Why herb when you can fish?

They were 100% bots. They even took ages to resurrect but they all did it at the same time and even all attempted to cast the same spells at exactly the same time against me

becasue I pick up herb on my way while fishing I have to stay in one spot and bored my mind out.

Shadowlands is lousy with these Druid bots running amok, reeking havoc on the economy. As a herbalist/Alchemist my professions are in the toilet. Not even worth the time UNLESS you bot! Iā€™m so done with WoW! I detest Shadowlands and canā€™t wait until my sub is up so Bliz will have one more lost sub to tally. I know itā€™s not much, but Iā€™m speaking with dollars this time!

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If you actually payed attention then no.
What o you think an Alchemist has more uses for: Fishing or Herb farming?

Well if itā€™s as bad as arsenic then you wonā€™t have any competition when you try to get it changed :slight_smile:

I see a yellow dot I gotta get it

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I think youā€™re making a big assumption they are doing it for profit. It takes quite a few herbs to level Alchemy and the better potions arenā€™t stingy in their material needs. If they are doing it for profit when I last played years ago potions did very well on the auction house. Raid night in particular.

No, Iā€™m not making assumptions. I asked a question, why herb when you can fish, if herbing is being done for the purposes of profit.

Thatā€™s it. No assumptions.

Personally, I like traveling around the zone while Iā€™m farming. Itā€™s relaxing. Like an aquarium, only instead of staying in one place watching the fish move, Iā€™m moving around watching the fish stand still.

What if we only go double gatherer for extra XP while leveling?

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And thatā€™s a very good point. At levels under 60 you do get experience for gathering (though not fishing sadly). I was interested to note that when collecting some herbs back in the Legion zones for my scribe, I was actually still getting a little experience for doing that. Doesnā€™t Doubleagent level up in the Panda starting zone only doing extremely low level herbing?

Either herbing or mining (or maybe both), yes. Itā€™s the only thing in the pandaren starting zone that will continue to give XP after the mobs turn gray.

Doubleagent doesnā€™t kill. Only herbing and doing pet battles. Takes a long time but he maxes his levels every xpac. A side project but still crazy perserverence.

I donā€™t know if I want the solution to botting to be to Nuke the economy thereā€™s got to be a plan A thru G before that

How is it going to ā€œnukeā€ the economy for potions to not be 500g each?

The CURRENT economy is the nuked version. And if it wasnā€™t for bots, it would be far, far, FAR worse.

Donā€™t know what really to saying about this op,I just do herbling and fishing for professions and relaxing.

Why would you want the cost of goods to be dirt cheap? That means the price of other things would either go up to compensate or the value of gold would go down completely.

If the value of other goods go up then those Bots are just going to farm those goods or dropsā€¦ Bots will find something else to farm. I donā€™t see how this would work other than Kick the Can down the road from herbs to ore to skin to BOEs

So that people can play the game.

How much do you think potions should cost?

Keep in mind that in a typical progression night, raiders use around 30 or 40 potions. At current prices of 500g per, thatā€™s 15k gold just for potions. Add feasts and repairs to that and raiding costs a great deal of money.

And for what? Why are raiders supposed to spend 20k a night just to play, while other forms of play do not have the same kind of Tax on them?

How much do YOU think potions should cost? Is 500g not sufficient? How much do you want them to cost, 5000g? How about a million?

It doesnā€™t matter what I think it matters what the market will bear.

And this went from trying to stop botting to just wanting to make potions cheaper for youā€¦ no bueno

Not for me, Iā€™m an Herbalist/Alchemist, as so many players are forced to be these days.

And the reason that botting has shifted to herbalism is because with herbalism you can quite literally bend over and pick 300g off the ground every few seconds. Because herb prices are ridiculous. Because alchemy and inscription recipe requirements are ridiculous.

Herb botters are there because Blizzardā€™s developers were stupid when making recipe requirements. Thatā€™s the only reason. Lower the recipe requirements and the herb bots will evaporate.

I was joking. And yes, psychopathic all around for leveling efficiently. :grin:

Takes one to know one. I have a character with double gathering.