Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Deal with it.

But as some Anti’s, and I mean, some, have put it, adding playable Quel’dorei for the Alliance will effect them. But honestly, I do not see any harm to the reason why the Quel’dorei that are already within the Alliance can’t become playable.

Yeah, everyone could say that the Blood Elves on the Horde won’t effect them, but adding playable Quel’dorei to the Alliance won’t effect the Anti’s either.


You know what would be nice? If you read what I was responding to when I’m pointing out to someone that’s decided that we don’t have any REAL issues that if that’s the case that neither do they.

You do see that the statement you quoted there was me flipping back the words the person I responded to used to try and pretend there’s not really any valid argument?


If you purposely ignore the concerns people have with them, sure.

Also, I like how you’re not calling out your buddy for calling those against them spiteful again.

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“Oh because it is going to hurt the Blood Elves”

Yeah, everything is nothing more than just speculations.

I’ve given up. Seriously, I find it funny, and not just point this just directly at you Midare, or the Anti’s, but actually, more of towards everyone, on how people can just end up being toxic towards each other over one topic on the forums.

Honestly, all of us, we all enjoy World of Warcraft as much as each other (though, not many of us enjoy Beta for Azeroth), but yet, everyone just seems to go at each other with toxicity, and well, screw it, I’m just going to be me. If people want to get themselves the forum vacations, then fine then.


Oh there we go… this again.

If my speculation that it will affect Blood elves should be dismissed, why your speculation that it won’t shouldn’t be?

This is exactly what I said last time and the outcome it’s the exact same: Your speculations are no less speculations because it supports what you want, they are still speculations and if yours are valid and should be taken into consideration, so should mine.

Not to mention that I explicitly said that this is not my only reason to be against them.

Interesting that you “give up” when someone in your now preferred side does it. Very interesting.

Agreed, we’re just having opposing opinions, that’s all and being yourself it’s always the best choice.

However, I don’t like the sound of this. It doesn’t sound much different than those times I’ve seen certain people rallying others to report people just because they find them to be deserving of such, even if they weren’t.


How would it affect Blood Elves?

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I see the conversation is as lovely as ever. I don’t think any of us are going to change each others minds though, so the least we can do is try to talk civilly.


Please, it’s far too early to have me repeat something that I’ve lost count of how many times I estated.

And besides, if you will dismiss my speculations anyway, why should I bother? I’m really tired of people treating speculations from those in favor as fact and the speculation of those against as something worthless.

Who said I was going to do this? Im actually just curious as to how they’d be affected.

It was never my intention to change anyone’s minds. Disagreement will happen among individuals. That’s how humans function.

And you and me often had civil exchanges because at the very least, you have the dignity of remaining true to your point while keeping an open mind, and I appreciate that a lot.

I’m not so polite with people with fickle opinions and that seem to overlook only what’s convenient.

Basically, displays of hypocrisy always rub me off the wrong way.

if you aren’t, why not simply scroll back to what I’ve said in my replies to her instead of having me stating the same thing when it’s 8 am in the morning, I haven’t had any sleep, and the caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet?

Too much scrolling.

Then might want to wait until a time when I’m not forcing my brain to keep on functioning despite its need of shutting down.

I’ll be right over there. points to corner

Well, let me know when we’re playing the races as a whole, and not only groups out of those races, then I’ll consider differently. But until then, adding Quel’dorei won’t effect the Blood Elves.

Otherwise, if it did, then the Void Elves would’ve been the same thing, considering Void Elves are exiled Blood Elves.


And that’s your speculation that ignores the fact that even if we play groups of races, those that more closely resembles their parent race, are all in the same side.

But again, why should I even consider this?

I see that once again, the fact that the Void elves have been changed by the void it’s being ignored… because it’s convenient.

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Oh right, because we’re also ignoring the fact that Blood Elves have also changed a bit from the Fel Radiation as well during the reconstruction of Silvermoon?


Naa, some “people” flagged them into oblivion, but yet these Anti HE threads are not. Those that support them are still here though.


Maybe the supporters aren’t as numerous here as you think.
There’s always this helfer topic:

Oh look, this video is interesting