Why herb when you can fish?

Tell Blizz to implement that vacuum from Mechagon that sucked up fish :heart_eyes: Running around fishing would be sweet :+1:

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The high point of your activity should not be not having to do that activity.

The act to value ratio? Or would you say even if the value of reagents were higher (i.e. if there were no bots) that players are still insane for gathering?

Slow down. Life is to be savored.


at least fishing doesnā€™t make people laugh and get the munchies

This is a game.

It exists for fun.

Any moment you play it that isnā€™t fun is a failure on the part of itā€™s creators.

I donā€™t care how much gold it gives you. Itā€™s the antithesis of enjoyable and anyone who puts themselves through it is insane.

But for some people, they enjoy gathering, however strange you find that. Iā€™ve met and know many.


Yeah, Iā€™ve met plenty of psychopaths too.

I can watch TVā€“and pay attention to itā€“while I pick flowers.

Fishing requires a more concerted effort.

The true psychopaths are the double gatherers, mining + herbing.

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Not everyone finds the same things ā€œfunā€, which should be obvious. If we all found the same things fun then Blizzā€™s job would be easy since weā€™d all want the same things.

On my server, the BEST I can do is around 3600g/h with fishing. Herbes can get you more ! (I think, I only gather hebs for myself)

Those were probably bots. I spent an afternoon griefing 5 bots. It was hilarious

Yeah, but thereā€™s a bit of a difference between liking chocolate over vanilla and liking arsenic over vanilla.

That was pretty fun. So was that effect that gathered up fishies into a big ball or barrel to click in BFA. Long time ago there was a goblin dynamite stick that fished up a bunch. So illegal IRL, such a bad way to fish. Like gill netting.

Line fishing is a good relaxing pastime. I can only fish for one lure duration at a time tho. Something always distracts.

Thatā€™s just for leveling! Works nicely.

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How ? All bots are running with WM off. If they had WM on these were not bots.

Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t like it, some people wouldnā€™t change a thing about it :man_shrugging:

Yeah, the same can be said about arsenic.

Those people get court ordered mental help.

Thereā€™s no lakes at my leather farming spots.


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