Why I am quitting WoW over MoP Remix

Started out rough getting maybe an upgrade a day with daily quests and normal raids, then around 400 ilvl items I started getting invites to heroics and between that and dailies it bumped me up to 2 upgrades a day. Capped a couple days ago and now I’m farming bronze for cosmetics. Nearly done with the crazy expensive mounts.

Stop being mad at people stronger than you.

Nobody cares.

Tbh I haven’t even run a dungeon in retail-esque versions. I’ve done follower dungeons but I have no idea what to expect from other people.

At that end I’m perfectly happy with the mogs, mounts and toys. As someone who has only logged into wow for SoD (just quit P3) and just putz around the treasure box in SW on retail - this gives me more of a place to start and make mistakes and not really feel like my time is wasted.

I think remix is great for people like me and not really taking it too seriously. I never played MoP anyway too so I’m sure that helps.

Everyone’s complaints are legitimate though. If blizzard couldn’t predict this then they are 100% fostering a 1% vs 99% dynamic in these games and it makes little to no sense for the health of the community

See this, this I never understood.

The way I play WoW, Retail and Remix, there will always be people stronger than me. I don’t care. Infact, I got my neck last night, because of people stronger than me. My ilevel is now 399, upgraded gear is at 430, I’m a solo player who does not mind grinding out those levels.

It was actually one of your comments that sealed the deal for me in upgrading my gear and you were right - the difference is amazing!

We have 3 months - give or take now, I have 2 alts sitting on almost 100K Bronze each, just from getting to level 70 - that’s a lot of cosmetics, I can work on my main getting “geared”.

To OP - Cya!

Then Guild Wars 2 would be another great option. Get to max lvl, takes a minute to get the best gear, and you’re done.

It’s so bad publicity everything they are doing with this mode… imagine thinking this would bring people to spend 60-70 bucks on the next expansion when you make a mode that was advertised as fun and powerful and ends up being a worse sod but with retail systems…

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I’m with you on this. This content is such a prime example of how blizzard wants people to just play the game not enjoy playing the game. I didn’t frog I did what they wanted us to do until I found out it was weeks of pug raiding every day. I get my ilvl to the 444 threshold and now I’m losing power cause they want to smooth out the transition. It’s 2024 blizz no one wants to progress the raid notorious for over staying it’s welcome.

I guess I was lucky. I hadn’t heard anything about this remix, so, as we should in life, I had no expectations, and I’ve been havin a blast. Sure some things aren’t exactly how I would like, but that’s how it is in every game, and, wait for it… life. Play if you’re havin fun, quit if you’re not, but complaining doesn’t make life better.


Wow is not an airport no need to announce your ill fated and wrong opinioned departure.

I ignored the call to the Timeless Isle quest that popped up around level 40something-ish. I knew the gulp frogs would get farmed to death and had every intention of doing so myself, I mean why not? It was literally an endgame slog when it was current as it was an awesome way to collect currency in short spurts [I get super bored really quickly with endless frog stomping style farms but to get ahead, I definitely would have done it]. I did it while it was current and really didn’t think it would be an issue. The dev’s knew about it and if there is any denial about that fact, it’s a willful circumstance. I wanted to complete as much of the content as possible though before I subjected myself to the Timeless Isle meat grinder so I missed out. I cannot in good conscience condemn those who have participated in farm groups, I guarantee I would have ended up there myself.

I’m behind. I still need an Immerseus kill to complete the Pandaria Raid achievement for my neck. I am lucky to devote an hour or two a day to gameplay because wife/life/work/pets/mortgage and Stanley Cup Playoff hockey. Nevertheless, I’m realistically a week away from the god-like ilvl 476ish status, and potentially in a couple weeks of farming threads and whatnot. I’ll hopefully be able to get those damn bones for the Tusk appearance.

Am I disappointed that because of the farm I’m so far behind on ilvl it’s not even funny? Kind of but not demoralized to the point that I’ll just throw my hands up in exasperation and just walk out of the sandbox with my plastic shovel and pail. I’m grateful for the froggers that come in, are courteous, wait for peeps to be in range for kill credit and wreck the place. It’s only the toxic one percenter froggers that come rub it in your face and lock you out of encounters because their +speed is like being permanently mounted, and even then taunt everyone with their god hood with assinine git gud nub commentary while they’re a boss ahead of everyone else in the encounter.

With the bug on retail now that made soloing SoO impossible to farm the tusks, I’ll carry on this way [As of a couple days ago, you can’t get past Galakras because you’ve now got to hit the dragon from both towers at the same time…thanks for that btw] besides, why pout/rage on when the finish line is within sight in a few days? If it proves out that farming those stupid bones of mannoroth is still a nasty chore once I’ve achieved godhood, I’ll re-think that but with the way the cloak scales even further now with the updates yesterday, surely I can collect another 19 bones in the next 80+ days?

I really don’t understand why folks expend such an enormous amount of their personal energy reserves angsting about circumstances they cannot change. Especially now that the dev’s have confirmed there will be no change to the bronze costs. It doesn’t mean there won’t be additional opportunity to ease the burden of acquisition down the road. Maybe they’ll add a legendary bronze cache or something who knows? I’m a butter cup and I’m gonna suck it up and keep chasing those stupid bones and tusks.


Can I have your gold, please

Still funny how people call KILLING MOBS repeatedly in a MMO is an exploit… :rofl: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Can you share who your character is on ffxiv…i’d like to go to their forums and see if you rage there too.

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What Gold in remix gold is almost non existent.

Killing hyperspawn mobs with unintended loot drops and doing so repeatedly is exploiting, doesnt matter how you cut it.

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Heh God I’m glad I’m part of a guild so I don’t have to even cross paths with people as insufferable as you.

I swear the ones calling everyone else toxic are worse than the targets.

The sole idea that just because you’re unhappy about something means that everyone should also be and the. Try to post these… sad gasps of air as threads. Is doing a “service” to blizzard or anyone else is just toxic. And damn anyone that dares have a different point of view than any of them.

it’s very out of touch to call someone lazy when they can’t play 24/7 XD

Complaining about how other players play does nothing to address the fact that Blizzard had over a month to act on bug reports, yet didn’t.

Some self awareness would be lovely here. Even without frog farmers - this is possible. You can see the scaling take place. You know what the have mode is doing.

You can see what the blue is saying just going from 320 - 380.

Rares go from “I hope someone shows up so I can leech credit instead of dying.”


“I mash a few buttons and the rare falls over before it gets to me.”

How do you do you without exploiting?

Do all the raids LFR + heroic/normal, world bosses, rares (timeless isles), daily quests.

Every day.

That’s what a lot of people did.

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Aye…a frogger opens their mouth.THIS is the attitude that has ruined our Zen