Why has the Horde not advanced at all?

B-but the propaganda s-s-said…


Some people really do not know the lore of the game or the lore of the horde. Danath Trollbane of all people destorying Draenor? Come on, dude is just a troll killer. Not a mastermind.

Ner’zhul though, yeah, that dude literally becomes the Lich King later. Dude would 100% destroy his own planet to conquer another one for his own gains.


So you just want the horde to be Alliance then?

Seems odd that you dislike the very essence of what makes a group a “horde”.

You would be better off just asking Blizz to allow Vulpera as an Alliance race.

OG horde was peak WoW. Crybaby Thrall and his alliance loving cronies are a disgrace.

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Spoken like a true follower of Ner’zhul.


This was a narrated revelation, not one told from a faction’s perspective.

Do you have anything of value to add? Anything about the crux of what I said, or are you just one of those freaks who makes your entire personality in WoW which faction you prefer?

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Yeah, and guess what happened? It turned out not to be true.

Mate, you’re the one who literally doesn’t know your own faction lore. I might have a Kul’tiran profile but I main a goblin warlock. Now making an Earthen Paladin on horde.

Fact is, that narration is wrong. The lore literally showed us, many times, that Ner’zhul was the one that destroyed Draenor.

The spell of conjuration is Iconic in warcraft lore. The fact you don’t know this really tells me a lot that YOU’RE the one how this WoW personality fix. I just love wow and wow lore, so knowing who and what destroyed this and that is just common for me.

And being a warlock main and the lore behind the Jeweled Sceptor of Sagaras, how would I not know that the first Warchief destroyed his own planet to escape the Sons of Lothar. Not only escape, but also as a tool to conquer other worlds.

So yes, humans never went on a world conquering thing in warcraft lore. The world conquerers in wow have always been 3 races so far. The Orcs, The Trolls and the Burning Legion. The orcs did it because of the burning Legion.

The Trolls did it because they just thought they were better. But everyone beat them. The elves beat them, the humans beat them, the humans and elves combined to beat them. The trolls beat the goblins and the goblins did a Uno Reverse card and beat them right back.

Oh, also forgot the void lords and old gods. They are also world conquers.


In a world where you split the “Ner’zhul destroyed the planet” hair and ignore who routed the orcs and came in to clobber their homeworld after achieving safety, sure. The event has two names for a reason.

My brother in christ neither of the playable factions in Dark Portal are the faction we play as in WoW.

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Someone who can post pics, post the battering ram from Return of the King.

Yeah, no duh they would. Why would a defending people go into the enemies homeland to capture the terrorist who started the war? No, can’t be that they tried to stop the movement from growing. They still didn’t destroy draenor, that was still the orcs.

Again, what is your point?

Literally the only thing I said was that humans never did world conquering stuff. They did a lot of infighting and fighting against trolls with the elves because the trolls were the world conquerers.

The orcs invading Azeroth were the world conqueres. Elves and Humans going to Draenor to push them back is not world conquering. That is just war that the Horde started.

Draenor again wasn’t destroyed by the humans or elves.

So what is YOUR POINT? What got a carrot up your butt?

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Again, that comment was so out of the point that I responded. That comment STILL didn’t show anything about human conquering anything. SO WHAT IS YOUR POINT?!.

Trollbane didn’t conquer draenor nor destroyed it. Ner’zhul did.



It will be interesting what sort of architecture a melting pot of Horde cultures mixed together will eventually come up with. What sort of hybrid home could a blood elf, an orc and a vulpura all feel comfortable in?

What point?

The Horde and Alliance in WoW are not the same factions from Warcraft 2. They aren’t relevant to whether or not the current Horde is bloodthirsty or anything else Mahouneko is complaining about in the OP.

Even if you were correct that the fall of Orc society were entirely on Ner’zhul’s shoulders, which is debatable posthumously because of information we got in later adaptations and games, you do not have a point.

Yes. Objectively, he did.

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What point?

The Horde and Alliance in WoW are not the same factions from Warcraft 2. They aren’t relevant to whether or not the current Horde is bloodthirsty or anything else Mahouneko is complaining about in the OP.

Yeah, but we aren’t discussing that! We are discussing if humans are world conquerers and they are not. They just do small wars within their own boarders or fight back against invaders.

Dude, Ner’zhul doing that is from Wacraft 2 my guy. It isn’t even new lore. The spell of conjuration is a thing that is well known.

We know the fall of orc society and it was because of Ner’zhul, Gul’dan and the Burning legion.

Yes. Objectively, he did.

He literally did not.

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Where do you think the slaves came from?

Ain’t gnomeragon still a lvl 10 dungeon?

The slaves came from the orcs that were trapped on Azeroth after the dark portal fell. Trollbane didn’t round them up, other humans did on their own land. And it was hardly even a fight, the Orcs became lethargic and just gave up completely. Again, old lore.

The orcs in Outlands, once Draenor, stayed in the outlands.


They took slaves after the second war, not just the first war.

Orcs want to live in huts and blood elves love “slumming it” because it makes them feel “provincial.” It’s just science.

Yeah dude…that was when the dark portal fell. The third war was with Thrall getting the orcs out of their stupor.

The end of the second war is when the orcs that were still on Azeroth were trapped there. They didn’t conquer draenor. They just took the orcs that were left and put them in camps, but the orcs literally kinda just walked into the camps themselves because of the curse of the fel blood.

Lord of Clans really goes through this and it took Thrall coming in to wake them out of it.

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