Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

I don’t have to. Much like you chose not to answer if you fart sparkles or not.

You want us to answer a rhetorical question that makes zero sense. We’ve watch the prices climb and fall since the start of the token.

I get it you want to set your own price, you know it will never happen, so why are you asking? Since the start of it you never could and you know that. You just want to be obtuse and say well see we dictate nothing, when in fact we do in the sense of we control how many are out there.


Just because prices rise and fall does not mean it’s based on supply and demand. That’s a guess by you.

Thanks for confirming what I stated in the beginning. I cannot chose a buy or sell price for the token. Confirming the price cannot be supply/demand but something else, what that is is open to endless speculation, but we can rule out supply/demand at least.

It’s not though, I outlined this earlier, we have literally watched it happen in token droughts like the boat that didn’t float. People used them all and were begging others to buy them, we watched it climb so much that day. Launches, people are mass buying them, we watch it go down, it’s literally cyclical and if you watch it in a day it’s not abnormal to see it fluctuate in the 10ks.

I am sorry that you need that level of validation on a fact that literally everyone is aware of. Since I answered… sparkles?

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Just because you watched the price closely is not evidence that it is supply and demand. Again, you are just guessing.

No I am not. It literally shows it, plenty of sites track it.

You want this mythical bad unicorn to come down and grant you license to set your own price, it probably farts sparkles, thing is though what about the gold caps and sinks?

Do you think Blizzard wouldn’t have taken advantage of this more than just for longboi? Let’s be real here, the cost is minimal, do your callings you can net this easily, so if they were truly controlling it all why wouldn’t it sell for more? Why not take more out of the economy?

Also I played Rift, I don’t want another spam selling. WTS TOKEN PST, WTS REX PST it’s unneeded. They would need to change the entire way it works as well, and I couldn’t even imagine the amount of people who would try to control this market.

This is one thing I can say I think Blizz has done well.

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Prove it…

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Can’t buy my love.
But you can buy me a mount.
cackles and wiggles toes

Neither do you.

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The game is pay to win.
Token prices go up as people pay to win.

So… people are paying to win at WoW until at least 3 weeks from now when it all resets and they can pay to win again.

Correct. I don’t know how it works. But I do know with absolute certainty one of the ways it cannot work. That is supply/demand. I cannot chose a price to buy or sell the token, which is how price discovery begins.

Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that something else sets the price. What that is, we will probably never know unless someone in Blizzard leaks how it works exactly.

Until you can PROVE otherwise as far as I’m concerned that’s exactly how it works. Anything else is just tinfoil hat nonsense.

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I’ll break it down to the simplest level so maybe you understand.

The price of a token is a database entry in a blizzard database somewhere.

There’s four reasonable ways to change this field that I can think of. Feel free to add one if you think it’s a possibility.

  1. Random chance. Maybe Blizzard is monitoring decaying radioactive particles to kick start a RNG.
  • We can dismiss this as the price of a token is nowhere near a random distribution.
  1. Set by the players themselves
  • We can dismiss this as I think we can rightly imagine the kinds of wowhead articles and asmongold reaction videos that would exist if a player could set the token price to what they wanted. Feel free to post screenshots of people buying and selling tokens for prices of their choosing though if you have them.
  1. Manually set by Blizzard
  • Possible, but probably unlikely at least 100% of the time due to how often the price changes.
  1. Set by blizzard through some sort of algorithm or equation
  • Far and away the most likely scenario. Now lets imagine that this algorithm or equation they created can somehow know the perfect equilibrium price of the token market. This is what the delusional blizzard shills in this thread are claiming.

  • If this were true then Blizzard would have created the perfect trading algorithm and would be raking in trillions in arbitrage by buying and selling everything that is over or undervalued on every market they could get a foot into.
    Because this is clearly not happening. The only remaining logical possibility is that Blizzard sets the price in some other way. All you have at this point is more speculation.

Thanks that’s handy and good to know.

Saying it’s “set by Blizzard” implies that they are choosing it without input. But that’s not how it works. More accurately it should say:

“Set by player interaction with Blizzard’s price determining algorithm”

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Exactly what you have. Like I said it’s supply/demand until PROOF (look up the defination of the word if you need to) is provided otherwise.

The gold value of a Token will be determined dynamically based on supply and demand. When you put a Token up for sale, you’ll be quoted the amount of gold you’ll receive upon a successful sale. If you then decide to place the Token up for sale, that amount is locked in, and the gold will be sent to your mailbox after another player purchases your Token.

Now before you reply to me with
“Yeah go ahead and believe that idiot, of course they’d say that”
Just save it :raised_hand: :laughing:
I’ll just pretend that I read it and give the response I would have given if you actually said it which is right below :point_down:

Supply and Demand.

There is still a good demand for them, but the supply isn’t there. People have to purchase them and post them on the AH for others to buy. If they aren’t willing to drop the money for the gold, then there you go.

Some of you guys just don’t even use your brains. Would you rather sell a token at 200K gold or 130K gold?

Now, does this mean that blizz is manipulating the price? Of course not. But don’t make nonsensical statements because more players will want to sell tokens at higher prices than lower prices.

The reality is that none of us know whether blizz is manipulating prices or not because we don’t get to see the actual number of sellers. Blizz doesn’t give us that info. If some of the whales who supplied tokens have moved on, then it’s clearly in blizz’s interest to stimulate token sales in some way.

You’re looking at it backwards. The higher token price would attract more people to buy them with $20. That’s the side of the transaction blizzard gets paid.

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nice! they’re almost back to how they were when they first came around! i have’nt bought one since then (bought my expedition yak and sky-golem with the one i did buy), good to know they’re gonna be worth buyin again.