Why hate neutrality?

Neutrality is cool, but being able to world pvp would be even better, What would be awesome is if you could be neutral and be able to atttack either alliance or horde.

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Forcing the factions to get along is kind of annoying considering we now know it takes almost nothing to get war weary orcs to warm up to genocide and that the average Forsaken character has an IQ around that of a garden salad on top of being tediously evil.

The problem was always that the player was functionally bolted to the decisions of their faction. Which is dumb. There is no situation in which the player is allowed to meaningfully refuse to associate with, say, the Purging of Dalaran, or the Burning of Teldrassil.

Representing your faction should have always been a PVP choice, and a PVE seasoning, not the overarching role you play for entire expansions.

You mean that guy both the Horde and the Alliance were in conflict with until BFA decided they were actually Horde?

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If you are on one faction, the other faction hates you.
If you are neutral, both factions hate you.

evil laughter

I want to burn down another tree! Let me burn down a tree!
:fire: :deciduous_tree:


Wouldn’t take that long.

Turalyon does a purge.

There. Done.

Garrosh got rid of Cairne, Sylvanas got rid of Saurfang, etc.

Plenty of real-world examples of bad/crazy leaders wrecking their country, too.

All the Alliance needs is a year of somebody crazy in charge and the Alliance is ruined. You know, the kinds of leaders that Blizzard’s writers keep inflicting on the Horde.


Why not the Neanderthals? These were somewhat RL Orcs and hunted our predecessors for +2000 years as food (the males) and took the wives for breeding. They were not only actual Orc-like, but thanks to them we became the race you know as humans nowadays.

Neutrality is fine.

Horde players are the one that always seem to want war.

Green aliens came down to my planet and start sacking and pillaging countless human towns… and then have the audacity to complain when they lose back-to-back-to-back.

Lucky most are okay with Neutrality instead of vying to turn Orgrimmar into Lake Kalimdor or Mulgore into grazing pastures for our grass-fed wagyu business.

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… I don’t even get how that relates to what he said.

Literally… LOL what?

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Without the faction war, warcraft would not exist.

But in your defense, at the time of your post, it was still Sunday in some parts of the world.

Also to answer the question posed in the title: If you stand in the middle of the road you’ll get hit by a truck.

WC3 united the factions. Stories and worlds evolve over the span of 20 years.

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Kind of irrelevant.

Also, times change.

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And Classic has separated them again.
This argument goes both ways.

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Ok and? We’re not talking about classic.

We’re not talking about Wc3 either.

Do you get off to being intentionally pedantic?

Asking for a friend.

Ok, wow has ALWAYS had the horde and alliance join forces to combat the greater threat. Always.

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Ehh… not in Wrath.

Matter of fact, there was two raids where we fought each other for the dumbest reasons.


True. That one patch with Trial of the Crusader was very silly. Horde and alliance clashed a bit in ICC but our goals were the same.

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That was more of a truce. And it was always broken afterwards.

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Only to reform that truce the very next expansion/patch.