Why I am quitting WoW over MoP Remix

People are going to try to be efficient with their time, that is normal. You can’t really make people not want to be efficient, it is entirely a design issue from Blizzard.

There are multiple ways they could have never let this happen, they did not do that though and then players were efficient, as expected.

They could have removed charms from frogs, they could have not had charm dailies, they could have made “hyperspawned” mobs only drop quest items. They did none of this, you can not blame players for that.

Extremely boring, just make sure you do not blame other players for doing what is time efficient. Blame blizzard for setting this mode up the way it is. Max gear is not fun for long either, it is just chore simulator but different chores.

This, this is actually my point behind my fight against exploiting in the game. Especially the frog farmers who got to keep their gear.

If you sit around and do nothing because other people are blasting through things faster than asmongold on crack?

Then its not even playing the game, its just sitting and watching things fly by while you do f-all.


No, absolutely DO blame the people who exploited to get their gear.

Eh it’s not even exploiters. Everyone who has no life had zoomed so far ahead that those of us who don’t are basically stuck playing ad NPCs in their power fantasy.

And I’m sorry, but the second someone is flexing like that, I’m checked out. I’d rather play something else where I can meaningfully contribute.

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Imma say something that may sound like trolling but is 100% serious (regardless of the ire it draws), FFXIV would be best suited for that and I am actively playing it right now while having this window open.

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I would do FF14, but I’ve already got 90s in all jobs, and I don’t enjoy savages or ultimates so I’m basically waiting for Danwtrail

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Damn! Good to see another FFXIV enthusiast here :heart:

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You’re probably right. Re-reading the hotfix post, the jump from 1250 made a big change. I didn’t really pay attention because I was still focused on thread count and bronze was a side effect of that. Biggest one that benefited me was the cache increase, as most of my early power gains were from Guo’lai keys.

Well said sir. I appreciate your candor in helping me see this from a clearer perspective.

May the blessings of the frogs rain upon thee. :smiley:

Remix is very close to being a new viable seasonal model for wow as a pseudo ARPG, you have to kind of ignore the MMO preconceptions and look at it like an ARPG.

Here are the blatant seasonal ARPG components in Remix:

  1. The stat gems are a strict copy/paste system from the Diablo franchise.
  2. The tinker, cogwheel, and meta gems are present in almost all ARPGs - they are a way to balance the game between seasons without editing the underlying character templates (can adjust classes by adjusting the gem abilities they typically use instead of editing the core character)
  3. Character migrates to a normal realm after the season
  4. Quadratic power scaling that plateaus into a logarithmic infinite scaling structure (the exponential gains to power by upgrading gear/item level → only scaling from the cloak with stat DRs after gear is upgraded) - every ARPG does this. Diablo 3 think getting your gear set, and then being able to infinitely scale main stat slowly through paragon points.

All the group content on top of the quadratic early scaling made it very obvious to players that others were drastically more powerful than them (whereas ARPG players largely don’t interact with others and don’t know there are people doing a million times their damage) and the upgrade costs are too much (typically in an ARPG you can no-life a game for 12 hours a day and get to the slow endgame scaling within a week - remix that cycle (outside of frogs) is about 2-3 weeks because the upgrade costs are so much.

They just need to fix the upgrade costs make there be some infinitely scaling solo scenarios or something you can do for bronze (See D3 Greater Rifts) , make all player power account wide (gear and cloak buff - like every other ARPG), and the player base needs to understand it’s not supposed to feel exactly like an MMO.

But the character specific power and the heavy upgrade costs are super cringe.

For me corruption in BFA was a precusor to this stuff… I love this game mode and really REALLY hope they do WOD next.

I got claw of eternus today… i thought it was a mount not a title :frowning:

Except the VAST majority of people who do what you mention didn’t even touch frogs. People just are that strong now from consistent gameplay and since weapon models aren’t on the vendors to buy for bronze you have to queue LFR to get them.

I just did an MSV wing, I have 6.3 million hp and full gear. In and out again in 4 minutes. Haven’t touched a hyper spawn.

If I could buy every item that drops in LFR for bronze I wouldn’t touch the place, it’s awful for bronze rates.


Also try upgrading your gear, does wonders.

I resubbed here while waiting for dawntrail as well so I’m not burnt out.

Definitely seems to be the case. the first upgrade from 345 to 360 was very noticeable.

This isn’t an airport… You don’t have to announce your departure… no one cares!

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Crazy, almost full 556 without farming any hyperspawns and without no-lifing the game. Not sure what people are complaining about.



If i recall correctly, isn’t there a thing you can interact with to warp you to the end of the raid, if you’ve already completed it before? I haven’t been back there in some time, admittedly, so i may be wrong.

Stopped reading when you said “since warlords of draenor”.

You started out on one of the worst expansions of the franchise, no wonder you’re feeling down/demoralized, your first exposure to Blizzard was one of their worst performances in the game.

And with the nonsense they pulled w/ this event, I don’t honestly blame you. My perspective would be vastly different if I had started w/ WoD and then saw their handling of this event.

Man, you started the game when they added PATHFINDER. Damn. That’s pretty rough.

But at least you recognized their pattern of behavior. "Promise something OP/fun —> deliver the opposite —> gaslight players who didn’t exploit to feel OP as advertised ----> nerf the content so it’s just asinine for everybody (except the fully upgraded exploiters)

Yeah, standard formula. Overwatch 2’s rollout was an even bigger indicator that they have a good amount on that team who have no idea what they’re doing.