Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Isn’t posting the same video more than once, spam?

And where have I posted the video more than once?

And I have bet you or every other Anti is that you guys have not watched that video.


if this was true you would have gotten a copy of a horde race without modification. you are also blatantly ignoring what the developers and antis have been saying on the subject. and avarie wonders why people cant be pleasant in their postings



Faction dilution concerns are very real - and frankly I no longer care whether or not you think that’s a valid concern. In many respects you’ve become the same as other voices here that are positioned as “What we want is perfectly legit and anyone who doesn’t want it to happen is a selfish jerk who is only speculating that there would be any impact at all.”

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m getting tired of being told my concerns are baseless speculation by people whose opinion that there would be no impact is at least as baseless.


I won’t watch video. But I’ll agree on one thing though. High elves aren’t blood elves. That’s true.


Blood elves ARE high elves.

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There’s always gona be ignorant naysayers for anything really.

This topic has received more toxicity simply because Ion expressed his position against wanting playable high elves. It’s sheep mentality and it’s really unfortunate.

I mean not a single anti here has even responded according to what I’ve said. Every time I bring up the high elves that are currently aligned with the alliance they start screaming playable blood elf and to get over myself.

It makes absolutely no sense, feels like I’m arguing with robots.


Dorp, what’s interesting is you thinking Sara isn’t referring to you.

I’ve watched it and downvoted it. :smiley_cat:

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This is true. I don’t think anyone argues against this.

It’s important not to disregard the high elves (who still identify as high elves, not blood elves), just because blood elves represent the majority.

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They are not disregarded. They are just not PC. Fair skin elves are gonna stay horde.

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They’re not PC. The point would be for them to be PC eventually.
Which I think would be fine.

It’s ok to disagree though.

I would prefer seeing sethrak or vrykul on alliance but I’m not against high elves.


I am against removing factions. I’d rather not even have the stupid peace treaty right now.



Woah, that is harsh. Where have I ever thought that people who are against High Elves are selfish jerks? No, speculations are all it is. Instead, lets all just turn to each other and call each other selfish pricks.

Murg, until there is actual proven facts that there is a real problem of the reason why High Elves won’t become playable for the Alliance, then all it is just speculations.


It all depends on how high elves are introduced as playable. I can understand the concerns about the high elves being painted as the good guys and blood elves as the villains. Even more so considering how the writing has been.

If the narrative were done right, and avoided such nonsense it would be less harmful.


So until they make a change and it causes a problem no one should say anything? What then, if there is an immediate and verifiable impact will you support removal of them as a playable race?

Murg, just like the pro’s, everything the Anti’s have also pointed out to there own reasons why they don’t want the Alliance to have High Elves is nothing more than just mainly opinions.

Yes, both sides have posted facts to why or why not they should be playable. But stuff like, “it is going to hurt the blood elves”, is nothing more than just speculation.

In the end though, as pointed out and as to how you put it, no, to us Pro’s, “we’re just people who think those who don’t want them are selfish jerks”.

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I think we should maybe gear the discussion more towards how they could be implemented without negatively impacting the blood elves story.

Avarie, if they have been in the game for the Alliance since Vanilla, and there is a story involving the Silver Covenant and the Alliance from Wrath all the way to Legion (exluding WoD), then it isn’t going to hurt the Blood Elves.


Well part of the concern is that blood elves will come off as villainous for mana tapping while the high elves stoically fought the addiction. I think more information about the high elves and blood elves during this time would be helpful in avoiding that narrative.

Another concern is that most high elves didn’t help with the fight. I think more information on what they were doing would be helpful. Not a lot is really known about what each group was doing during the fight or in the aftermath.

Filling in the gaps in a way that doesn’t turn the blood elves into saturday morning cartoon villains would probably go a long way.