Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

“Fought tooth and nail” yet still did everything she told them to do.

Bro, the orcs were literally tearing across Azeroth murdering everyone in their path, with their eyes set on pillaging Stormwind to show how big and strong they are. When the Alliance set aside their squabbles and stopped them, instead of murdering them all, they put them in camps so they can live their lives, but under the watch of the Alliance.

Some of the camps were bad, but most weren’t. “Oppressor” is really not the word.

Plus, the Warsong attacked a random human settlement, not anyone involved in the torture at that one particular camp by a bad egg lieutenant.

“Hey don’t do what she says, she’s straight up evil! Let’s depose her as warchief!” (A reasonable solution)

“Nah let’s just fight to the death, because I don’t trust the Horde people to do anything smart, then I’ll MAKE them behave.” (Saurfang’s solution)

Bringing back the coming of age ceremony that involves murdering things to prove how big and strong you are.

Because they were so addicted to mana they turned to it in the first place. The high elves didn’t, and so they’re sided with the Alliance!

Tyrande: “Yo we swore off arcane magic because we literally blew up the world. We’ll welcome you back into society, but you gotta stop using arcane magic too.”

Thalyssra: “Lol no, we’re not doing that. Screw you, the BE say we’re fine the way we are, so we’re going Horde!”

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You’ve never played horde and it shows. I’ve never seen or read about any orc drowning their babies and as for shunning those with kindness, that doesn’t happen either.
Instead, what many of them do is find something other than combat training to do, like healing and stuff like that.
That’s what they tried to do for Gul’dan but he wanted glory so went his own way, inadvertently putting the clan in harms way and that’s why they told him he had to go.

I wonder if you’re serious about this thread. That’s just too goofy what you wrote.


The old Horde was.

Thrall was born basically as soon as the war ended. He was a teenager when he broke out of the camp. Same people.

It happened (and still happens) on Draenor. It’s literally orc culture. The only tribe who doesn’t is the Frostwolf, and they’re basically exiles because of it.

I am begging you to play Warcraft 3 so I don’t have to give you a synopsis of why this is wrong.

An orc that is ~20 years older is still the same orc, believe it or not. I’m sure the entire species didn’t die off and get replaced.

The better Horde. Literally using the skulls of a people you genocided paving the path to the portal you are going to use to conquer another planet was like the best villain thing ever. I’m so tired of Thrall’s sissy Horde and the recent lame villains.

And its all stuff humans did at one point in time so whats your point?

Yes, but we (and humans in Warcraft) got over it, and became, you know, civilized. Minus the Arathi.

Orcs (and the Horde as a whole) just refuse to for whatever reason.

I’m just curious, did you make up all of that or did you get it from someone else?

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You can go read the wikis, the books, in game dialogue, etc.

Someone did make it up, but it wasn’t me, it was the people writing the lore.

Sometimes you need a scalpel to win, and sometimes you need a HUUUUGE Axe to win. Orcs are the latter.

I’ve been playing this game since cat and that’s just not the Horde. The biggest gripe that the Night Elves have is that Orcs cut down trees.

I think there’s a creative issue with the Horde. The concept was “how to do we make monster races with cultural influences that we don’t really understand” and then they didn’t do more research and just remained stuck

Are you forgetting the time they killed their demigod Cenarius for defending their land?
Which required them making a pact with a demon and imbibing its blood, which in turn fortified the Legion forces in the area with their own, so can add helping demons to that as well.
And also entailed slaughtering a bunch of their people, lest we forget, because he certainly wasn’t there on his own and the Kaldorei certainly weren’t about to bend over and just let him die, so that’s another tally on the board.

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Go look at the Echo Isles again. It’s the same aesthetic as ZG and ZA. Sone walling along the various pathways and wooden multi-level living buildings with a lot of open breezeways. Same as their budlings in the Valley of Wisdom. It’s standard Troll architecture across the board. The only ones who were really different were the Drakkari. And that’s only due to the conditions of Northrend.

Did y’all? Your entire posting is saying how you want to play ‘cute’ vulpera but can’t get past the savage bloodthirsty mudhut dwellers who have taken longer than 5 years to overcome being pawns of demons and death lords.

try playing horde and you’ll see difference.

OG Org was so cozy man, I hate all the industrial Goblin stuff from Garrosh’s era.

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same, jumping around on the bank was peak

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