Why hunters still use "growl" in LFG?

I just felt like I was failing at my job when something else had the boss attention not me and it drive me crazy :joy: it was mostly a hunter, but sometimes it was a lock with the blue guy. ugh

Easy fix: make sure it’s turned off in the spellbook and on the pet bar. :slightly_smiling_face:

You must not have a tank or have ever tanked. Its annoying and pointless. You’ll be the healer crying because the tank losing aggro the pet dies then the add runs into the party. It makes way more work for the tank to deal with. Your “it takes dmg off the tank” is a trash excuse. Id guess you’ve started with a hunter if that’s the bs you’re sticking with.

It has been said but let’s make it crystal clear:

Hunter pets CAN get buggy through no fault of the hunter.

I have not had a problem with the growl issue, though I do know other hunters who have.

Here are some issues I have had with my pets:

  • Pets not wanting to go through doorways.
  • Pets that won’t jump off ledges (this has been a problem long before BfA). Instead the pet will take the long way around and becomes mega-pet that won’t die and pulls everything with it. So have to remember to dismiss pet - jump - re summon. It can be a pain especially in M+ where it is go-go-go.
  • Loa forbid i actually target the wrong mob. Yes, it happens. Because my auto-attack is on I have tab-targetted a mob that has not been pulled yet and off my pet will go to pull it. I have frantically pushed the Passive button…and it won’t come back. I now keep pet Feign Death on my action bar.
  • Some groups my pet will die even though Growl is off - repeatedly - except…this is not a pet issue

Yes, believe it or not there are times it is advantageous to temporarily turn on growl. Like it or not.

One more issue, Tanks can be huge primadonnas. SOME really act like they are giving us a gift with their presence. Yes, it is an EGO issue.

I’ve been experiencing “No path” error, when pet is beside me, and the target is staring me angrily in the face.
Pet stands there with no error description, and simply won’t attack at all despite me mashing the button and screaming “get going you worthless cat”!!!111!!!
Pet won’t switch targets, again as I mash the key and pray the raid leader doesn’t call me out to remind me that I need to switch up…“yes, I know I’m supposed to be on the add, but my pet thinks he knows more than you do” :smiley:

And today, I find that there’s a growl bug I need to worry about. :frowning:

Personally I don’t care if pet dies, so an occasional pet taunt is nothing to spend one second of frustration over.

More often than pets, is the issues of ranged weapons and changing targets with the tab key.

If a hunter hits tab to move through possible foes to hit, it generally picks the closest and that is who you want 95% of the time, but if auto attack is on and your target is sliver from death, so you hit tab to move to other target, and it dies, your auto attack will hit some far flung opponent and pull them by accident. Auto attack doesn’t shut off when hitting the tab button.

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I get the no path error too so aggravating. Sometimes just putting it on passive them assist again fixes it other time I have to dismiss and recall.

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Pet tracking used to be a real pain. It is much better now. If I jump off of a cliff or something, 99.9% of the time the pet also jumps or auto dismisses. If I land and don’t see pet next to me, that is when I hit dismiss ASAP.

Yup this happens to quite often. I have to Fein or ShM, or I’ll pull wrong mog.

It is bugged.

Wrong, I have had my pet taunt in M+ even when taunt button is disabled.

If I see a mob on a pet I will taunt it off. If the pet taunts it off me again then the pet keeps it. It’s really not that big of a deal.

I wouldn’t mind, but there are some mechanics where it is necessary, like derp slashes main tank for bloody debuff and has to be taunted off, how would you manage that, everyone stops dps for 30 seconds while off tank does stuff ?

I don’t think It’s bugged. As soon as this first hit hunter pets were pulling aggro with growl off in lower level dungeons and stuff. I think tanks weren’t able to generate enough aggro or something.

Uh… not wrong for me and I’m trying to help out here.

I check it every time I go into an instance and it’s worked on three hunters for me. It’s worked for my friends, too. :woman_shrugging:t2:

But it has to be off in both places. If it comes back on, delete your cache folder after you close the game down.

I know, I am just saying it has happened many times to me in dungeons where the pet taunt button is not active and he taunts anyway randomly. It is a bug.

I never said it wasn’t a bug. I’m saying that if you click it on and off both in the spellbook and on the pet bar, it’s worked to keep it off for me.

I had a dumb lock i grouped with using void walker in lfg and he reeeee’d when i nicely mentioned imp was better dps.

So, every time you join a raid or dungeon you click it on and off?

I believe this is the issue. On my hunters I’ve noticed growl still casting with it turn off. It’s something to do with how the game “auto-disables” growl. The work around I found was to manually enable growl, then immediately manually disable growl.

Yeah, that’s what works for me to clear the bug/glitch.