Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

You just got confused about soccer and American football so the gnome were round instead
of oval .

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Because they are

A spur of the moment decisions by Sylvanas that wasn’t the plan. Both Saurfang and even Nathanos reacted to by going “Uh… what?” and even after not being at all happy about it. And you kind of skipped over the Alliance and Kul Tirans also turning Azerite into weapons independently of the Horde figuring out they could do it too.

Or, if we want to go old school, let’s talk about how after Thrall broke the orcs out of the internment camps, their first response was to go and murder people.

You mean killing the people who were literally holding you prisoner in literal concentration camps and forcing you to fight each other and wild animals to the death in gladiatorial matches for entertainment (the reason Gilneas left the Alliance BTW)

Or we can look at just how many orcs supported Garrosh and all his psycho warmonger stuff.

That was covered. Plus kind of intentionally ignoring the entire other half who were against all of Garrosh’s shenanigans and/or only followed him out of a pure sense of duty and not because they actually agreed with him (see folks like Nazgrim)

Or we can look at how Saurfang’s method of handling Sylvanas was to challenge her to a duel to the death, because he didn’t believe the people of the Horde would have enough brains to say no.

OK, now you’re just being intentionally obtuse. He and Thrall literally had an army of Horde behind them that said no to Sylvanas. And the Mok’Gora is no different from any other duel of leadership. The cinematic even goes out of it’s way to show that he went into it knowing he probably wouldn’t win, but that it may still save lives.

Or we can look at how Thrall is literally bringing back the primitive, savage traditions they had on Draenor.

Primitive and savage traditions like continuing to commune with the elements and ancestral spirits, and bringing the clans together in peaceful regular celebration with one another (including the ones that had been formerly exiled for bigoted reasons like the Mok’Nathal)?

BE got turned down by the Alliance because they were openly and willingly using Fel magic

Uh, not what happened at all. The Blood Elves were in active negotiations to rejoin the Alliance. But the Night Elves (with the help of the Dwarven ambassador sent there) actively sabotaged the arcane sanctums holding back the Scourge from Silvermoon. The plot was discovered, and the Dwarven Ambassador killed. They didn’t join the Horde until AFTER this when Sylvanas’ locket was discovered at the ruins of Windrunner Estate and brought to her. She THEN offered actual military aid and support in fighting off the Scourge and retaking the Ghostlands from the Amani and the Scourge. This has been a quest chain that goes from the BE starting zone through the Ghostlands since day 1 of TBC.

Nightborn got turned away because they learned nothing from the sundering

Again litterally zero parts of this are true. The Nightborne joined the Horde for the same reasons the Blood Elves did: Tyrande.

  1. went off the rails with her standard issue “HIGHBORN BAD” logic nonstop
  2. made it blatantly clear she did want to even be in Suramar much less there helping retake the city from the Legion
  3. berated Thalyssra before, during and after finally actually retaking the city and constantly claimed Thalyssra wanted to just be another Azshara out of nowhere
  4. after Gul’dan and Elisande were defeated, immediately withdrew all of her forces from Suramar and unilaterally declared that all Alliance support to Suramar would be ended, then left

The Horde stuck around and offered actual aid in rebuilding and clearing out the remaining Legion presence (the same thing they did with the Blood Elves against the Scourge after the above mentioned Night Elf sabotage conspiracy had been revealed). And Lor’themar offered additional support to help the Nightborne learn how to better handle being severed from the Nightwell as well as offering support in studying the Arcan’dor in the hopes that it could help not only the Nightborne Withered but the Blood Elf Wretched.

I was reading about orc lore last night. The spiky mud huts is actually because they believe any artistic building is useless, and a building should only have function for war and/or survival.

exactly. Like needing to be able to be taken down, moved and put back up as part of nomadic lifestyle. Whether purely subsistence nomadic (Frostwolves, Stonefang, Thunderlord, Bleeding Hollow before Killrog, etc) or nomadic raiders (Warsong, Burning Blade, Shattered Hand, etc). Folks seem to always forget how hostile a world Draenor actually is.

Even the Botani and Saberon are nomadic.

The only non-nomadic cultures on the planet are:

  • the Orges, who prosper primarily off the back of their slave population (ironically mostly made up of orcs)
  • the Aarakoa who again prosper off of the enslavement/degradation of other species and their own “lower castes”.

The Draenei aren’t nomadic, but they also aren’t natives. They are alien invaders only able to really stay in one place due to the advanced tech they developed thousands of years prior to coming to the planet. And even that isn’t enough to keep them safe in a lot of cases.

Only the Zandalar. The trolls with the Horde (until recently) lived, also, in spiky huts. Granted they were made of wood though!

Again, go actually look around Echo Isles and you’ll see it looks exactly like the architecture of ZA and ZG and ZF and every other Troll settlement with combination of decorated stone walls and edifices with wooden living structures and lots of open space and breezeways common to tropical cultures IRL.


The horde is evil, yes all of us are evil, always have been and changing is unlikely, we are a band of bloodthirsty backastabbing cannibals and cannot be trusted. This becomes harder and harder to make a good story with as at somw point we shouls have actually been wiped out or made to face the consequences of our actions we have been avoiding for 20 years.

The whole point was it sort of looked like Draenor, the “red world”. Then BC gave us a very different Draenor where only Hellfire Peninsula has that trait.

Next expansion.

Goblins are the most ‘blue collar’ made-something-from-nothing race that you can play.

It’s more that everyone else on Azeroth considered Durotar too harsh to actually settle. But coming from Draenor, the orcs were like this is actually pretty mild in comparison. Yeah this will do.

The one that took all the disparate races in, and did its best to be left alone?

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Nah the hardcore horde players always whine if everything isnt mud huts and dirt hovels.

Most Warriors are like this.

Never happened.

Are you talking about the Frostwolves being exiled? That happened before this version of the Horde.

They live in spiky huts because that is their aesthetic and there is nothing wrong with that. Along with the spikes and other things Alliance are apparently sensitive over and afraid of.

It’s training which a number of different groups do. Otherwise you end up a dainty lil Gnome.

Oh no, they stick to being themselves. Oh the horror.

Your idea of “advancement” sounds a lot like forced assimilation. Stick to the Alliance little Gnome.


It’s red, not orange. Unless you mean the terrain and that’s always been orange.

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Alliance racism knows know bounds. Surprised this wasn’t posted by a human male paladin lol.

Horde hasn’t advanced? They brought in the most posh civilization. While gnomes are busy killing themselves by nuking themselves, the Nightborne are hosting lavish galas and drowning themselves in wine so expensive you can’t even hope to afford it.

Not advanced lol.


god I hate gnomes with a burning fashion and wish their old god tainted existence would get deleted by the queen of feet

I love reading posts like these. It’s the propagandized/conditioned vs reality, and reality always rings the clearest. “I was reading about orc lore last night” just sounds like they got the information from the ‘Daily Stormwinder’ or some sort of reactionary rag, it’s hilarious


we dont talk about the nightborn grand magistrix was a gnomish sympathizer who kept one in her bedroom

For the Alliance.

Tbh, yes. While I disagree with OP about the Horde, as there is a lot more to it… But even then, overall. I think I do prefer the Alliance in the full scheme of things. Also, Stormwind is really nice. Wish I can visit.

Yeah I too prefer Alliance overall, I don’t hate Horde or anything, to be honest I feel sorry for them being done dirty. If Vulpera were an Alliance allied race I probably would’ve seriously considered playing them instead of Worgen. I have tried to go Horde before, but I’m just not feeling it.

I only play Vulpera to be honest, so I have to tolerant the Horde ordeal, which isn’t hard to do. The problem I have is the cross-faction limitations, which have been slowly broken down over the years from what I can tell, which is good. Progress is good.

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Maybe one day you can come on over to Stormwind.

I love it when Alliance does the “unwashed savages” racism bit. It makes me yearn for yet more Theramores, but then we’d have to deal with several expansions of moody elves.