Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

Been a lot longer than that bro. It’s just who they are, demons are just an excuse.

Cuz the writing team hates the Horde.

Yeah but in terms of what their society is dealing with it isn’t something that passes quickly. Also why do you want to play a vulpera, according to you they would be dirty wagon dirt pickers and probably a few other words that can’t be said in a certain tone.

Are you playing classic or something? Because they aren’t about war at all nor do they have mud huts lol… bait posts ftw.

Hell, even technologically they’ve advanced.

The High Elves were also addicted to mana. Its just they were over in human lands where they could mounch on ambient magic from artifacts and the like

“Hey we shouldn’t be bloodthirsty psychopaths anymore! We’re not under demon control anymore!”


A, they’re cute, where most races in WoW are “pretty” or ugly.

B, they’re not bloodthirsty warmongers. They’re almost entirely pacifistic, and they’re just wandering traders. They’re based a lot on Gypsies and Romani people. Same reason I could play a tauren (and used to), they’re just furry elves from the plains. I could play a BE, because while they’re reckless they’re not out to kill everyone to prove how strong they are.

BFA and WoD, they do. Definitely not just classic.

They were addicted to mana, but they dealt with it and the Kirin Tor basically helped them through rehab, where the blood elves just gave up and went to Fel magic because they’re losers.

High elves and blood elves are the same people, just culturally split.

this is a feature, not a bug.

You are talking about actions by individual Horde members. Alliance members did some brutal things as well.

That still puts your view WAY behind the times… where are these mud huts you’re talking about? I look at any city and see normal buildings made of brick or cements or whatever they use.

My favourite concept of Vulpera was the pirate ones, as they seemed to possess a scenery of adventurous culture … But then the /silly of playable Vulpera implies that they’re actually “quitters” and thus not part of the Horde :neutral_face: Lame :unamused:

We’re working on that :face_exhaling:
It’s a working progress …

Honestly that’s something that irks me a lot.

In the newly presented Horde zones here & there or the set-up Horde encampments – I’d love something more than just orc architecture all the damn time. :roll_eyes:

I’d love some big Zandalari-like buildings with MASSIVE Tauren totems around and Sin’dorei / Shal’dorei pathways & smaller buildings around it, with Vulpera scouting camps not too far off to assess the permitters … Y’know, making use of the actual faction as a WHOLE.

Have some Goblin BBQs going around with a lineup of various Horde races trying to grab a feed :joy: :joy: :joy:

For the orcs side of things, something new than the typical boring crap would be nice too — If they’re on a mound overlooking an area, perhaps take a page from the Bleeding Hollow Clan and have those massive bone-spikes rising out from the cliff-faces and dangling runes from them.

That’s a bit of an exaggeration :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
The Horde certainly isn’t that (Thankfully)

:person_shrugging: My guess would be the die-hard orc players in the Horde who want nothing but — Those mud-like houses and Horde-garrison like architecture designs.

Anytime I see another race get a little bit of mileage or recognition in a new zone, encampent or Horde-themed questline, I tend to see those same lot of players raging on the forums or comment sections about how the Horde is too sissy, elf themed or not savage enough — and how apparently there’s not enough orcs etc, etc etc … :face_exhaling: They’re really quite exhausting.

Hopefully though, we’ll get to see some more unity in the Horde moving forward :beers:
From ALL sides. :dracthyr_nod:

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Aight so the actions of the Horde’s military forces no longer upon the Horde reflect.

They should do more, frankly.
But since the actions of a faction’s armed forces no longer upon them reflect you can’t honestly say that and remain consistent.
Unless you’re a big ol’ hypocrite of course.

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Yeah notice how the Horde has struggled with the divide that was created and it was constant internal struggles and conflicts. Or don’t and continue to troll.

Ah, dropped the quotation marks on it.

First vulpera and the one you spend the most time with is a warrior wearing a skull who only cares about genociding the Sethrak.

They prefer to trade, but I wouldn’t say testing out guns they find on the wildlife pacifistic.

Literally one of the first things you do as a Blood Elf is kill someone to show the Horde they are strong and worth joining.

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when the entire culture is primitive and when you got a warchief wanting to focus on your culture before the fel blood, you tend to not progress well in technology.

also goblins tend to work on tech for em while said tech is… Extreme double edged sword situation
only time i think they changed culture wise, was allow orcs to become mages.

This really isn’t a sentence but if you are saying that the Alliance can’t be held responsible for the actions of its military than that would apply to the Orcs as well.


We’ve been agreeing a lot. Are we feeling okay?


You literally tried to diminish the actions taken by a Horde force to reflecting only upon a few individuals while in the same breath claiming that the Alliance has done things which reflect poorly upon it.
Keeping in mind that I never once claimed the Alliance is clean of sin or anything of that nature, the only double standard here on display is in fact your own.

I hope you can wrap your head around that. I’m honestly baffled reading your reply.
If you can, great, if not, I really don’t think there’s anything I have to say to you or that you’ve anything I’m particularly keen on hearing.

Yes, it is. Dont try and change it. Horde are supposed to be savage and raw. Horde being watered down with cute races is a joke.

Also this is very true in a lot of ways. It’s still appalling how they wanted to represent natives with Tauren and then gave up when the slightest backlash at how they were represented came through.

Maybe I’m a bit harsh with that, they do still talk about the Earthmother on occasion, but ah

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We’re nomads, we don’t really have a singular home.

See that rock over there? That’s my pillow.


Thrall, and some of the younger orcs, don’t like being bloodthirsty psychopaths, but it’s too bad that orc culture as a whole is still bent on killing everything that exists near them. Not really a divide, it’s just how orcs are. And Thrall is now giving in, too.

Yeah, she’s an exception. I said “almost entirely” for a reason.