Why has the cost of tokens in the AH climbed so high?

I can’t claim to understand how it works, My math absolutely sucks. Can some explain to me what governs the token costs and why it is presently so high.

6 weeks ago I was buying them at 150,000 ish gold and now they are up to the 190,000’s. I thought with less players the cost would go down not up.

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The fewer people buy them, the more the gold price goes up, to entice people to buy them.



WoW has a model that incentivizes boosts and with their new KSM announcement boosting is the model WoW wants for that sick loot.





Straight from Blizzard FAQ:

The gold value of a Token will be determined dynamically based on supply and demand.


As the expansion goes on, people stop playing the game and don’t need to buy gold. As the raid ages, less people need expensive reagents, feasts, runes, etc. because most guilds have gotten what they need out of Castle Nathria. People who would normally be pushing progression largely have maxed-out legendary gear and their M+ achievements squared away.

The in-game gold sinks that people needed to fund are dwindling as the expansion goes on and there’s no new content yet. So with less need for gold, less people buy gold, token prices go up because more people are buying tokens with gold than buying gold with cash. It happens to a degree every expansion, but really climbs the longer the game goes without new content.


No one wants to play wow anymore. Blizz will increase the price until it hits the sweet spot.

Now if they put a time limited item that goes for 5 million gold than people will buy in bulk.


TBC and all the store nonsense going on there, pretty much.

player count being lower right now means less being purchased so the gold worth is higher to try and sell more.

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I assumed it was because TBC came out. Unfortunately, it kind of ruined the last minute plan that I formulated to buy more tokens so that I could come back at some point and use tokens instead of my own money. Of course, I ruined it more because after they snatched away the Brutosaur mount, I had 3M extra gold and I assumed I’d be playing WoW forever, so just used it to buy a bunch of other mounts I wanted.

Then I realized I didn’t want to play anymore and I regret that, otherwise I would have bought enough tokens and converted them to Blizzard bucks to fund buying the next expac and over a year’s worth of subs.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it now, and the only actual end result is that I’m not likely to play again because I won’t be spending my own money on this game ever again. It’s probably for the best.


Nope, they go up. Always have. Less folks that buy, the higher the price goes up.

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The gold sink planned around legendary crafting isn’t working could be another theory.

You need to sink gold for a vendor crafting mat to make legendaries.

But no one’s making legendaries and no one is buying them so the gold just piles up more and more.

Absolute terrible system. May as well Wait until the next expansion.


Unless you’re buying carries, gold has little value in the modern game. Why would anyone sell a token right now, except KSM?

You’re looking at it wrong. The gold they are worth is set by Blizzard. When they are not selling as well, Blizz increases the gold value.

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They don’t control the price… supply and demand does.


It’s odd. You would think that the higher cost would drive away the players who buy tokens for playtime.


What is KSM?


If no one bought them on the AH then the price would go down.

So who’s buying them?

Maybe those 300 druids running in and out of Irondocks in the exact same way are paying for their subscriptions with tokens. Armies of druids generating the in game gold that’s given to the people that buy tokens at the store.

Need to keep the AH price high. Otherwise it would be too easy to pay for your subscription with gold and who would pay $20 for 25k gold?

So most likely what’s happening is less people are buying tokens at the store.

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i’ve been avoiding google in the hope that someone on the forums would actually explain it, with so much talk of it…