Why hasn't their been a bard class yet?!

I don’t know why but my buddy brought up the idea of a bard class and I had never considered that! It seems like such a staple of the RPG genre! Bards could be a cloth wearer which we are in need of right now. He could spec into DPS and Healer! I love this idea! Just imagine all the fun little spells and Buffs they could bring. The specs could be different types of bards (such as ranged DPS with a focus on crossbows or even a close ranged healer with emphasis on buffs and burst healing) or simply different instruments.


They can’t even manage the current classes. settle down. Once they figure out what balance druid is suppose to be and stop completely redesigning it every few months they might introduce new classes.


Only if I get a saxophone spec.


Because bards are a mistake. They should never have been part of D&D, and they should never be part of anything else. We must purge them wheresoever they spread their pernicious influence.


I agree!! I would LOVE to see this added, and im shocked it hasn’t been added!

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I wouldn’t mind a Bard class as an ode to old-school RPGs and D&D


Bard her, I barely know her



I think a Skald would better fit Warcraft than a Bard though. Skalds can wield weapons while singing their buffing songs. Bards would be stuck using their instruments which wouldn’t make sense for damage or tanking.

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WoW just doesn’t really have that field. Sound magic and such isn’t really developed. There’s Murmur in Outland as a rare example and that was a dimensional being we know little about.

Otherwise bards aren’t feasible in WoW as a fighting or even a healing class. What’s actually causing the effects? Unless your music is so bad it damages your enemies. :sweat_smile:



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Add a healer Bard 4th spec to hunters.

Nah blizzard writers can make anything work, like making Sylvanas morally grey.


I think it will happen soon. It’s 2020 and words hurt now more than they ever have… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Because Bard is pretty firmly a support class and WoW isn’t designed for the support role.

Also, old Paladins and old Shamans kinda-sorta filled that niche in the past. The fact that we moved even further from what they already offered should tell you the direction Blizzard wanted to go.

On a more personal note – I strongly dislike the idea of channeling magic through an instrument or whatever explanation you want to give to justify a bard. It’s overly silly as a “combat” class.

I’d rather they just implement playable instruments as a secondary profession anyone could grab. Or just as toys if we want to avoid a grind associated with playing instruments.

Mordhau let you become a good kind of bard. WoW wouldn’t give us that kind of freedom because there’s no way to make it an esport without stepping on Guitar Hero’s toes.

That’s a funny way of spelling “mail.”


Because no one wants to see someone lute their corpse.