The High Elf Containment Thread

We all know what is to come. The inevitable creation of a high thread for those desiring them.
As such, I have taken the opportunity to create it on behalf of those whom I stiffly oppose on the notion.

Now for those who feel high elves may not occur, or do not wish to discuss high elves at all, I have my suggestion through half elves, the link can be found below.

As for those whose only purpose is to come into this thread and just stomp their feet.



Did you just create another thread to adversities your own thread?

EDIT: Disregard this since the OP has updated the Opening Post.


I may not agree with you guys on what you desire, but I am not going to try and stop you from discussing it, and will even assist if necessary.

Oh you meant ADVERTISE, i thought you said adversity, jesus its too early.

uhhh, yeah, I figured hey, two birds one stone.
Let people know there are alternatives besides just high elves, and if you still want high elves, go nuts here.


Yes what a title. This is totally going to get the same support.


If washed up Turalyon can have the most beautiful elf on Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner…

I, as the CHAMPION o’ AZEROTH… deserve one too.

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High Elf Thrall will rescue them from you Internment Camp Thread. And together with the High Tauren and High Trolls, they will form the High Horde!

No, no half draenei. We aren’t going to breed with people that live a tiny fraction of our lifespans to have offspring that also die in less than a millennia due to old age. No, our kids will be murdered eventually like the rest of us will.

Also not sure it would really work out due to us being so alien to Azeroth. Sure, the orcs figured out a way to mess with our DNA to create an orcish girl with glowing eyes. So other than warlocks doing nasty magics, I don’t its possible for draenei to breed with other races.

No, just High Elves. All I want to see is the High Elves that are already there within the alliance is to become playable.


(Statement): Unit Exacitor is in favor of Half-Elves for the Alliance as an Allied Race. Ideally it would include Dalaran being cemented as part of the Alliance once more.

(Commentary): It’s a win-win. The Alliance gets to have one magical kingdom in perpetuity, and the Horde isn’t forced to use Dalaran as a capital again.

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There is already the High Elf Love Thread. Please by patient till that thread is unlocked. Spamming doesn’t help our cause.

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Yall can say that all you want, its still not true. Also we don’t need your “containment” thread, we just want ours not to be unfairly flag bombed by you antis because you don’t like the fact that we are right.

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Your topic is locked due to thread cap. It will not be unlocked. Hence the thread.

Hello Xeno, and yes, it is certainly true.
High elves are typically placed with humans and dwarves in many fantasy games.
Placing them with orcs, zombies and trolls is certainly different.

Your thread hit the post limit, it was not flag bombed.
Furthermore, I can assure you no one flags, even when individuals such as yourself seek to be abrasive.


(Observation): Use of the term, ‘anti,’ to de-legitimize an opposing view is a sign of tribalism.

(Analysis): The, ‘us vs. them,’ mentality, while pervasive in this game, is also a contributor to the unhealthy atmosphere between players.

(Commentary): I seriously can’t take people seriously when they use terms like, ‘anti.’ For one thing, I read it close to, ‘aunty,’ and now I’m just picturing all of these people against High Elves as my aunt who is just the sweetest, kindest, nicest person in the whole world.

(Addendum): There is a lack of evidence to suggest that the thread has been, ‘flag bombed,’ by a specific group of posters, let alone by those against the idea of High Elves as an allied race.

(Conclusion): Statements like this are why I sometimes have a hard time taking the request here on the forums seriously. I truly believe there are people who want them, and I hope they get what they want, but posts like this make me worry about them as well.


Oh. I thought it was another flag bombing situation. No matter. Time to get another one up.

It’s capped. We need your glorious thread skills once again oh mighty all beautiful master.


I got it setup.


Your welcome?

So its not valid unless you guys post it?
That’s rather tribalistic behavior there.


(Statement): It seems only logical a thread in favor of their addition be started by those in favor, as they can present their logic and views in the first post seen by all who enter the thread.


This Mechagnome is adorable!