Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Maybe it is. I’m just more poking back at the concept that there’s no possible downside to the request. We’re all just arguing opinions, my opinion goes against your opinion and so on. We all think what we want is what’s best, and trying to insist that if one side gets what it wants that it can’t hurt the other side isn’t cool.

And that’s a different thing than feeling that there’s a way to do it to minimize that hurt, which is fine. I mean, in a way half elves are a real compromise in that there’s a bit where each side finds a way to deny the other what they really want =p (gets past no more alliance elves like that, and denies the straight up elves)

I’m assuming just like a vulcan sized elf ear not full blown 2 foot wingspan wow elf ears. And if it is the latter, I wanna see it!

Pretty much… it still had stitches and everything >.<.

Also… gimme gif.

EDIT: Nvm, I found one :smiley:

I just got it off giphy, do you need more than just right click “save as?”


(also, too many of the good gifs of the red bankians are not safe for wow forums sadly)

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I think half elves could work. They wouldn’t need to make up a lore reason to give them a distinct model. Also they could give a variety of ear lengths. Like if a half elf married a high elf, maybe their kids ear length would be somewhere between the parents lengths.

Same thing the other way, a human marries a half elf and their kid has human ears that are pointy. It’d give them a bit more flavor and more rp options. And honestly I feel like ear length could be explored with the other elven races. I mean say an elf had a tip of an ear cut off in a battle or something, it might be cool to have options to reflect that sort of thing.

If the High Elves got some unique features to look a tad different from the Blood Elves, I’ll still be happy.

I’d actually like those models from the old Megathread


Blood of the highborne and shadow of the sun both demonstrate how thalassians are intimately connected to the Sunwell.
In WoD, the devs were questioned about the thalassian elves being away from the sunwell in another universe.
Their response?
“The sunwell’s energies bypass time and space, and the thalassians are connected to the sunwell.”

Again, blood of the highborne and shadows of the sun disagree.
The sunwell is intimately connected to them. This isjust you flat out trying to deny what the lore states.
The sunwell is a necessity for them, hence, why they needed magic elsewhere.

If it was only about their being a source of magic then moonwells and the like would have been enough. This was not the case. Again, various novelizations and chronicles discuss it. THe sunwell is a part of them intimately as much as air and food and water.

It means exactly what itmeans. That they are the only creatures connected to the sunwell. The high elves aren’t proof of anything given they are affected by the sunwell as well. So I am not sure what kind of response of “high elves are proof of that” is supposed to mean.
You’re not countering my point, you’re just being obtuse.

Then why are you refusing to answer the question? If it didn’t add to my point, you shouldn’t have any issues demonstrating it accordingly. INstead, you simply flat out deny it and try to dismiss it.

It literally does given you spent an entire expansion seeing what occurred to them without the sunwell.

That is largely irrelevant. My point i that they are connected to the sunwell, and no other race is connected to the sunwell. That is a defining part of them. Hence why you have several novels, and an entire expansion explaining just how important the sunwell is to the thalassian elves.

This is just you re-affirming your position. It is not an actual counterpoint.
The maghar orcs and orcs are simply different skin colors, and the devs explained that is the only difference.
The void elves went through a more dramatic change.
Both types of orcs bleed red.

HIgh elf = all thalassian elves wise one. You’re trying to play semantics as if it means something.

That’s a strawman. It can be ignored. Can you not make things up just because you can’t play dumb constantly?

No they ren’t/
You’re literally making statements of your personal opinion and arguing they counter my points.
Sorry, thalassian elves don’t naturally grow tentacles, bleed purple, and lose a connection to the sunwell.
Void elves don’t need a source of magic.
That is something different from all elves.

It certainly is according to the lore.
So. Name another race connected to the sunwell biologically.
It shouldn’t be hard if it isn’t a defining feature of the race.

Do you not play BFA? It is stated they don’t have a connection to the Sunwell in game.
You’re just using words because you don’t like the discussion does not support you.

They have been changed by the void. It i stated thalassian eye color changes based on the magic they channel.
Given the tentacle growth, purple blood, and blue skin, yeah, they’re not just inflicted with the void.

Azeroth orcs become gren when exposed to fel. They don’t need to drink demon blood. Hence Thrall and Garona having green skin even though they never drank demon blood. Thrall’s parents didn’t drink it either.
Per the devs, its purely a cosmetic change.

Void elves arenot.
Hence having different racials as well.

Void elves draw from the void for their magic insteadof the sunwell.
Per lore, however, the sunwell overrides all other magic to sustain the thalassian elves.
Void elves, aren’t obeying this lore law. Ergo, they aren’t thalassians.

Your entire argument is

“but orcs.”
when the matter of orcs is already explained and the void elf lore explains what they are as well.

All you are doing is being in denial. Nota healthy thing


Every High Elf was either exiled from Quel’thalas or banished from returning. They could have given in and joined the rest of their people as Sin’dorei. They fought to keep their identity as a High Elf.

What are you talking about? Every High Elf was exiled from Quel’thalas. They were allowed to make pilgrimage to the Sunwell once(as far as we’re aware) when it was restored, but that’s it.

And I don’t know what part about the Blood Elves dealing with Fel is headcannon? They traveled to Outlands to learn about a new way to find a magic souce… and they found one?

Ok… just because you don’t like their story, doesn’t mean it’s bad. And a lot of those High Elf quest givers are actually important to the Alliance Lore. They have names and dialogues, they show up a few times in WoW’s lifespan.

Have you not seen all the withered High Elves? They’ve struggled a lot. Or… instead of proving my point wrong, you could respond with



Wrong. One lodge was exiled. And really, the ones that abandoned their heritage are the ones who fought to keep their heritage, the ones that honor that heritage and work to restore what they once had?

Repeating it won’t make it true.


Sure, if by tooth and nail you mean “forsake your hereditary ruler’s call, ignore the plight of 90% of your race after the Scourge, refuse to honor the fallen and hang out in Dalaran and Stormwind while the Blood Elves struggled to rebuild a shattered nation” then sure…they fought tooth and nail.



Ok. They don’t need the Sunwell though. It’s just a source of magic. If they found another thing to draw magic from that was just as powerful as the Sunwell, they’d be perfectly fine.

No. It isn’t part of their body or DNA. They didn’t die when it was destroyed. They can live without it.

I think it’s because Blizzard wanted their story to be more interesting than that? I don’t know. But, if we’re talking about a good reason for it, I’d say it was because of the resources and time it would have taken and needed for them to create enough moonwells for their entire population to benefit from. That would have taken ages to do. They’d also need drops from the Well of Eternity to make them.

They’re the only people connected to the Sunwell, yes. I’m not saying they aren’t. I’m saying that not being connected to it doesn’t suddenly not make you a thalassian. And High Elves are proof of it, because they kept their normal appearance when it was destroyed. It’s proof that they don’t need it, it isn’t part of their DNA and it isn’t part of their body.

…I continued. Nice misquote though. I’m seeing a recurring pattern with you antis, lol. Taunt, misquote, straight up ignore points and insult people whenever you can.

This isn’t what makes them Thalassian Elves. It’s just one of the many things that they can do as thalassian elves. They can live fine without the Sunwell, if they have another place to draw magic from. Blue eyed High Elves are perfect proof of it. They’re unchanged despite the Sunwell being destroyed and then being restored with the Light.

It’s perfectly relevant. The Sunwell permanently changed their bodies into what they are now. That’s it. They don’t need the Sunwell to remain blue eyed thalassian elves. They don’t need to be connected to the Sunwell to be thalassians. All the Sunwell is, is a defining part of their culture. Void Elves not being connected with the Sunwell doesn’t not make them Thalassians anymore.

No, it is. They’ve both gone through similar transformations. Void Elves are still thalassians, even if they have purple skin and tendrils. Fel Orcs can grow all this crazy stuff on their bodies now, and they’re still Orcs. Azeroth Orcs have literal green skin–no other ordinary orc has green skin.

I was being specific because you were pretending that Ion’s answer about High Elves was super broad and vague. He specifically said that they are a different flavor of High Elf, not a specific flavor of elf or Night Elf.

What? How is that a Strawman. I said this:

Then was your response to that was this:

Void Elves have been changed, just like Azeroth orcs have. This doesn’t mean they’re not Orcs or Thalassian Elves anymore. Your entire point to your arguments have been that Void Elves aren’t connected to the Sunwell anymore and they have purple skin/tentacles, making them a new species.

They’re still thalassian elves. These things don’t make them a new species of beings. Even Ion himself has said they’re High Elves.

I’m using WoW’s lore for my points. You not agreeing with it doesn’t mean it’s just my opinion.

I’m not saying they grow tentacles or bleed purple naturally. But those things don’t suddenly make them a new species. Void Elves have a source of magic… it’s in their name. They’re different from all Thalassian Elves physically, but they’re not the first to study the Void.

I don’t need to? Nobody is arguing that there’s other beings connected to the Sunwell? This isn’t what makes a Thalassian Elf what they are though. If that was the case, they would have all died in Warcraft. If it was part of their DNA, bodies and who they are, they would have died when the Sunwell died. High Elves would have also changed, but they didn’t. They still remain as blue eyed thalassians even though the Sunwell was destroyed and changed.

I was responding to this:

What I said makes perfect sense. Your response to what I said doesn’t though. I wasn’t arguing that Void Elves don’t have a connection with the Sunwell.

Nobody isn’t saying they haven’t been changed by the Void. We’re saying that they’re still Thalassian Elves. They’re thalassians inflicted with the Void. Growing tendrils and having purple blood + new skin is what happens to a lot of the creatures afflicted with the Void. Void Elves have been changed by the Void, just like Sin’dorei have been changed by their old and new source of magic. Void Elves just changed in a more drastic way. Sunwell Plateau is a good example of how much the Blood Elves could have eventually changed too. Thalassians responding to magic is something they’ve always done.

They’re still not like the ordinary orcs from their home planet. They’ve been changed by magic, just like Blood Elves and Void Elves have been. They’re also larger and stronger, which is a change brought on by the magic that changed their bodies. But despite all those things, they’re still Orcs. They’re still related to all the Orcs from their home planet.

…Mag’har Orcs and Azeroth Orcs have different racials…? This doesn’t make them a new species. It’s literally just a gameplay mechanic.

They’re not even connected to the Sunwell anymore, so why would they still be affected by it? And where in all of WoW’s lore that confirmed? That you’re no longer a Thalassian if the Sunwell isn’t overwriting your magic, or if you’re not connected to it? The High Elves in Quel’Danil Lodge literally just stopped practicing magic all together.

This is what you’re reducing my argument to. You’re constantly insulting me and being condescending… for what? Instead of ignoring my arguments, insulting me, misquoting me and then arguing with yourself, you could be using that to make better points for your case.

I think I’m not replying to anything else on this thread.

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It has been clarified twice already but this is incorrect. As per Chronicles Vol. 3, the majority of the High elves (the ones that were not already at SIlvermoon so not that many) that kept the name to this day were not exiled. They fought for absolutely nothing, they simply decided not to pay respects to those who died and not to fight for their own.

Not just once, it’s canon they are permitted when they want to visit it. Lor’themar used this to allow that traitor Alleria to visit the Sunwell.

Because it’s been specified several times that they never consumed Fel and that they’ve been only affected by Fel Crystals used to power up buildings that the majority of the High Elves (the ones still in Silvermoon) didn’t know of their effects.

It’s true I don’t like it. But it’s also true that nothing significant in the Alliance’s story development since WoW started, would be any different if they didn’t exist. That’s how one usually identifies a superfluous element in a story.

And those quests could have been given by any other race and nothing about that would have changed. Funnily enough, the only one that would be different is when that high elf in Terokkar asks you to steal magical artifacts for them to feed upon… and even yet, that’s a speck in a mountain of things that could be more relevant.

Let me guess… you think withered happen by lack of magic… right?

Withered become withered when they indulge too much in magic. It’s like saying that someone that caused themselves a stomach ache from eating too much is someone that dealt with something difficult.

Sorry for laughing at a demonstrably false estatement that it’s funny?


Stop being pretentious please, you know exactly to what I’m referring to.

Show me these playable high elves.
Before you throw the “play blood elf lul” argument.

I am referring to the alliance aligned high elves who did not abandon the name high elf, still referring to themselves as high elves.
Show me that these very high elves are playable.

Until then, your argument is literally wrong.
You can spam “but blood elves” all you want.

Also stop using speculations, you have no idea what effects it would have on the game other than:
People would be playing (quel’dorei) high elves.
People would continue playing (sin’dorei) blood elves.

The end.

Which by the way, is a decision completely irrelevant to you.

Imagine being this obsessed over other people’s ingame cosmetic choices, good grief.



you cant continually pretend you can discuss ‘high’ elves without recognizing they are a clone of a major race on the other faction. as well as the existence of a playable high elf variant

trying to discuss a couple easter egg NPCs as just another ordinary AR in isolation is not going to work. this is why void elves exist

[Citation Needed]


A friendly reminder that blood elves being the main playable high elf race has zero impact on your life. Your gameplay will continue as usual without them and the Alliance story would continue as usual as well.


I’m not

I fully acknowledge blood elves
Just as I fully acknowledge high elves


It’s called being open-minded and not seeing everything as a this vs that issue.


It will go on as normal, whether or not high elves are playable in the future.

I choose not to spite people who want to play the race however.

With your logic, no new ARs should ever be added again.

Nope, you’re just spiting the people who have a different opinion than you.

And that’s not my logic, that’s your nonsense.

My logic is that there has been a compromise elf swap, and that since there are many paths that can be taken by a writing team that shows no hesitance in throwing the horde under the bus for alliance concerns for the changing of the runaway elves becoming playable to detract or villify the blood elf story that I don’t want to risk it.


thats fine. high elves are playable and everyone knows it. once shadowlands customization comes youll just be shouting into the wind. what you want already happened with void elves. they were literally conceived of as a solution for your desire to be an alliance high elf whilst keeping blood elves(high elves) distinct

youre not getting a second AR based off a horde race because you refuse the first, wake up