Why has wrath become so toxic?

You keep saying this, but where’s the proof? If this were actually true (which it isn’t), why did we have a raid between Ulduar (which gave iLevel 232 gear in Normal 25) and ICC? Do you realize that you are effectively claiming that ICC was meant to be cleared in Ulduar gear?

In case it still isn’t obvious, ICC is meant to be cleared with gear from the previous tier, which was ToC. ToC 25 awarded ilevel 245 gear, and ToGC awarded ilevel 258 gear. It’s really not so far fetched to ask a tank to have gear from the previous tear before tanking the current tier.


As suggested prior – then make your own raid, 10man ICC N (or 25 man ICC N) and in the LFG channel advertise it as for only those people who have no more or no less than 232 ilvl gear. Please I also want you to stream it so I can get popcorn and watch.

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You do realize 10 man is 232 toc and icc is 251…try reading the thread

This is the last time im responding to you, since you are a coward and have your profile set to private i cant ignore you on my phone, you are not wanted here and offer nothing to the conversation

I’m not going to read 125 replies. If your thread is about 10-man, put that extremely relevant, critical information in your original post.

You go around blocking everyone who offers a dissenting opinion, and calling them toxic, telling them to grow up, etc. So fine. Enjoy your echo chamber.

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The facts still remain. You have all of the tools and power in your own hands to resolve your own problems. You want Blizzard and the community to solve them for you,

I always just shake my head in disbelief when people come to the forums to complain about not getting into raids when all they have to do is start their own – problem is solved.

I did not everyone has time to raid 25 mans or the inclination to do so, why you would assume that in todays day and age is beyond me

Just as you’re allowed to have your own preferences, so are other players. You don’t want to spend your time running 25 man ToC. Fine. Other players want a tank with better gear so that they don’t have to spend their time wiping.

Them wanting you to invest more time in your character so that they don’t have to for you isn’t being “toxic”. It’s a totally reasonable preference.


Thanks for not reading the thread and defending toxic people

Cool. But if I have to pug a tank for some ungodly reason I am going to pick one that’s not at the absolute minimum effort required.
I have no way to trial you, I have no way to check your logs or anything, I don’t really care about your experience claims or anything like that.
So if I have to pick between tank A who’s avg ilvl 232 and that’s all I really know about him and tank B who’s avg ilvl 250 then I will obviously pick the latter or wait till someone with better gear appears.
Go do gammas and stop whining.

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Stop begging to be carried toxic person

Sorry but I am the one picking and you’re the one begging for a carry on your trashcan 232 ilvl tank.
Do the gammas.

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No i wont unlike you im not trash

Enjoy never doing any content then on your trashcan tank.
Your window to do any non-heroic icc’s is closing but you can still salvage this instead of whining.

You absolutely did ToC on alts if you wanted to gear them for ICC.

You did ICC 5mans, Onyxia, ToC and then ICC.

Why is it that the people who call others toxic always end up being the least open to honest discussion?

Almost as if putting dismissive labels on people is a way to isolate oneself from their arguments.


No, you werent.

Tap water drinker, I assure you. Everyone did.

I assure you everyone didnt. And explain how I got to Sindragosa without doing ToC? I was also top 3 in dps… go on. Maybe… just maybe, you have no clue what you are talking about.

I’m looking at your achievements right now. You didn’t kill sindragosa until 2012.

If you meant 25 man, its 2015