Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

I wish we had Worgen on the Horde, they fit much better.

I mean technically they could, it is a curse after all. But fancy british werewolves is cool.

ima tink a hapy thought instead

:notes:One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is worse.:notes:

Blizzard needs to set up a Horde writing team, filled with staff who actually like the Horde, to write Horde stories and quests, about Horde characters, for Horde players.

They already have this for the Alliance, so Alliance is good on that front.


Good plan, me too

The bombings will continue until the Alliance is civilized


I don’t see why you have any kind of problem with being called a filthy savage in this case.
After all, violence is how filthy savages solve all their problems.

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I think I’d enjoy that very much

As a compromise, the Horde stays bloodthirsty and we drop the Vulpera back off in the desert where they belong so the Alliance can continue to flamethrower them. As a um…“scare tactic”.

Exactly, we’ll be exactly what you expect of us. I’m thinking a bunker-buster in Ironforge is good for the next capital loss

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Beat the allegations of filthy savagery with, what else, filthy savagery.
Brilliant idea, truly phenomenal.
Pay no attention to my sides escaping orbit.

Boralus might be more flammable

Agreed. I wish they would revert it back to how it was before Cataclysm.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think by saying, “we’ll be exactly what you expect of us”, it pretty much precludes the idea that they’re trying to “beat the allegations”, intentionally so

And playing into that is exactly what a filthy savage would do.
The civilized individual would understand the only way to truly escape such a label is better behavior, because if you go around killing everyone who calls you a filthy savage you only prove them correct.

Yeah, that’s the point

Then there’s no problem with calling them a filthy savage.
Such that it doesn’t even bear mentioning in the negative, because it’s true.

After playing Siege of Boralus once again I agree.

We’ll just be civilized and come onto your land and destroy your cities, people, and culture and then claim it’s all ours. And if you’re left alive, you’ll be a permanently persecuted and disenfranchised minority.

That’s how civilized people do it after all.