Why hate neutrality?

Does the forum have an issue with being neutral moving forwards after Dragonflight?

Let’s be honest the faction war is bad it hurt the game and the story and don’t try to spin this in any other way. It has harm the story look at BFA it did way too much in terms of what the narrative could handle. Legion same and ended with faction coming together to face the same threat. Faction war is just getting outdated and preventing any future story progression.

Bolvar and khadgar had enough with the faction war same goes for other legacy characters.


Neutrality is awesome and I wish Blizzard supported it more!


You are not going to convince the pro-war side of the community with a post like this. They are very much in an “Orcs vs Humans” mindset from an earlier time in the IP. To some extent I can’t blame them. While WoW was never explicitly a PvP game, it launched with and maintained the Faction Conflict for years. Generally when we came together it was under the banner of some third party, while the Factions themselves were still skirmishing.

I personally agree with you. I think it’s played its course. It’s constantly a case of starting an expansion with some conflict, only to discard it for some other threat partway through because obviously the Faction Conflict can’t come to a real resolution – it’d result in one half of the playerbase being burned (oh wait).

Anyway, as a player, I don’t think splitting the playerbase in half gameplay wise is a good thing in today’s MMORPG market. And in terms of story, I just don’t see it going anywhere meaningful while WoW is still an MMORPG. Maybe if it shuts down in the future and Blizzard does something else with the IP they can do more in that area. But as things are now, it’s just year after year after year of coming together to fight a bigger threat, to the point that there should just be no TIME to war against each other. It’s constantly shoehorned in.


Don’t bother with it. People just want to see Blue VS Red, despite it being the reason the game tanked in the first place.

It’s like climate change. We’re heading into a doomsday scenario but not enough has been done to avoid it. The very same thing happened to World of Warcraft and only the developers are to blame for this.


ESO had their One Tamriel update a very long time ago for this reason. Factions kinda suck outside of PVP reasons.


People don’t like change. And then there are people who refuse to do cross-faction parties (I’ve heard, but have not witnessed), those I don’t understand at all. :dracthyr_shrug:

factions can be neutral.

with war mode, we “individuals” can fight over objectives anyway. call it… “friendly” competition.

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They want to play a game, where two sides fight each other.
The big problem is, however, that the developers (and game director Ion Hazzikostas) weren’t competent enough to maintain the status quo.


The PvP crowd tends to hate Warmode anyway because it lets people who don’t want to PvP avoid being ganked all the time.


thats not the pvp crowd though, thats the ganker crowd. a sub section of the pvp crowd.


The week after launch and you realize Yellow has the best mag and crit build races, and you’re the poor sap who just had to play an orc :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Yes. I despise neutrality.

Then you shouldn’t have made a forum thread about it because people are entitled to their opinions and can have differing view points. I liked the Faction War. And you can’t change my mind on that.


I can go either way. The Blizz team aren’t really good with following through with a faction war. But, we’ll never have true unity because “Faction Pride”.

Idk trying to make any race that committed war crimes against another ‘neutral’ within such a short time span just doesn’t work. Making new cities ‘neutral’ is also bad unless you’re going to make EVERY city neutral, Org, SW, etc. Comes off shallow, especially given Gilneas is the one place that should be Hostile for Forsaken.


Lets be honest here.

It isn’t the faction conflict that’s gotten old, its the game itself.

If it still had the numbers to sustain it, then there wouldn’t be a need to bring the factions together.


It IS the faction conflict. A senseless waste of developer’s time, a story retold several times. Most of the player base dislikes it for several reasons and the damage it caused to the game.


Factions even suck for pvp. Since once it becomes lopsided, one side is effectively dead and the other can’t play any more cause there is no one to fight.


The faction conflict is what made this game.

You can’t just throw it away and think you can only replace it with a third party threats.


I agree with this. Most fantasy games boil down to “your flavor of racism”. In other words, we all hate one another for one reason or another, or we work together because we hate other people more than we hate ourselves for any number of reasons.

The fact Genn so willingly just tossed aside his own issues and put his daughter in charge was unbelievably out of character for him, even with Calia present. Bel’ameth open to the same people who burned down Teldrassil is nonsensical. All around, bad ideas. Blizzard should focus on writing a better form of the faction conflict, which is more grounded, and still has meaning, rather than always coming up with cosmic threat #23178 like they’re waiting in line at the DMV for their shot at annihilating the planet. Again.


Speaking of, this is the quickest the factions stopped fighting to team up against the greater threat. Ever.