Why hunters still use "growl" in LFG?

IMO the taunt mechanic should be removed from the game entirely.


I’m going to have to disagree. I’ve had it happen several times at max level while tanking and the thing is I use tidy plates that are green if I have agrro and red if I don’t. If I see a plate turn red I use taunt to try to establish threat in case the mob is pounding on a healer or dps. If the pet in question is tanking then that was a wasted cd on taunt and if I do lose agrro (it happens particularly when I waste a second or two to retaunt and I’m not doing dps) I now have no taunt and it puts more stress on the healer.

And if you are not targeting the same mob as the tank then you are doing it wrong, particularly if you know this is a problem, furthermore as a hunter you have a tool to deal with this called misdirect.

And on my demon hunter (who at 390 pulls an average of about 20k on trash and can on large pulls do 72k) I have not lost threat unless any of the following situations are present.

  • DPS pulling
  • Skitterish affix
  • DPS not attacking the main target.
  • DPS vastly over gearing me (I would say 40 to 50 ilvls higher is were it becomes really noticeable)
  • A second tank (raids)

I don’t agree that it should be disabled as I too have saved groups from wiping (the last one during Ozruk in the cata timewalking) instead there are several solutions.

Blizz fixes the bug.
Players let hunters know so they dismiss and resummon in the instance to prevent the bug from happening.


I felt it being disabled in raids was a smart move.

Suggesting to disable it in dungeons is hilariously depressing. God forbid someone learn their class and pay attention to its mechanics.

The number of times I’ve saved the day with my tenacity pets taking over the tank or off tanking some adds in M+ during legion is too damn high.

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Get the who taunted app that will whisper the person when they taunt off you. That way when someone just rips threat because you’re not doing enough you’ll know, and when they’re taunting you can point that out that they’re being bad.

Usually if someone does taunt off me, I just let them tank the mob/boss til they die or their pet dies.

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I’ll sometimes manually use it to have my pet eat a big hit when the tank is hurting.

Though apparently, they are bugged.

Got to love cry baby tanks. What happen to the good ol days when tanks suck it up and just did their job. Now they run to the forms and cry someone took aggro from them and they need to be spanked because of it.

I Tank all the time on my alt and not once to I cry about things when its not perfect. Its called improvise, adapt & over come.

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Actually I’ve both uncovered a few bugs and alerted a few hunters to the same. I’ve never had a bad interaction this expac… most hunters are surprised they get the whisper.

It’s worth noting that both the warlock voidlord (our cleave and AOE pet) and hunter pets will taunt on summon/revive. Not sure why this is but it’s a thing and it’s annoying. If my pet dies I’ll run to melee before resummoning so the tank doesn’t have to chase a mob when my blueberry taunts; alternatively I’ll just resummon after the pack.

I’m going to chuckle at this, I’ve never been kicked for using badpet. I’ve only once this expac kicked anyone for failure to control their pets and it was because they deliberately had turned growl back on even though the tank was alive and there was no reason for it to be on, we kicked them for trolling.

These are the ones I’ve run across and educated a few warlocks and hunters on. I think the assumption is that if your pet had enough aggro to die then the tank was already dead. I think this is flawed because I occasionally use my pet to help with stacks on Necrotic/ Grievous weeks.

I think this is a good call out, I also use Badpet as an adjudicator if a hunter is accused of using growl and they aren’t. Badpet either triggers or it doesn’t. If it didn’t they didn’t use growl.

I noticed this also.

Right. You haven’t noticed it happening to you, so everyone else is wrong.

A very few times I’ve had it fail to automatically disable, or fire when it’s not enabled. Several times I’ve had it fire when I resummon a pet in combat. I do not have growl on any hot key, nor is it in a position in which I could accidentally click it.

Many people, here and elsewhere, have been reporting this for some time.

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I don’t think that blizzard should have disabled anything or play daddy over lfg. It’s a user problem that can be settled by the users. 1: Kick or 2: let them die and don’t resurrect. We don’t need blizzard to hold our hands for us. I’m not a child.

That’s certainly a part of it for some tanks. For players like myself, I find it annoying to see a mob be stripped off me preventing me from positioning it for you to do maximal damage. Also when I see my threat plate notify me that I’ve lost threat on something, the old style part of my brain quickly goes into hyperdrive as in the past that meant that someone was about to die if I didn’t get aggro back. To then click on the mob and realize it’s just a pet… it just turns into the boy who cries wolf at that point.

Nowadays I don’t say anything until I watch their pet die like 5 times to damage.

Finally… Tanks deal with enough crap as is… can you like… not make them deal with more? I get it that it’s a bug, but at least TRY to be somewhat sympathetic. And TRY to fix the problem (unsummon/resummon) to help out. Do you get annoyed when the tank moves the pack out of your AoEs?

As for the OPs suggestion to disable growl, No. Growl has it’s uses in Dungeons and pets have certainly saved wipes.

it depends on what LFG your on about.

In an instance, Dungeon or Raid, my growl gets turned off and stays off. Unless the tank bites off more than he can handled and mobs start going after the healer.

If your talking about a world boss, meaaaa. I might turn it off, I might not. In a 40 man zerg fest, it doesn’t much matter.

But in either event, if the mobs are dying, and everyone is living, does it really matter? If I forget, my pet will die, you will get the aggro back, and my DPS will suffer. The thing that’s most aggravating when I do tank, people pulling ahead of me.

I’m going to have to check this one out. Thanks for the heads up on it.

However in the case the OP is talking about you wont see a hunter with growl on. The issue with the bug is the pet will growl but it wont trigger the spell to on the pet bar to light up with that circling around the growl command. Also from my experience the growl isn’t actually active to retrigger so often its a once time bug trigger. It usually doesn’t have a huge effect on the trash pull because if you are targeting the mob the tank is fighting the tank will get aggro right back.

The biggest issue with this bug is when you have a big trash pull and hunter is focus target on a mob that the tank it only hitting with AoE if the growl goes off it does the taunt and the issue is once the threat is broken said mob actually goes after the hunter if the tank hasn’t reestablished threat. I don’t see this issue so much in 5 mans as I do in raids. Any good hunter however know if you see mobs coming at you, you either kite it back to the tank AoE, slow or root it with a trap, pop a shell or if all else fails feign death.

As if there weren’t enough ‘bugs’ in this game, now I learn that my pet has one.
Growl isn’t on my bars anymore, but with what little raiding and dungeons I do, nobody has ever told me to turn it off or complained, and my pet hasn’t been dying so… maybe I’ve been lucky.

I was happy bliz made growl auto disabled. While I’ve been playing a hunter long enough to always remember to turn it off when in a group, it was just something I was happy to not have to worry about.
I’m glad I read this topic. I would die a thousand deaths of embarrassment if some tank wanted to kick me because it was on. Will definitely be putting it back on my bar so I can keep an eye on it.

Always have growl on your bar. That way you can clearly see that it is on/off and also have the icon available for single click if an emergency arises. Other option: Tank died, let me just open my book and look for growl there it is…now drag it to my bar, there we go…(dies) now to release and run back.


Oh I get it.
I just began raiding/doing dungeons after Christmas, before I had a crap computer and my framerate liked to hang just above the teens. So even at the start of BfA, I did very few instances.

Just tried to log on to the game to check this out…but …. authenticator issues. At least they warned us this would happen (sigh).

Usually enabling then immediately disabling growl seems to fix the issue for me so I don’t necessarily have to dismiss and resummon.

This is one of the main reasons why I stopped tanking. It brought out the worst in me and I hate having to resort to mean tactics like kicking people for not listening when I asked nicely at least 3 times.

I’m sorry to hear that. It really boggles my mind why some people just want to be childish and rude.
We hunters aren’t the only ones with ‘pet’ problems.
I was doing a dungeon and the tank politely asked the lock to use another demon besides the blueberry. I have an alt lock, and I know that blueberry does a fine job gaining aggro and taunting (or whatever the mechanic is called that they do) The lock refused, and was kicked.
Boggles the mind.
It’s not like tanks are a dime a dozen. :slight_smile: