Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

Incorrect. See my last post. Blizzard sets the token price to whatever they wish, whenever they like.

There is no way for players to choose the buy or sell price of a token. Blizzard does.

again, you not understanding basic economics =/= conspiracy theory.

We determine the prices by our willingness to buy the product. They take $5 cut no matter how much gold is being sold. Blizz has literally no incentive to rack up prices.

I will give you every single non soul bound item on my account and every single copper if you can show me a screenshot of you buying or selling a token on the AH for a price different to the one set by blizzard.

you don’t understand it AT ALL. We don’t set the price as individuals, we set the price as a collective.

If no one wants to spend gold on the token… the gold price keeps automatically racking down down to 0 gold until someone buys a token with gold.

If everyone is buying tokens with gold as soon as they are posted, the price keeps racking up into infinity until people stop buying tokens with gold.

Therefore, WE set the price. As a group.

Aslo, you probably don’t have much gold anyway… so, what would I do with your pennies?

I never claimed players ‘set’ the price. That isn’t how a market works.

Someone at Blizzard, or a system created by them, sets the price. Players can choose whether to participate or not but they cannot choose a buy or sell price.

Bobby kotick could ring up Ion tomorrow morning and tell him to set the token price to 1c or goldcap.

The way the system works is completely opaque to us. You can guess how it works, you can theorise based on various factors and watching the token price but you cannot know.

The fact that the token system is not a free market based on supply/demand is self evident from the fact that blizzard put a system in place. There is no need and no (practical) way to design a system that could somehow divine the intentions of every person who ever wants to buy or sell a token and instantaneously adjust the price a nanosecond before every transaction on both ends. And if you could design such a system, you would just be emulating a free market to the point that it would be indistinguishable from true supply/demand (and thus pointless).

Please stick to quoting investopedia to your left wing arts degree friends.

That is EXACTLY how all capitalist markets work.

If suddenly no one wanted to buy houses, then house price would go down until people started buying them again. If suddenly everyone wanted to buy 5 cars, then car prices would go up until people stopped buying them. Being a doctor is hard but we need many doctors, so doctors make a lot of money. Selling burgers at McDonalds takes nearly no effort, and isn’t supper necessary, so McDonalds employees make no money.

ALL capitalist markets work this way. ALL OF THEM.

Supply and demand regulates prices.

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I’ve made the mistake of overwhelming you with information that simply went over your head so I’ll try to word a little better for someone of your limited understanding.

I want to sell a token right now for 50k gold on the AH, Can I do that?

I want to offer 1m gold for a token right now, Can I do that?

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lol, I’m going to just tell you to research Dunning-Kruger because you believing to be smart doesn’t actually make it true.

Also, again, you literally have no gold. What would YOU know about gold making? Where’s your brutosaur? Where are your 100k+ mounts? Any of them…

You have pennies, what do you know about money?

You refused to answer the question. Thanks for playing.

The Fire Tablet is running Android with a custom skin on it. You can install Google Play on the tablet and then install WOW’s mobile app.


I think they refused because it made no sense whatsoever. Just saying…

What they are saying is right. I get it you want them to be the big bad here, but the only time you see the massive jumps is when there are no tokens available. Were you here for the boat that didn’t float in BfA? People were begging others to buy more tokens, the prices skyrocketed for a while til the hype died down. Start of expansions? They drop so low because people are over buying to buy mats etc.


Your question is dumb and your lack of reading comprehension is why you didn’t realize I had already answered it:
We don’t set the price as individuals, we set it as a group.

Thanks for being an idiot… we need 20 like you, so a few of us can have gold. So, thanks for your gold, I appreciate it.

Is english your second language? The questions are yes/no and extremely easy to understand.

Are you functionally all there? Because the question has no bearing. It would be like me asking you do you fart sparkles in regards to this debate.

You want to claim something outright false that they set everything when in fact we do, so you double down with a question that only suits your flawed narrative in your mind, which the rest of us have already discounted as tinfoil rhetoric.

So do you fart sparkles since we are asking stupid questions?


Is English any of your spoken languages? Do you know how to read?

Do you know what rhetorical questions are? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you see how anyone can do that too?

Also, the shade at immigrants is unnecessary.

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When tokens came out, there was a gold price assigned. I don’t believe that has changed.

X tokens = y gold

As players buy fewer tokens to put on the AH (x), the value of each token in gold (y) increases.

There’s likely a lot of factors involved. Patch is long, there’s no real gold sink other than buying carries. People don’t need gold as much, so they’re not spending $20 on gold. This means fewer tokens on the market and the remaining tokens are worth more in gold.

If 9.1 ever arrives and it comes with a gold sink, you’ll likely see the value decline as more people start selling tokens again. That’ll likely happen with the next season of M+.

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Are you one of those people who think the price of a stock is what the newscaster tells you it is?

How do I, or any size group of people, offer to buy or sell a token at a price of our choosing, not blizzards? Can a group of N size list tokens for more or less than Blizzard decides? Again, yes/no questions. Very easy to answer.

Are we talking stocks? No we are talking WoW tokens. You are not my financial advisor, you get that right? And judging by your logic here alone, I wouldn’t give you 10$ to invest.

When you ask how it’s never a yes or no, but you’d know that if you paid some attention in English class. Funny how my first language was French and I get that. Remember this bub?

It is and I have mastered it much better than you thanks!

You are asking for something that never existed and want us to answer it, why would we? You are claiming to be an expert, yet I have seen zero proof of any of your claims.

Pro Tip: Tinfoil underpants offer just as much protection and are less likely to be seen and ridiculed by the general populace.

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Why can’t you answer even the most basic questions that lead from your absolute statement of fact about how the token system works?

You have zero knowledge of how the token system works. You don’t know if it’s manually set by an employee. You don’t know if it’s automated. You don’t know any details other than the price you see in the gameshop or AH.

You are guessing.