Why hasn't their been a bard class yet?!

BALANCE DRUID is the key to balance? Are you kidding me? Balance is like, top ranked ranged DPS in 8.3. Balance Druid he says…the rage.

Let’s not get a bard in WoW unless all they do is support and have no tanking or dps tree

I’d rather not having some lute playing idiot making dumb sound effects ruining my experience

I swear people that want bards in game are the same people that bring guitars to any party they go to ever

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Rift’s Bard mixed with Ranger was fantastic to play with buff and debuff twisting.

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at this moment in time, where i can’t stomach the thought of another alt just because “ooo, new race”, I would take the darn Bard class…

I’d take anything tbh. weapons a wet noodle, wears crocs with socks and talks his way out of a fight? hallelujah, when can i have it?


wait, what’s wrong with crocs with socks


Bards haven’t been a thing yet, because they’ve never been a thing in warcraft. So far all the classes that we have are based on wc3 units/heroes. We still have some unexplored potential in those, so it’s doubtful we’ll ever get a bard class.

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Basically my thoughts on the bard class, including the “Sorry”.

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But gnomes holding tiny little forks is REALISM! I’ll take it.

Bards can be a lot of things though and that can be tricky to plan

Granted I do love the idea that they’re basically:
Other players: Why the heck are you a bard main?
Bard Main: Because I know the rest of you are too incompetent to survive.

While this version of the minstrel (read: bard) is not what I played exactly back in the day it has similar qualities I’d love to see in a wow bard:


In an alternate timeline where Warlocks, Mages and Hunters do not exist.

So I have a theory that due to the rarity of tanks, any new class needs to have a tank spec (DKs, Monks and DHs all do and I don’t believe that’s a coincidence).

There is a 0% chance of getting a new class with 3 dps specs. Bard healer is a given, so how does a bard tank work?

Yeah i totally would play a bard in a heartbeat

You talking raids or Mythic?

A Bard is a poet or singer, how is that to help in a war game? Beat someone with your book of poetry or sing off key?
Doesnt make sense to me, unless they make it like a “Off” profession like fishing/cooking/firstaid (now gone)

Weaving wasn’t that bad… Okay it was.

I couldn’t take a bard in WoW seriously because they’d be designed wrong. If you look at it from a D&d perspective the bard is good at every thing, but great at nothing. I always hope that some one plays one when I run a campaign(same with rogue). Problem for WoW is the whole min/maxing. If you’re trying to min/max a bard in D&d, you’re playing the class completely wrong.

It would be a tough class to make in this game I think.

I dunno.

Monks already kinda fill that roll.

I’d rather a tinker, a necromancer…or whatever kind of class allows me to use a hand-held acid blight thrower as used at the fall of Lorderon.

I don’t remember having as much fun using Blizzards toys as I did then.

So here’s the thing:
The reason there isn’t a Bard Class is made clear as day in this game’s Title.

“World of Warcraft”

This game is 15 years old, and every class in it is directly based on the Hero units from Warcraft 3. Back in Vanilla all they did was make simple RPG classes, with major skills based on Warcraft 3 Heroes.

In Warcraft 3, (or any of the Warcraft games for that matter) There weren’t bards.
So, there aren’t bards in World of Warcraft.

Blizzard probably isn’t gonna go out of their way to make something entirely from scratch. Especially when they’ve been stealing from their past games for 15 years.

This makes my point exactly.
Also, some classes may have the same names as basic units from Warcraft 3. But every single class can still tie at least one of their abilities back to a Hero character from WC3