Why hasn't their been a bard class yet?!

Support classes don’t work in a holy trinity set up.

i could see a bardish healer archetype.

theres no real room for non-defined support classes in this game. so they probably would have to be healers.

a tauren healer that heals party with rock and roll riffs on his eletric guitar would be epic indeed.

cause bards are crap thats all.

Because people don’t want carpel tunnel. glares at EQ

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They did in Rift.

Why hasn’t their been a bard class yet?!

Because bards are dumb?

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t say no to them. Clearly some people want to play them, and more options are almost always better, but, yeah, bards are dumb.

Fight that dragon while I stand over here and play my lute. God, if fantasy were real bards would be so annoying. Like, the worst stereotypes of ren fair annoying. Like whole group now smells like patchouli annoying. Like “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall” annoying.

I’d name my Cringe. (And my last thread was about anime mogs, so that’s saying something).

Who’s to say bards would play like that? Blizzard could take into a different direction then you think.

If you’re okay with giant rooster mounts, space travel, space goats, dragons that can turn into people, little gnomes, little vulpera, then you are okay with bards.

What, hitting things with their lutes? Other than hilarious fighting noises I don’t see the point.

We have Holy Paladins, Holy Priests, Discipline Priests, Mistweaver Monks, Restoration Shamans and Restoration Druids. Why do we need yet another healing class?

Me, I’d prefer to see variety and choices for the one we have rather than creating yet another class that needs balance and function and does, in the end, exactly the same thing - i.e., it heals.

Likewise for dps - I don’t need to list them all, we have plenty. If you think of a number of interesting new ideas for abilities and spells, suggest them to Blizzard. But creating a new class just to create it seems a waste of development potential to me.

Because this is a fantasy game it does not have to color inside the lines of DND.

I remember when people were requesting drow despite not existing.

Keep the bard class just a musician with no combat skills please.

lol its clear as day balance druid is a caster that turns into a owl that casts day n night energy spells… lunar solar?? pretty simple

i dont think there is anything related to music to a point for a bard class, as an profession? maybe, but as a class it would totally come out of nowhere.
classes that we got and that we could get are all related to something valid -> demon hunter, dk, monk, blade master, tinker, blood mage, dark hunter, shadow hunter.
Bard there is simple nothing, it would pop out of nowhere.

Well, to be fair (even though I don’t like the idea of a bard class) not totally nowhere…

Can’t say this guy healed me or anything though.

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I guess bards could be useful to cast Annoyance on the target.

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Sounds like a bard idea to me.

Bard, not awesome rock god. You know tights, make up, wings, and harps that sorta thing.

I’m not reading comments but I agree with the title…
But sadly Tinker (which can have a music spec to it) and Necromancy makes more since.

Because if FF14 is anything to go by, a bard is simply a hunter gone mad

If this were the WoW bard class I’d change my tune.