Why has wrath become so toxic?

According to who?

You just seem really entitled.

As the other person already said, 9 or 24 people are putting their lockout at risk, and you are in fact trying to skip the middle step. Add lazy to the entitled.

I watched a friend buy a boost on the 6th and tank his way to 5700 gearscore as of yesterday. He did gammas. He organized TOGCs, VOA. Then finally, ICC.

Stop making excuses and blaming others. Put the work in.

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Im only interested in 10 man normal

Then put your own team together, but warn people to not have high expectations.

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It’s not toxic.

If you’re a decked out person, you want to play with equally decked out & skilled people.
You’re not going to invite poorly geared folks just because. Everyone wants to have smooth runs.

You picked a bad role to main as. Simple as that. Every raid needs 2.5 tanks. One of them being off-spec tank (hence 0.5).

It’s silly to expect to get into ICC with 232. There is an entire ilvl gap. You’re missing 245s.

Best you can do, is try to joined a CASUAL guild. Not some Heroic clearing one. You will never get invited into one of those.

Find a casual guild. Host “scrub” 10m alt runs yourself. Do first 5-6 bosses.

That’s the best you can do mate.

It has nothing to do with toxicity. It’s supply and demand really. There are also waaaay too many tanks.

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Oh its definitely toxicity, and no i didnt skip a tier 10 man toc gives 232 10 man icc gives 251, see unlike you i am not toxic i dont care what dps or healing people are doing so long as they are semi compatent and we are clearing stuff, also unlike you i have played this game far longer than you have , people like you are the people i will vote to kick from dungeons and kick you out of any thing i am leading stop begging for others to carry you instead try focusing on the player and thier ability to play

Counter point: Ulduar gives 252, TOC gives 258.

Just depends on how you look at it, everyone’s got a different opinion. Find people that match your opinion.

But none of this is toxic.

Edit: I convinced a 25M to take my 5100 (232) Hpal alt and they offered me a permanent spot after raid. Before Marrowgar? Different story. They set up an innervate rotation…lol.

I understand your opinion, finding people to take the chance is the tough part. Let them know I’m 11/12 on my main Hpal, and I wouldn’t invite me, but if you’re desperate, I’m your guy.

No amount of gear can fix this: wcl: R9XKcmnjBYTz6hNM

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Heroic is easy 245 in 15 mins. Or 30.

You will when you hit the enrage timer.

Ohhh I get it now, I’m talking to an obtuse brick wall. Noted.

Aren’t you?


And conversely, nobody should be expected to take you into their raid when there are multiple other people who have put in the effort to get the gear via Gamma dungeons.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the World of Warcraft doesn’t revolve around you and your feelings.

Your having an expectation for people to bend to you because you don’t want to fall in line and jump ahead of everyone else is the definition of toxicity.


Make your profile public so i can block you the same way i blocked the other toxic trash

lmao … toxic player to the extreme.

Here, I’ll do the 10 second google search for you. Make sure you do it on all your sock puppets as I know I’ll be seeing you around on another one in short order.

Plus, you’re doing both of us a favor. Trust me.

How can you block someone who have their profile/activity as hidden on the forum? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


It’s not just wrath, it’s a large amount of the player base of WoW in general. There are small pockets of decency left scattered across the different WoW titles, however it does nothing to reduce the one thing WoW is most known for: being a pit of horrible attitudes and toxic traits.
Had I not found a small pocket of decency I probably would have stopped playing long ago.

The homophobia/racism/etc just gets tiring after a while and the constant cries of
“It’s just a joke”
“You’re the one who made it racist”
“To many snowflakes”
The absolute common place usage of slurs to either try and appeal to lowest level of humor or to just conceal their own actual bigotry just gets old fast.

TLDR: WoW has always had a toxic player base, its insular and pervasive and leaves a dark cloud over an otherwise fun game.


You should be doing ToC or Gammas until you have mostly 245s. You are not ICC ready in 232s. You would be a incredible grief to any group


Wrong tldr

a correct TLDR would be



Eh, Wrath has fostered a particular type of toxicity that isn’t as prevalent nor as toxic when compared to other titles.

I don’t disagree that there is a clear uniqueness, just overall it can get, and often does get, pretty bad.

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Mostly? People who have to beat their chest and scream their rating out loud. I don’t care. If they’re not a jerk I automatically like them. Simple.

WoW has always been toxic, this is nothing new.

As someone who came from FFXI, where the community was phenominal, it was quite a shock coming into WoW, but I have just kinda had to learn to do my own thing.

Would it be viable for you to start your own guild?

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Been playing various MMOs since the late 90s and WoW has always had the most toxic player base outside of some Korean MMOs. Blizzard has only even made token gestures to remedy it because it takes proper curation and effort to fix, something they seem fatally allergic to.


Then you won’t get into a raid. Sorry bud, lazy people aren’t welcome to raids.

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