Why I am quitting WoW over MoP Remix

Or I can just… not support it and go play FFXIV instead.

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attention seeking behaviour


You can play whatever you like, but your justification is silly.

“This optional temp game mode has a problem, so I’m quitting! Rabble rabble rabble!”

This. They don’t want everyone finishing in a week and peacing out. But good luck trying to explain that to a playerbase that has been conditioned across the entire gaming industry to consume content like locusts and be ready to pounce on the next live service limited time FOMO event.

Later tater. No one wants to read all that

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I do feel bad for you man. I do wish you could enjoy it, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Having joined in WoD you haven’t really experienced any real highs within this game. At best you got a mediocre expansion that was elevated by Blizz needing to give us some of the most legendary weapons/characters in the game. By the time WoD came around the modern Blizzard grift had already begun. Put as little work in as possible, blame the fans for every problem with an expansion, rake in the cash. That’s what they do now, that’s what they have done since WoD. Now I do think Dragonflight is a step in the right direction but that’s a different conversation.

I wish you could have experienced it back in the day, when Cata was considered the worst expansion. Man Cata blows essentially every other xpac after MoP out of the water, and it was considered the worst. But I don’t think you would have liked it. Which is fine, it just isn’t for everyone.

Idk everyone has their principles and if you hate remix so much it makes you want to quit then I respect it. It’s not like you don’t have valid reasons. So ignore the passive aggressive, or straight up actual aggressive, crap on this thread. You do you, guy. Hope you find something good.

K, bye. Mommy’s little flower is gonna wilt over not being spoon fed after missing the exploit train. Go play a P2W with that attitude.

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Well 90% of the reason why some of us second guess the decision to try to become even a little bit more powerful is because of the costs.
Life with my bronze was fine before i started to really try to upgrade this guy. Now it seems like it will take a long time for me to ever reach that “much more powerful” level.

The goal posts haven’t moved.

Frog farmers and others just blew right past them the first weekend.

I’d guess 75% really don’t care that the frog farmers exist. We’re upset that the goalposts are 90 days of grinding from the start line.

The 25% of you who are begging blizzard to drag the frog farmers back to the start are doing nothing to help the 75% of us.

My problem never was where other players are at or comparing myself to them.

My problem has always been:

  1. The grind is too long. Full time job long.
    2)The major draw for many people to this mode is the cosmetics. You want me to grind for a long time for those? Fine, keep their costs high and bronze acquisition low. Just let me upgrade my gear and feel OP. The least you can do is let me have fun while I’m grinding out bronze.
  2. I wanted to play multiple alts and have fun on them. Because this game mode is so UNFUN due to scaling and GLACIAL gear acquisition, playing alts just isn’t fun and doesn’t make sense. Cloak needs to be shared. Bronze discounts need to be account wide.
  3. Raid lockouts policies are trash. Can’t do all difficulties in the same day, why? If I get locked to 1 group that fails, I can’t join another group? Why?

Anyhow my sub runs out tomorrow. I haven’t bought TWW and I have no plans to do ANYTHING after this fiasco. Blizzard took a real nasty turn. We’ve all seen how “streamers” are in their pocket.

Enjoy your soon to be “epic” Q3 Blizzard.


It is exactly people like you why Blizzard gets a free pass and will never bother to take responsibility for their destructive ineptitude.
Blizzard ruined the MoP remix right after the first weekend. Right after players got OP quicker than Blizz intended.
The nerfs were deliberately aimed at ‘non-frog farmers’ in an attempt to keep you, the average player, playing the Pandaria event for the entire three months.
But please, keep giving Blizzard a free pass while also giving them your money.


Woah, woah, woah!!! Content cycles should NOT… I repeat NOT be dictated by business interests but should instead be what is the most fun inherent in the content. I am still having fun in MOP Remix… a hell of a lot of fun.

If blizzard had the current bronze drop rates and full power conversion to alts AND there were absolutely NO grindable sources of bronze or if you could only grind to a rising threshhold (with threads being infinitely grindable)… A lot of the issues go away.

If you grind you should be more powerful, the problem is the degree to which max gear vs non max gear has destroyed the integrity of the game mode and they made no move to fix that early… its not a player fault, its 100% blizz fault.

:thinking:<----- My point.
:crazy_face:<------- Your head.

Cry all you want, but without those frog farmers A LOT less people would have the necklace and we’d be seeing a lot more crying about how it’s “too hard” to get. And thse new hotfixes that keep coming out are only making it worse, R.I.P ward nukes.

Quitting a game over an optional limited time game mode is silly…

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It’s pretty crazy that Blizzard has been nerfing everything across the board making these players grind slower and somehow instead players are mad at other players for making their grind faster.

Blizzard finessed them perfectly, read like a book and played like a fiddle.


OP said they are quitting WoW, obviously probably didn’t sub JUST to play remix…

Respectfully disagree here.

It’s 100% a player problem. Hyperspawns are/were an issue because people used them to leapfrog ahead. It’s clear the design intent was for a couple of weeks of daily progress to amount to a power level that lets you breeze through things, not a couple of days. Maybe more time if you dabbled in buying cosmetics before upgrading, or didn’t do all the dailies (not all the raids, but some!)

The reaction of the player base is to cry because they, for whatever reason, didn’t do the same. The brigade starts and ends with players wanting xyz now and not two weeks from now; or they don’t have the time; or they have other game modes to keep up on; or the costs are too high…

It’s three months long. You can go do all those things, or whatever you so choose, and still have plenty of time to accomplish what you want. I hit max iLvl and am chipping away at collectibles now, without ever touching a hyperspawn.

Any one of us can do it. I did it in this time span because I put in more time. Nothing says you have to do that. You too can hit this point at your own pacing.

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That is demonstrably false and you are rewritting history to suit your outlook… prior to players obtaining frog level power, there were no daily quests or onetime large sources of bronze and overall bronze drops were much much lower- the general idea was you had to work VERY VERY hard (outside the realm of most players being able to achieve, to collect all the rewards). The changes were in response to players shortcutting the system. Blizzards initial design was grind for 10 weeks and enjoy 2 weeks of god like power NOT grind for 2 weeks and enjoy 10 weeks of godhood.

Again dailies didn’t exist. They came AFTER and in response to frog farming.

Again no, the largest outcry was against the initial design. Any crying now is delayed feedback or in response to seeing blizzard cave. The rewards are more or less great right now (except for alts having to catch up). Also its about 4 weeks to go from 346 to max if you do nothing but upgrade gear - which I think is about right pacing wise.

I am looking at a player with near 20000 achievement points, you have a high level of play and dont really represent the average wow player… check your privilege (kidding btw - more power to you, we actually agree on things right now, I just think you overlooked week 1 and how remix launched).


I was subbed for six months, only got one month left on the sub but aint logging in and took the payment method off so yeah. Kinda done done with this crap.

Honestly, I was having fun… until the “Loot simulator” syndrome set in.

Join a dungeon run and it’s a level 20 priest running their alt through and I basically don’t do anything.

Join a LFR raid and… It’s another person blasting through, and I’m basically doing nothing.

Why am I in a game mode where there’s no point to me even doing anything at all? I’m basically just playing “follow behind and loot everything” which is boring AF. I’m done.

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