Why did they kill Bovan Windtotem

Yet another important Horde character died only to raise the stakes and give the most useless Horde character a motivation to be angry. Once again Blizzard spits on the Horde community while the alliance characters who so far appeared during Dragonflight stay alive and well. Will the bias ever end?

Really stretching the definition of the word ā€œimportant.ā€


You consider Bovan an important Horde character. Why?

Dude was absent from the Warcraft story after The Frozen Throne till Dragonflight. A grand total of 19 years missing from the story. Important Horde characters have historical significance such as Doomhammer or an active presence in the story in some manner, such as being a racial leader like with Kiro.

The only thing that could see Bovan be considered an important Horde character was the fact his assistance helped ensure Baine was discovered and rescued by the Centaur. Which I must confess in light of how much you vehemently dislike Baine, I figured would make you dislike Bovan in turn.

Iā€™m not sure if your just bored or want attention with this one.


If Baine had died to save Bovan I wouldnā€™t have complained.

Bovan is not Baine. He can be his own character. But before anything could happen he died. He is wasted potential like many other Horde heroes who died pointless deaths.

I get that the factionā€™s scraping the bottom of the barrel for relevant characters but I wouldnā€™t consider Bovan important on his own. Yeah, it sucks that he was brought in just to die, but he functionally only existed to be a plot point for Baine to begin with and I suppose he served his role as that well enough to try to repair Baineā€™s image, for those players who still held out enough hope to buy into that.


Take a look at the wiki pages for Alliance and Horde. Then scroll down to look at the list of important characters directly under the leader section. You might be surprised how many more characters the alliance has in comparison.

Nothing was repaired. Baine failed to save him. Just after his failure to stand up to the Jailer. He is still the biggest loser among all the leaders.

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Guys name was generic ā€˜cowā€™.

You answered your own question right here. Thatā€™s why they did it.

If they were trying give Bain some teeth, the least they could of done is have him use some Tauren chieftains magic, or earth magic or spiritwaler like something to make him look a bit stronger or capable.

Bain was and still is a useless underpowered cow who canā€™t do anything.

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Watching Baine make apple-sauce out of the centaur was worth ten Bovans and a Mankrikā€™s wife.

The quest also gave some interesting insight not into the characters, but the writers. Theyā€™re clearly aware that Tomul is an insufferable chore to be around.

With how dismally unlikable many of the Dracthyr characters are, I was afraid they had forgotten how to write a likable character. Or the part of her story-arc where she stoppped being a pill was cut for time.

Sheā€™s deliberately written this way, and is even aware herself that she has a pigs personality. Fascinating.


tl;dr: Bovan died so they could give his spine to Baine.

Seriously though, Bovan was a minor Character within WoW, but his death gave them a place to anchor a plot arc for Baine to remember why his tribe are called the Bloodhoof and snap him out of his pacifistic rut. It is something that continues into 10.1 with the Fyrakk assaults; Baine and Mayla are present for those and it is pretty fun to watch Baine kick dragons around.

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Indeed. Nobody cares about him.

No. It wasnā€™t. Baine should be dead. Period.

Bovan died so they can make him even more insufferable than he already is before.

I gag even at the thought to see more of these people at all. Nobody wants a kindergarten morality being shoved in their faces.

I think itā€™s too late for Baine for me to change my dislike of him, but if they were going to use him for Dragonflight, I feel like they missed a chance for him to actually be relevant by not having this questline in 10.0 when whatā€™s-his-name the Grimtotem boss was still alive.

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His name was Kurog.

On the note of Grimtotems, Magatha was data-mined in the Dragonflight files. So thereā€™s still a chance for a Bloodhoof - Grimtotem showdown.


Which Magatha hopefully will win.

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You are aware that she is a Tauren supremacists and cares nothing for the Horde, right?

You can be both. And I take a leader that actually wants the Tauren to be successful over someone who punishes his own people for merley fighting back against an invading force. Baine is a loser and the majority of the community knows it.

I liked when Baine started ethnic cleansing the centaur in the storm

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I liked when the Jailer threw him away because he is worthless.

Excuse me, I was under the impression that only Taurens can call each other the ā€œCā€ word.