golds?

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You’re quitting over 1/16 of the content

This was clear when Blood Elves were added.

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Well the Blood Elves are alive and doing rather well. We are reclaiming the Ghostlands, Lor’Themar got married, things are moving along just fine.

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Final Fantasy got some good stories, least the console ones, not sure about the mmo one

He’s just some roadkill. I wouldn’t worry about it.


No. They don’t. They say the RPG is not canon.