Why hate neutrality?

Bingo. The faction conflict works. The faction conflict is good. It just needs to be written better, and in my opinion, more grounded with more of that “grey area” being present on both factions.


I just dont have faith it can be written better with out current lore assets and would need a few expansion, minimum to realistically build up the Horde side.

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Faction conflict works best when the writers leave it the hell alone.

If they would do this — just this — those who want to be at war can, and those who DGAF can leave it alone.

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I don’t have any faith in it either.

History shows their version of a faction conflict is making us evil, killing a faction leader, having the Alliance win the war overall then wagging their finger at us after they bailed us trouble.

No thanks.


Did you not play on PvP servers in the early days? (Not being snarky, just curious)

I’m not even a fan of PvP but those were great times and I still remember a few of the folks we’d fight with or against often.


Okay, but consider the following:
In a game, you can’t have something like a faction war time and time again without it becoming stale.
For the simple reason that, neither side can ever win, neither side can ever have true casualty.
It would be unfair to the other side and lose players.
A game isn’t like a book series where you can kill things off for good, or change sh** to that degree. The only time that happened was Cata, and that was the fault of a dragon.
It would be an endless stalemate of a “war” without change or evolution. Not just from a game standpoint, from a story standpoint, that is an awful idea.

You can like faction war all you want, but the simple irrefutable truth is, it just doesn’t work for a video game where nothing can change.


I’m gonna disagree with this considering every time the faction war had a big casualty or loss (which it did), Horde lost because Blizzard can’t seem to write the faction war without villain batting us. And we’re still here / kicking. It’d be fine if the Alliance had someone go whacky or something and they lost a major lore character or something once in a while.

Additionally, neutrality is just bad. It’s wishy washy and lacks any form of actual commitment. And in DF, we don’t even have neutrality / high tensions. We have the power of friendship being vomited at us repeatedly to the point it’s nauseating.


No, I didn’t. But thats sorta my point.

The faction story is more than just PVP. And if people only pvped because of the story itself? I mean, thats an odd statement to me.

The story is not able to be reasonably written at this point without the Horde losing.

Any faction war story where the Horde does not instantly lose is poorly written.

I used to love the faction war and I had a lot of faction pride.

I’m not sure why it’s not as big of a deal for me anymore. I would love to be able to do dailies or a long questline to earn rep with the opposite faction’s cities. We could earn rep with cities in EQ that hated our characters.

At the same time, I don’t want to impose my wants on others by being seen in their city if they don’t want me there.

camp Taurajo.

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I think it could be if the circumstances of the planet changed. In other words, hypothetically in Midnight, right? The surface suffers immensely because we’re underground. Have Alleria go bonkers due to the void finally winning and have her and the void elves forcefully attempt to take Silvermoon. Let them be the aggressors. It would let ren’dorei stand out, and establish themselves (as opposed to just being helf-lite on Alliance) and it’d be a declaration of War, for which Lor’themar and Thalyssra would respond in kind because the nightborne and the blood elves are now locked in together due to their wedding.

This would make Horde also on the receiving end for once, and the political climate would change immensely because now Horde is on the receiving end of an otherwise outright act of aggression that wasn’t provoked. It becomes a war of territory, it can be stalemate status during the expansion’s first half letting room build for other conflicts that can result in small skirmishes on the outer edges. It’s much more grounded and believable in that manner.


Cata, WoD and BfA for sure, for various reasons. TBC with the Blood Elves. MoP was a saving grace in disguise.

It’s Neutrality or Good Guy Alliance curbstomping the Evil Horde…

Just look at BFA: We killed King Rastakhan, in exchange, two of our faction leaders got a couple of boo-boos, a few bandaids later and they were A-OK… Oh let’s not forget that another three Horde characters were basically removed from the equation: Nathanos, Saurfang, Sylvanas - and yet Jaina is still around…


I don’t have a problem with periods of peace but the game was founded upon the conflict. Plus it seems a bit unrealistic that the NEs would be all warm and fuzzy with the Horde just a few years after what they did to them.


You did not. His pride was his downfall.

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Hmm I’m pretty sure he would have kept ignoring whatshisface if he wasn’t being attacked by an army.

He was desperate. You guys could have just left the city instead.


I welcome neutrality! It’s how Blizz is going about it I don’t like. Gilneans are just expected to work with the undead now without any distrust? Same with Nelves. I’d enjoy seeing more about the different races trying to come to terms with everything and working on starting to be able to trust the race/facton that wronged them instead of it just being ‘we’re children of Azeroth so we gotta work together no questions asked.’ It might be in books, but I wish it were in the game.


It’s fine if the conflict is replaced by something else disruptive or violent - that is NOT a world-ending event (yawn).

And it shouldn’t mean the end of political intrigue between racial factions, which is a huge source of interesting narrative and content.

Otherwise we venture too far into Disney-esque afterschool special territory.

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If Europe can have a 100 years war I don’t see why Azeroth can’t.


I’m more worried about how it would effect old content. Neutrality is fine moving forward, but if we straight up removed factions, would my Alliance character be able to play through the Zandalar campaign, or perhaps the Frostfire Ridge quests? I think it would feel weird to see Alliance characters doing Horde specific quests like these.