Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

Like, I’d love to play vulpera since they’re the “cutest” race imo, but I just can’t get past the Horde’s design theme and culture in general.

They just run around like bloodthirsty psychopaths. Orc culture (and Horde is 99% orc theme) is literally all about fighting and war; They drown babies who aren’t strong, they exile people who show any kind of “weakness” or kindness, and they build spiky mud huts because anything else is a waste of time to them since the literal only thing they care about is war. Their coming of age ceremony is to go murder things to prove how strong they are. Like they’re just a gross people.

But like, they’ve been on Azeroth for what, 100 years? They recruited the Nightborn, they recruited the blood elves, they recruited the goblins… Why are they still basically cave men running around when they have all these technologically advanced people?

I’d potentially go play vulpera if Horde had advanced beyond the stone age in all this time, but they’re still just bloodthirsty, psychopathic cave men, and I can’t stand their theming. Why hasn’t the Horde advanced at all, considering how long they’ve been on Azeroth, and the people they have working with them?


The metrics proved that lore and expansion theme should cater more towards the Alliance. So Blizzard is responding to the said “metrics” by neglecting the horde once again!


I wish they’d redo Orgrimmar again and tone down the orange a little. Honestly i’d love to play horde but the cities are just so bad


Because Garrosh was killed.

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yea i would make fun of an orc when they can use you like a football lol
and if you want to talk about advancement why is it when we are at knee high water gnomes start to swim lol

I wish, those were the good old days.


Well people like to play “the good guys,” and Horde theming is just 100% the bad guys. I don’t know why they stick so hard to orc culture when there’s a lot of people in the Horde that aren’t “bad guys.”

I wish they had actual cities, not just collections of mud huts.

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Back when the Horde was cool and not “Red Alliance”.


They don’t.

Alliance players need to stop saying this. People live in huts irl.


Yes, they do. Orcs on Draenor still do this, and it is orc culture to do so. The only clan to not do this is the Frostwolf.

Yeah, people in extremely poor third world countries, or random tribes out in the middle of nowhere.

… which the Horde is not.

I have failed the Horde. It’s me. I keep getting a 70 in advanced war chief studies. Bombed the midterm on zugging. Forget to put my name at the top of spikes are friends essay. The lab assignment of turning gnomes into footballs went poorly.

My bad.

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:


There’s no record that the current horde does this.

This is incredibly racist. What makes a tribe “random?” Living in a hut doesn’t make you poor. It could simply be a part of your country’s architecture. The Horde is filled with tribes.


Where did the current Horde come from? I wonder.

Lol, no, it’s not. You are seriously pulling at straws.

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If your only frame of reference is one-off jokes in the main campaign or the forums making unsubstantiated claims, sure.

In reality the Horde is about diversity and acceptance, and that’s been the way since Warcraft 3. Blood and honor being another major factor, which is essentially just a more fervent version of the chivalry the Alliance espouses. Even Garrosh in Cata makes a big deal about how dishonorable bombing civilians is (before his psycho arc in Mists, which was uncharacteristic for him.)

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The OG Horde races were all native tribal cultures.

The Orcs were the only ones in spiky mud huts. And most of that was due to a lot of the clans being nomadic back on Draenor.

The Trolls build pretty vast cities of gem decorated stone with muti level wooden buildings and intricately woven bridges and catwalks.

The Tauren architecture is more about natural aesthetics and materials using natural geography as part of their infrastructure (i.e. building literally on top of and around exceedingly tall mesas). The engineering knowhow to build up there using only basic materials and tools is an impressive feat that a lot of people take for granted or don’t understand the difficulty involved. They go out of their way to keep things simple and live in balance with the land.

The Forsaken were all humans originally and all of their stuff is stone buildings built when they were alive or captured from those still living.

The races that joined later have their own advanced architectural techniques. But out of the OG races, it’s really only the Orcs who were “primitive”.

All of that said, it is past time Blizz ditched the old poorly cut stone and mortar spike bedecked orc aesthetic for every Horde outpost. And Org should have been redesigned and brought up to “modern” appearances and aesthetics after the end of MoP (SoO). Or at the very least during BfA when Sylvanas was in charge.

I can understand the original designs back when Thrall, Cairne, Chen and Gazlowe didn’t have a lot to work with. But times have changed. Org isn’t going anywhere. The Azerothian orcs aren’t nomads any more. And this isn’t Draenor.

It’s waaaaaaaaay past time for an overhaul. Gazlowe is on the council and a Trade Prince now. He needs to have a sit down with the architects of Silvermoon and Suramar and figure out a better design for the city. For the outer battlements and walls at the very least.


They are peons , they are made to be slaves

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“Let’s go burn down the ancestral home of the Night Elves as a distraction so we can mine more Azerite than the Alliance and use it as a weapon!”

Or, if we want to go old school, let’s talk about how after Thrall broke the orcs out of the internment camps, their first response was to go and murder people. Granted they did get punished by Thrall and sent to Ashenvale to chop down trees, but even in Ashenvale they were murdering people.

Or we can look at just how many orcs supported Garrosh and all his psycho warmonger stuff.

Or we can look at how many Horde people supported Sylvanas.

Or we can look at how Saurfang’s method of handling Sylvanas was to challenge her to a duel to the death, because he didn’t believe the people of the Horde would have enough brains to say no.

Or we can look at how Thrall is literally bringing back the primitive, savage traditions they had on Draenor.

It’s not a one-off thing. Orcs are just straight up evil people, and are stuck in the stone age despite all they’ve been through and all the people they have with them.

“We’re murderous psychopaths and people don’t like us, let’s be murderous psychopaths together!”

Pretty much sums up most of the Horde.

BE got turned down by the Alliance because they were openly and willingly using Fel magic, Nightborn got turned away because they learned nothing from the sundering, undead are literal psychopaths as are the goblins. The only “nice” races the Horde has are the vulpera, tauren and pandaren. Everyone else is just straight up evil, and are outcasts for a reason.

I was reading about orc lore last night. The spiky mud huts is actually because they believe any artistic building is useless, and a building should only have function for war and/or survival.

Only the Zandalar. The trolls with the Horde (until recently) lived, also, in spiky huts. Granted they were made of wood though!

Tauren are elves but in the plains instead of trees. Tauren are one of the few cool races the Horde has.

Yep, so much neglect when Sylvanas was their central character from Legion to Shadowlands…

Blaming the Horde that fought Sylvanas tooth and nail on everything she did.

Killing your oppressors isn’t murder.


All nameless schmucks and one questline that was uncomfortable and designed to be so. Again, under Sylvanas from above.

Not sure how a duel of succession is ‘bloodthirsty.’

Communing with the elements and spirits? The horror.

You’ve spent too much time on these forums.

Because they were irreversibly corrupted by it after Kael’thas’ betrayal.

I love how you can’t even form a reason for Nightborn. Because there isn’t one.

Forsaken, maybe. I’ll let you have the Forsaken, but I will remind you that they were rejected by the Alliance long before their atrocities.

Goblins psychopaths? Belligerent capitalists, sure, but the ones that are doing great evil haven’t been part of the Horde for a very long time, and we’ve fought them in so many expansions (as Horde) it’s honestly silly.

Because Sylvanas was a psycho, Garrosh went nuts, and Thrall likes pretty colors and his ancestors. Got it.

Yeah that’s total BS. Even Thrall’s hippie Horde, which was the closest it ever came to this, was still far off. Let alone Gul’dan’s (via Blackhand), Doomhammer’s, Garrosh’s, or Sylvanas’

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